

Kayaköy, which became a ghost town after the Greek people forced to migrate during the population exchange period evacuated the city, is one of the must-see places of Fethiye. With the exchange, around 4000 Greeks were sent from the village to Greece. It is not difficult to catch the feeling of being lost in an open-air museum in its labyrinth-like streets.

It is not difficult to imagine children chasing balls and steaming stoves in the village, where tourists are wandering around with their cameras in their hands in the ruined roofs, walls, and empty streets. It’s as if they were there just yesterday, on vacation and will return.

A perfect moment to relax after reaching the chapel at the top of the city. When I put my back on the rocks and watch the city from above, I want to play hide and seek in its streets. Is it very difficult to return the experiences in the ruined walls and narrow streets?

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