
Lubljana Travel Guide – The City of Freedom and Authenticity!

Lubliana Travel Notes and Places to Visit in Lubljana

If you are looking for a green, small city where you can visit in 2 days, inexpensive and cheap flight tickets, welcome to Lubljana. You’re at the right address!

Let’s get you here right now!

Lubliana was the first stop of our Slovenia trip and became a city we love very much in every way.. We even loved Slovenia in general so much that we had already planned our next ‘nature vacation’ on the way back! Lubljana may not sound like a ‘nature holiday’ by itself, but since Slovenia is a lush country and it takes 2 hours from one end to the other, you can have a huge ‘green holiday’ in Slovenia if you have a few extra days.. That’s how we did it, and we reserved two days for Lubliana and the other days for ‘greens’! Our article about the 30km valley climbs with our rented mountain bikes and the magnificent Bohinj lake, where we immerse ourselves in its waters, is on the way.. Now let’s talk about Lubliana!

We loved it here. We even loved. We don’t know if we’ve mentioned it before, but one of us has been to Macedonia 14 times for various reasons (it’s not an exaggeration, it’s a fact!) and is a total Balkan lover.. In love with the air, water, food and friendliness of the Balkans. His grandfather had already immigrated from the Balkans.. It’s called drawing blood, just like that.. We cannot express how happy we are to have found the sincerity of the Balkans in Slovenia and especially in Lubliana.. Anyway, let’s try to explain!

Come to our Lubliana Travel Guide!

Lubliana Travel Notes

When to go and how long to stay?

We went in August and although we were lucky with the weather, we were a bit disturbed by the tourist crowds.. If you can stand the cold of the Balkans, you can go in winter time, if you cannot stand it fully, you can go in spring or autumn.. Accommodation will also be more affordable.

Lubliana is a small city, but it has sweet cafes, nice bars, beautiful parks and a city market.. Therefore, if you spare 2 days, you can both visit all parts of the city and find time to explore the places where locals go.. Good luck even if you can spare only 1 day. With a good planning, it is possible to visit the main places of the city in 1 day!

Transportation to Lubliana, Central Transportation from the Airport, Urban and Intercity Transportation

We had planned to go to Ljubljana by train from Munich, where we actually live.. But on the way to the train station, a storm broke out in Munich and lightning struck the train line.. As such, public transport was suddenly canceled and we missed our train to Lubliana! Since we could not give up on our travel plan, we went to the Munich bus station and bought tickets for the first bus to Lubliana.. As you can see, we went the old fashioned way!

We think (or hope) that there is no one else who reads this article and probably goes to Slovenia by bus and gets off at the bus station! After getting off the airport, you can easily reach the city center by taking the airport shuttle.. It costs around 5 Euros per person and takes about 30-40 minutes to the center.. We estimate that a taxi will not cost less than 50 Euros, so if you are not in a hurry, you can choose airport shuttles.

If you are going to rent a car online, the most logical thing is to pick up the car from the airport.. So you don’t have to worry about going to the airport.. We wanted to rent a car, but there were no cars left in the first 3 car rental agencies we entered.. So we gave up and traveled between Bled-Bohinj-Lubliana by bus all the time.

Busses depart from Lubliana to Bled and Bohinj every hour.. You do not need to buy a ticket in advance, you can buy the ticket from the bus terminal or even directly from the bus driver.. The bus to Bled takes about 1 hour and is around 8 Euros one way.. There is also a bus from Bled to Bohinj every hour and it takes half an hour, around 4 Euros one way.. If you want to go directly to Bohinj from Lubliana, it is around 10 Euros one way and the road takes 1 and a half hours.. As you can see, it is easy to go anywhere by bus, a car is not necessary ?

If you are traveling with children or if your time is very limited, renting a car is of course a good option.. Of course, provided that you rent it online in advance! By the way, if you are going to use the highway in Slovenia, it is necessary to stick the ‘Slovenia Vignette‘ on the window of the vehicle.. If the car you rent is not available by itself, you can get it from gas stations and the cheapest is around 15 Euros.

We have a simple solution for urban transportation; to walk! There is no place in Lubliana that you cannot reach on foot.. Besides, it’s already a small city and you can enjoy it on foot.. You can rent a bike to have fun.. You can become a member of the bike network in the city from this site and if you take the bike from the bike stations in the city and leave it at another station within 1 hour (or the same), you do not pay any fee.. If you spend 1 hour, you pay it. We didn’t rent a bike because we went during a very crowded period and the city was just as crowded.. There was not much room to use the bike freely.. If you go in autumn or spring, you can be more comfortable.

Accommodation in Lubliana

Unfortunately, accommodation fees are expensive in Lubliana.. Frankly, we don’t know why, I think the prices are quite high because there are many tourists and few hotels.. Our good news is: Since Lubliana is quite small, even 1km from the center is considered almost ‘extra-urban’ and hotel prices suddenly become cheaper.. If you are willing to walk a little and go a little bit outside the center, you can find much more affordable hotels.

We had limited time in Lubliana this time and we were very tired because we came by bus.. That’s why we stayed in the double room of the Adhoc Hostel’ right in the center and paid 60 Euros per night.. The location was very good, the hostel staff were also very sweet. Maybe if we had more time and weren’t so tired, we could look for a more affordable hotel.. Don’t you arrange it in advance, what is the year? We seem to hear you say. Of course, we normally arrange the hotel in advance, but since our Slovenia trip was a bit spontaneous, this time we went almost ‘crow pump’ and unplanned.

If you are looking for a ‘hotel’ both in the center and in the true sense, and I guess 80 Euros per night.

Moroccan Traveling – Places to Visit in Lubljana

Lubliana is more than just taking a specific route with a map or navigation, but rather ‘just so’ on its streets. a city you will enjoy. But of course, let’s write down the places ‘must walk’ while you are unknowingly walking on its streets and enjoying it!

Pseren Square

This is Lubliana’s pedestrian only, from the middle The square crossing the Lubliyana river and all around is full of coffee shops, hamburgers and bars! It was named after one of Slovenia’s most famous poets.. We liked to walk around here, but the places around it are way above the prices in Lubliana.. Even if you don’t eat here. ?

One of the most interesting things in the square is ‘Triple Bridge’ ie Triple Bridge. Designed by ‘Plecnic’, the Gaudi of Lubliana at the time, it connects three of the city’s biggest attractions; Old town part, town square and open air market place. By the way, while crossing the bridge, we met a French traveler who is on his 6th year of his world tour.. He has been traveling the world for 6 years by making and selling bracelets.. We continued on our way by buying a bracelet for both of us as a souvenir and wishing dear Aksel lots of fun when he travels the world. ‘ bridges. Couples come to these bridges and hang a colorful lock with their name on the bridge.. So they are ‘locked in’ to each other forever. If you ask us, it means love, or loving someone in general; For us to let go is to fly like a bird. It’s not about being tied to a place forever, it’s about sailing to brand new things.. ? That’s why we don’t just cross these bridges in European cities and connect locks? We crossed the locket and wished happiness to the young people on Butchers’ Bridge.


Our second favorite place in Lubliana Trubarjeva street became (first one coming)! Imagine a narrow street and bars, falafels and boutique shops to and fro. Of course, imagine that the whole place is covered with graffiti.. In fact, we liked this street so much that we spent both our first and part of our evening in this street.. It was very enjoyable and at the same time, eating and drinking was very cheap in the places we went.. We will talk about the details in the eating and drinking section.. ?

Ljubljana Castle

Is there a European city without a castle? of course it will. Is it okay without seeing the castle? Impossible. ?

Ljubljana Castle takes 10 minutes to walk from the old town and you have to walk or take the funicular to reach the castle. The owner of the hotel we stayed in told us that the funicular round trip takes about 4 Euros and takes 2 minutes, it is never worth it, go and walk.. So we walked and it didn’t even take 10 minutes to actually get to the castle! If the weather is not too cold, you do not need to take the funicular to reach the castle.. Let’s go!

The castle was used for various purposes such as a prison and observation area at the time, and now you can tour inside and see these areas.. This time, we didn’t go because we had enough to visit the castle. we stopped by the market place (Pogacarjev Square) and bought some cheese to take to Munich. Maybe it doesn’t interest you, but because we miss the tastes of Turkey so much and we can’t find good cheese in Munich, we don’t miss such markets. ?

The University of Lebanon‘s campus is also close to the ‘old town’ area of ​​the city and is at the corner of the ‘Congress Square’. We loved the campus very much and we wished we had done Erasmus here at the time.

While speaking, Ljubljana is an Erasmus student city and both accommodation and food and beverage are very cheap for students.. If you come here to Erasmus, you have lived!

You can even find the interview we made with a friend who went to Erasmus Internship in Lubliana here.. Good luck.

Tivoli Park

We love cities with easy access to green. When choosing Munich to live in, we were attracted to the fact that it was ‘in the green’.. Here is such a city in Ljubljana. Tivoli Park, which you can reach from the center of Lubliana by walking in maximum 20 minutes, is a huge and green and peaceful place.

While visiting a city, we usually leave our hotel in the morning and come back in the evening, and we need to go to a park and lie down on its grass to recharge our energy.. We take a half hour nap on the grass and continue walking.. Tivoli Park has become Tivoli Park for us, as well as Lubliana’s ‘half-hour resting park’!

We enjoyed Tivoli Park very much because it was summer, the weather was very nice, and Ljubljana is an extra peaceful city.. Some were having a picnic, some were drinking beer, some were kissing and smelling their girlfriends, and some were just lying on the grass and having a snack like us.

The point is, parks are beautiful.. Tivoli Park was also beautiful ?


We did not visit any museums during our trip to Slovenia. Our time was limited and, to be honest, we didn’t feel like ‘going to a museum’ (there will be people who condemn it now).

If you want to visit, you can search ‘Moderna Galerija’, that is, the Museum of Modern Art. .


We left the best for last!

The must-have, the most original and the one that impressed us the most in Lubliana this is exactly the place. While it was the central barracks of Yugoslavia at the time, this is a living space taken over by rebellious youth in 1993, and it is also an ‘autonomous social centre’! It is considered the home of originality, freedom and art.. It is also one of the most original and free spaces we have ever seen.. It’s kind of a parallel universe.

There are mostly young people inside and the conversation is very dark.. Everyone is friendly. Drinkers, guitar players, homeless, penniless travelers, gay couples, everybody’s here. There is room for everyone in Metelkova. There are alternative concerts in the evenings and young people have fun until the morning.. We can’t dance until the morning anymore due to the age limit, but we devoted one night to Metelkova and we were very impressed.. Something very different came out while Hipsterland was waiting. Go, your trip is summarized.

These were the places we visited in general in Lubliana, and most of the time we walked without looking at the map, without caring where we were in the city.. This is how some cities enjoy themselves.

We traveled a lot, walked a lot and ate a lot in Lubliana! We ate a lot because there are so many Balkan restaurants in Slovenia and their prices are very affordable.

Food and Drink chapter

Sarajevo 84′: Maybe it will sound a little strange, but when we were in Lubliana, our 1. It was our wedding anniversary and we went to the Bosnian kebab restaurant in the evening. We are a couple who do not care much about special occasions, so we wanted a place where we could both have a nice meal and not be bored.. We did very well, very well.. We love it here! It may not be suitable for you for your wedding anniversary, but on a normal day, you should definitely go! Two of us ate like crazy, drank beers and paid a total of 24 Euros.

Das ist Valter: This is a chain Bosnian fast-food restaurant, and it’s different in Slovenia. there are places. It’s ideal for a quick snack even if we don’t like it very much.

Pop’s Place: This place was a highly recommended hamburger place, but we didn’t like it at all, it’s also very expensive. Beer and fries so good. Two hamburgers + one potato + two beers cost 30 euros. The ‘Lolita’ right next to it is highly recommended, but it is too touristic in our opinion.

Cantina Mexicana: We have a habit of trying a Mexican restaurant in every city we go to.. We loved this place too.. We can say that it is a quiet Mexican restaurant.

Magda: This is not actually a coffee shop, but we stopped by for coffee before visiting the Lubliyana Castle.. Since it is right next to the market in the square, you can take your coffee and watch the environment.. Suitable for a coffee break.

If you want to spend time in the evening, have a beer or two and have a snack, you can try the places on ‘Trubarjeva’ street.. We sat at the outside tables of the small bar on the left at the entrance of the street, but we did not record his name.. That’s how we jump in from time to time.

The place where we couldn’t find time to go was the dessert shop ‘Cacao’.

These were the places we generally visited in Lubliana, and most of the time we went without looking at the map. We just walked around the city, not caring where we were.. This is how some cities enjoy themselves.

We traveled a lot, walked a lot and ate a lot in Lubliana! We ate a lot because there are so many Balkan restaurants in Slovenia and the prices are very affordable.

It has become a city that we love in every way.

Have a good trip everyone!

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