
Kep Town Tour by Bike

Koh Tonsay (Rabbit-Rabbit Island), 4.5 km southwest of Kep Town, Cambodia, has 2 white beaches and a place often mentioned with its rich underwater life.. Even though I intended to go to this 2 km long island where only 7 families live, I gave up.

I decided to rent a bike in the morning and explore the surroundings.. When I woke up in the morning, a surprise was waiting for me in my pocket.. I was surprised when my hand touched something wet and soft, while I was trying to get the earphones from the pocket of my trousers, which I was not yet dressed in.. The first thing I did was to prepare the camera and start researching what was in the pocket.. A chubby frog had made my pocket a home in the cool of the night.. Whereas in my bungalow my pants were hanging on a nail in the wall. Since I didn’t like the bungalow, I moved to Visalsak Guest House ($6).

The hill I’m on is green and hundreds of butterflies are flying around.. In fact, even though I want to head for one of the trekking routes in my heart, I tried to be content with just cycling today due to some work in my mind.. I passed through the roads with a magnificent view and reached the famous Kep Crab Market by the sea.. Caught crab and other seafood await customers at the crowded market. Apart from live crabs, baskets filled with shrimp, squid and fish were also ready for sale.. I wish I loved seafood. Crabs can also be served cooked for those who have the patience to wait for 10 minutes.. You can buy it here and have it cooked at the hotel.. If you wish, you can enjoy crab menus with a huge menu for 15 TL, in front of the magnificent view at the restaurants selling seafood nearby.

Although the view of the sea is beautiful, the beaches are not that good.. Of course, my comparison here is South Asian Beaches.. You don’t listen to me much.

The beach is quite crowded after the Songkran Festival.. If you look at the children, teenagers and adults who enjoy the sea the most, they are either swimming in their clothes or lazing around in hammocks or in the shade.

One of my favorite things to do in Cambodia is to watch the sunset from an open field of view.

Simply amazing!

Day 627: Cambodia:21 Kep, 20 April 2012

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