
Minsk And Duduki Village

Yuri and I are on our way to Duduki Village, which is also an open-air museum. On the way Yuri talks about the war period. During the war, Nazi officers completely burned 620 villages in Belarusian territory.. Some of them are now open to visitors.

There is another open-air museum 18 km away from the city; It is possible to see authentic buildings in “Ozertso” here, too.. However, we could not go there.

We see a Windmill on the way to Duduki village.. After the photo break here, we come to the entrance of the village.. At the entrance there is a wooden church standing alone in the middle of the grass. It’s amazing!

They get a small amount at the entrance to the village.. Inside, there are rows of chambers and each chamber has a different handicraft.. In these small rooms, the locals display their handicrafts.. There are those who make wood carvings and vases from clay, respectively.. Note the entrance to these chambers. They made wooden steps. Wood is already a warm material, the locals here are also very warm, you can see that there is a warm atmosphere in this village.. In the last part, there is an area where old cars are exhibited.. Those who are interested in cars should not miss it.

We are visiting a traditional village house right next to it.. It has a bread oven, sled, and handcrafted covers.. small 2 storey house. Yuri was originally from Gomel but settled here with his wife and son as there is better business potential in Minsk. Meanwhile, the unemployment rate in Belarus is only 1.6%.

From here we head towards the horse farm. We feed the foals kept there. While we are walking towards the dawn corral, 9-10 horses come out of the corral and start running.. I’m watching with admiration.

It’s time for the horses to train. Here, if desired, you can tour in a small area with the horse of your choice.. While we are waiting for the return of the horses, we visit an old house built in 1899, which is now used as a museum.
Linen weaving is famous in this region.. Inside the museum, there are many old weavings, spinning wheels and clothes made of linen.

Now it’s time to see the horses.. There are various wooden sleds at the entrance of the barn.. This corral contains horses brought from all over the world.. All of them are beautiful.

From here on, we are going to taste homemade bread, butter, honey and a kind of potato.. Since we’re full, it’s time to try homemade vodka…

They serve brown bread, honey and pickled cucumbers on top of the vodka.. Now we’re warmed up, we’re ready for a new flight. Before going to the airport, we go to the souvenir shop at the exit of the village and take our gifts to the airport.

However, we were a little late.. We were worried about catching. The message Yuri sent right after check-in was “Are you okay? I’m waiting for you outside in case there is a problem”, proving to us that Belarusians are at least as hospitable as we are.

With love to Yuri…

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