
Meeting of Two Travelers in Singapore


Singapore, I almost always spend my time in the hostel I stay in.. How many days has it rained almost every day. Whenever I made plans to go out, I found myself in front of my laptop in the hotel lobby, fiddling with my blog.. So much so that I didn’t even go out much except for dinner.. There were times when I slept at 5 or even 7 in the morning, and woke up at 10 or in the afternoon during the day. was passing by editing photos and syncing them with google. Of course, I spent most of my time editing my Yolmak.com site and preparing it for articles.

While I was waiting for my passport from Turkey at my hostel in Little India in Singapore, something disrupted my routine.. Nice thing. Bekran, who left her hometown for 2 months and went on a world tour, walked through the door of the hostel.

We have been in touch since I learned that he was on the road.. After Nepal, India, Thailand, Myanmar, Japan, Cambodia, his new address was Singapore.. We were going to meet with Bekran in Koh Phangan, Thailand, but when he changed his plans, this is where he got lucky.

You should definitely take a look at the blog page titled The Road Never Ends, Long goes, where he tells about his wonderful travel writings.. It is currently in the top 3 in the blog awards competition.

We took advantage of this historical moment and kicked ourselves out.. We came to the Marina Bay area by walking from the hostel we stayed in.. There was neither the night liveliness I had seen before, nor the chirping crowd of the daytime.. It was eight o’clock in the evening, but everywhere was empty and dead.. We thought Mondays should be like this.

We wandered around taking lots of photos and chatting about our road stories.. We threw ourselves into the casino of the Marina Sands Hotel for coffee.. Afterwards, we completed our tour around Marina Bay and went to Clarke Quay area.. This is actually the place where I took my first step to Singapore.

When I first came here by subway, I felt how similar Marina Bay was to Sydney Circular Quay.. Upscale, expensive bars were packed for the World Rugby Championship. Now, just past midnight, all the places are closed and there are no customers in the open ones.

It was almost 5 hours before we left our hostel and walked around Singapore.. We returned to our hostel after midnight.. Again, when we were talking about photos, internet, e-mails, messages, it was 4 in the morning when we slept.

These hours were almost routine sleeping hours for me.. I had to break this order.

Day 503: Singapore:12 Little India, Monday, 19 December 2011

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