
Kastamonu’s Green Paradise Ilıca Waterfall

Ilıca Waterfall is located in Pınarbaşı district of Kastamonu.. The exit of Ilıca Waterfall Horma Canyon is also. A few months ago, my friends crossed the Horma Canyon and finished the canyon crossing by jumping from the Ilıca Waterfall.. Ilıca Waterfall pours from 15 meters. I couldn’t attend because my foot was injured, but I loved the photos of Ilıca Waterfall.. We start the first stop of our long journey from Ilıca Waterfall in Kastamonu.

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Instagram: Nerdesinbahar

Where is Ilica Waterfall? How to Go?

When you set off from Istanbul, you reach Pınarbaşı district after passing Karabük, Safranbolu and Eflani districts.. Signs direct you from there.. The distance between Pınarbaşı and Ilıca Waterfall is 12 km.

From Ankara, you can also use the Seyydi, Azdavay, Pınarbaşı route.. It is 4 hours away from Ankara, but not very close to Istanbul.. If you are not in the nearby provinces, you can plan a weekend to come here.. Our campsite is a little outside of Pınarbaşı.. As soon as I enter Ilıca Waterfall in the navigation, it finds the way easily.

The road is quite broken and gravel.. We are advancing dust by layer. Quite a bend. You can’t go very fast. Don’t go anyway. You will pass through such beautiful landscapes that you must enjoy it.. The weather is so hot and we are so tired. We drove all night. We set up our tents and hit the road to Ilıca Waterfall.

After half an hour, we reach the residential area close to Ilıca Waterfall.. You can only get here by car.. We have to walk the rest of the way. First there is a stony walkway and then a wooden walkway. It offers very enjoyable and very beautiful visuals.

Update: In 2018, the entrance to the waterfall was free, but in 2019 the entrance to the Ilıca Waterfall was paid.. Entrance 5 TL

While walking on the road, we sometimes come across half-dry trees. These are boxwoods. They say that the caterpillars and butterflies that come with the kiwi seedlings have disturbed the ecological balance.. When the dragonflies decreased with the drying of the streams, these butterflies became more dominant and dried these boxwood trees.. It actually hurts a little bit.

We can tell that we are approaching the waterfall from the sound of the water.. Crossing a wooden bridge. You can go directly to the waterfall without using the wooden bridge.. Our guide likes to push us. The quickie Ahmet, whom we met while crossing the Yarikkaya Canyon, is with us and he is our guide..

  • Click if you want to read my adventure crossing the Yarikkaya Canyon.

Ilıca Waterfall

It is like a legend to step out of the lush forest into a clearing and see Ilica Waterfall.. Especially in this heat. month of August. first sight first love. A lake was formed from the flowing water in front of the Ilıca Waterfall.. Sometimes heaven is compared with photographs, or here is such a place.. If you cross the wooden bridge, it is not possible to reach the beach formed under the waterfall without entering the water.. When you come to Ilıca Waterfall from the normal walking path, it is very easy to reach the lake in front of it and the beach in the lake.

This is what happened because we crossed the suspension bridge.. As always, there was no one swimming in the lake and waterfall at first.. My bikini is already inside of me. We came to swim. The water is pretty cold. As we jumped, jumped, and swam under the waterfall, people began to swim.. I’m used to this situation. Everyone actually wants to swim, but they do not enter with the thoughts that it is forbidden, shameful.. If a person enters, it will come after him.

We fell asleep while trying to dry and sunbathe on the beach at the waterfall.. We traveled without sleep. Sometimes in my sleep, I hear the crowd around us and sometimes it gets quiet, but I don’t have to open my eyes.. people come and go. The waterfall has visitors all day. We sleep like unconscious at that time.

If you see someone sleeping like that, please try not to shout at them.. Yes, it’s not a sleeping place, but I think we can get along easily with a little respect for each other.. If we weren’t so tired, we would rather swim, chat and have fun instead of sleeping there.. I don’t know how long we slept, but when I open my eyes, I see someone setting up a hammock on the side where we first entered the waterfall.. This is Erdinç Bey, one of my canyoner friends.

Ilıca Waterfall Food and Drink

We continue to swim and have fun when the team gets crowded with a rested body. We’re pretty hungry actually.. We couldn’t think of taking food with us.. If you are going to stay as long as us, make sure to take food with you.. There is no business in the place where Ilıca Waterfall is. There are pancakes at the beginning of the waterfall road. Pancakes around 8-10 liras. There is a 15-20 minute walking distance between the place where we left the car and the waterfall. Do not forget that you will climb a little on the way back.

We were quite hungry and thirsty when we arrived at the Observatory.. Our orders are coming one after another. The operator is funny.. When we have some fun, it starts to revolve around us.. “Shall we go?” I say. says “yes”. I’ve never seen such a frank. it makes us laugh so much. So they close early. If you are too late, you will understand that there are no pancakes.. There are places to stay in Ilıca Waterfall.. There are 14 houses to stay in Park Ilıca.. I have no idea as I haven’t experienced it. Camping in Ilıca waterfall is much more attractive to me.. I am a nature person.

We were told later that sewage was mixed into Horma Canyon and the water was not clean.. I talked about this information later with many people. “No such thing,” he said.. We didn’t feel any smell or pollution.. There was nothing visible.. We did not experience any discomfort afterwards.

For me, swimming in these ice-cold waters, sleeping, resting, spending a cool summer day in the lush trees is expensive. it was immeasurable. Every now and then he comes in my dreams. I am missing. I hope I can go again.

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