
Kars Travel Guide & places to visit in Kars

Kars Travel Guide and Places to Visit in Kars

We were very young when we read Orhan Pamuk’s book Snow years ago (we were in the last year of high school). After what was told about Kars in the book, Kars remained in our minds as a city with its own identity and soul, but a bit pessimistic and quite emotional.. Then, Kars Travel Guide, places to visit and food and beverage guide!

After years, while we were making our 2019 plans, we couldn’t postpone seeing Kars any longer and we ended up in Kars. With the Orient Express, that is, in the best way possible!

After spending 4 days in Kars, we left the city so happy and impressed that we will never remember Kars as a pessimistic city.. On the contrary, we will remember with hope.. And we even loved it so much that one of the guides we prepared with the most pleasure awaits you.

We came with the energy that Kars gave us and in our Kars travel guide article, , Kars When to go to Kars, Kars car rental, Kars travel budget, Transportation from Kars to Ani and Çıldır, Kars places to visit, Kars Accommodation suggestions, How many days to visit Kars, When to go to Kars and Eat and drink in Kars‘ and We talked about where to eat goose meat in Kars in detail. Here is our Kars Travel Guide and where we visited in Kars in 4 days! ☺

When to go to Kars?

Let’s put it this way, we went to Kars in the last week of December and the snow that should normally start in January started on our last day in Kars.. In this way, we were able to compare the normal state of the city and its appearance under the snow.. We say to Kars under the snow, it is so beautiful.. But when it started to snow and the city was covered in snow… it was as if a magic hand touched the city and everything became more beautiful.. After seeing this, we say that if you go to Kars outside of snowy periods, you will definitely love Kars, but if you see it snowy, you will fall in love! Especially if you come with the Eastern Express in snowy times, you can enjoy the snowy landscapes…

Normally, before global warming and dams hit Kars so much, snow starts to fall on Kars like the end of October until mid-March wouldn’t get up. Now it’s different, we went at the end of December and it snowed for the first time while we were there.. That’s why I’m going in December, don’t think it’s definitely profitable, you know global warming!

Kars Rent a Car & Driving from Kars to Ani and Çıldır

There is no need to rent a car to tour the center of Kars, because the city is on foot There are many places to visit, but we guess you will want to go to Ani and Çıldır as well, then renting a car is also an option!

Car Rental in Kars

Avis is the only global car rental company in Kars, its prices are slightly above the average, so you can choose local companies.. We rented it from Akbulut Rent a Car, which we found on the internet, and it was smooth.. We paid 120 TL for the day of the vehicle, including insurance.. When renting a car, make sure to have insurance and make sure that the car has winter tires.. The person who delivered the vehicle told us exactly: ‘be careful when driving, most of the people who drive the cars you will see in Kars do not have a driver’s license!

Before you set off for Ani and Çıldır, be sure to ask about the condition of the roads around (for example, the hotel you are staying at).. There may be frost in very winter times.. It wasn’t there when we went.

Going to Ani and Çıldır by Taxi

You can also take a daily taxi to Ani and Çıldır.. Most people who do not want to rent a car travel like this, and the taxi drivers are now like a guide, they show you around the beautiful Ani and Çıldır.. You can arrange a taxi when you arrive in Kars or before you go.. We have the following account as the taxi driver contact number; Kars Taxi Ali. Of course, it is useful to be careful about the price.. As far as we know, taxis are around 200 TL per day..

If you do not want to agree with a taxi, you can join daily tours to visit Ani and Çıldır.. So it’s a long way to go to Ani and Çıldır!

How many days does it take to visit Kars?

We stayed in Kars for 4 days and when it was time to return, we still could not take our enthusiasm from Kars. Namely, if you have limited time, you can fit Kars in 2 days.. one. day Kars center, 2. so that the day will be Sudden and Crazy.

We visited Karsı on the first 2 days, Çıldır on the third day, and Ani’ on the last day. In the evenings, we participated in the entertainment in the garden of the Katerina Palace.. 4 days passed like water. We even thought that if we had one more day, we could go to Sarıkamış..

If that is not enough and you have time, you can go to Ishak Pasha Palace, which is two hours away from Kars.

Accommodation in Kars – Kars Accommodation Recommendations

The Best Hotels in Kars

Many hotels have opened in Kars in recent years and there are now many accommodation options. For every price group. That’s why we think you can find accommodation comfortably in Kars.

Most hotels in Kars are still booked in the old fashioned way, that is, by phone.. Some want prepayment, some don’t. You can also book the same hotels online on hotels.com or trivago.com, but mostly the same hotels are more expensive in this application.. The best thing is to call and make a reservation.

We stayed at Kars-ı-Şirin Hotel for the first two nights.. A hotel opened in the center of Kars in the last 3 years. They were both very attentive and very clean.. We paid 270 TL per night for the room including breakfast.. This price may increase or decrease according to the season.. The hotel’s website is here.

For the last two nights, we stayed at the famous Catherine Palace.. Katerina Palace is a click away from the center, but there is nothing to say about its building and environment, it is so beautiful! There is a concert almost every evening in its garden and it is open to everyone.. Even if you don’t stay at the hotel, you can come to listen to the concert.. There’s even mulled wine in winter time! Sitting by the fire in the garden, listening to the live music and diving into the snow-covered landscapes.. a piece of our heart really stayed here!

Besides these two, we recommend that you also look at Hotel Kent Ani’ or Kars Konak Hotel for a suitable accommodation option.. We do not recommend Hotel Cheltikov, one of the most expensive and famous hotels in Kars.. We didn’t like their attitude when we called to get price information..

The people of Kars are such sweet people that no matter which hotel you stay in, they will definitely guide and help you.. If you need anything, you can ask the hotel you are staying at.

Then let’s come to the Places to visit in Kars part of our favorite place of Kars travel guide!

Kars Travel Guide – Places to Visit in Kars

Kars has been under Russian rule for 40 years in history. Russian domination, the influence of Armenian culture and the Ottoman Empire, history left unbelievably beautiful buildings in Kars.. It is our duty to list them in our Kars travel guide article.. Some of them are still very well-maintained, while others are not. /h3>

Russian Era Girls’ School: This is a nuns school built in 1883. One of the buildings that impressed us the most was this school..

Governor’s Building and Revenue Office: The Kars Agreement was signed here on time! It was restored about 10 years ago.. There is a Revenue Office in its immediate vicinity.

Kars Chamber of Industry and Commerce: This is the one we liked the most among the Russian style buildings.. You really feel like you are in another era..we said it a lot, but we will say it again, we can’t stand it, especially if it’s under snow..!

Ismet Pasha Elementary School: The most beautiful school building we have ever seen we can say really.

Apart from all these, the structures that should be noted and seen; We can say Gazi Ahmet Muhtar Pasha Mansion, Kars Provincial Health Directorate, Caucasus University State Conservatory and Mazlum Ağa Bath. Mazlum Ağa Hamam is very neglected at the moment, so you may feel a little sad.. But let’s not forget that Pushkin came to this bath in his time, watched Kars Castle from here, and compared Kars Castle (due to his majesty) to his mother-in-law..:)

And the famous churches, mosques and Castle of Kars. Of course there is..

Church of the 12 Apostles (Kümbet Mosque)

The Church of the 12 Apostles was built in 932 and 937, that is, in only 5 years! In its dome, there are 12 human figures symbolizing the 12 Apostles.. It was a famous Armenian family of the time.

After the completion of the 12 Apostles Church, another Armenian family had the Akdamar Church built in Van – Akdamar Island.. So we can say that the race between the two families brings out these two beautiful churches..

12 Church is used as a mosque today. The 3 doors on its exterior were built later, approximately 1000 years later, but so successful that we would never have guessed if Piri Guide had not told us!

Fethiye Mosque

Fethiye Mosque, 19. It was built as a church at the beginning of the century, when Russia occupied Kars, and after the liberation of Kars, it was converted into a mosque..

After being converted into a mosque, it underwent a major restoration and a minaret was added on both sides.. Although some say that its originality is very deteriorated, we loved it as well..

Kars Castle

We came to Kars Castle, which Pushkin ‘likened to his mother-in-law’! Kars Castle was built by the Seljuks in the 1100s and was destroyed by Timur in the 1300s.. Later, in 1579, it was rebuilt by Lala Mustafa Pasha with the edict of Murat III.. It’s still standing since that day..

Because it is on the top of the city, you can see the streets of the city, and even the mountainous areas of Erministan.. We did not go inside the castle, if you have little time, just see the view..

Namik Kemal House

Namik Kemal came to Kars in the 1850s and lived here for 1.5 years. It is said that he even took his first literature class here.. Here is the house where Namık Kemal lived in Kars for 1.5 years.

It is free to enter.. Paintings from the period are exhibited inside and there are events from time to time.. Again, it was a place that made us sad because it was a little neglected, but what can we do..

Kars Museum

Kars Museum was opened in 1981 and nowadays mostly archaeological stone works are exhibited in it.. Since the place is a bit far from the center, you have to walk for half an hour from the center or take a minibus.

Open every day except Mondays.. Let’s give some unnecessary information; If you want to get permission for drone shooting in Kars and its surroundings, you can receive your document here!

Then there is Ani Ruins(Ruins) Travel Guide and Çıldır Lake Travel Guide!

Kars Travel Guide: Ani Ruins – Ani Travel Guide

Ani Ruins Travel Guide

Ani Ruins, or rather we won’t call it a ruin because the people of Kars get very angry, Ani Ancient City or Ani Ruins is located about 45km east of Kars, on the border with Armenia. an ancient city of thousands of years.

It is one of the first settlements of Anatolia and has hosted different cultures for centuries.. Since it is on the Silk Road, it was one of the richest settlements in Anatolia at the time and its population reached 120,000.. That’s awesome for that period!

Transportation to Ani Ruins(Ruins): Getting to Ani Ruins(Ruins) by Taxi you can come. However, if you do not come with a tour, we recommend that you download the Ani guide from Piri Guide before you come.. One of the reasons why we were so impressed by Ani is that we visited Piri with a great guide.. By the way, the entrance to Ani is 12 TL, it is free to Müzekart, let’s say that too.. You buy the ticket at the door.

In addition, a free shuttle to Ani Ruins departs in front of the Kars Provincial Special Administration building from time to time.. For this, you can call the municipality and get detailed information before you go.

Places to Visit in Ani Ruins

Places to visit in Ani Ruins are a bit scattered. The most beautiful part is the Arpaçay view, which is visible from almost every angle.. That’s why we decided to list the structures that we strongly recommend seeing;

  • Ani City Walls
  • Tigran Honents Church
  • Gakik Church
  • Seljuk Monastery
  • Great Cathedral
  • Abul Manucehr Mosque – Mosque with large windows, looking towards Silk Road Bridge from Ani.
  • Fethiye Mosque
  • And Abughamrents Church – This is the famous, iconic church you see in Ani photos.

Ani impressed us a lot, in Anatolia there are so many places we want to visit!

Çıldır is next;

Kars Travel Guide: Lake Çıldır Travel Guide – Things to Do in Çıldır Lake – Places to Visit in Çıldır Lake

When it is clear that we are going to Kars, the most asked question we get is ‘Çıldır lake’ is it frozen?. Then we won’t be able to understand the freezing of Çıldır so much that we thought that the lake might freeze after all… We would learn later that the real fun in Çıldır starts after the lake freezes! Do you say those who break the lake and fish, those who run horses in the lake, those who drift with their cars, or those who dance halay? we will talk about when it freezes, how to get to Çıldır and what to do in Çıldır.

How to get to Çıldır Lake

Çıldır Lake is within the borders of both Kars and Ardahan and takes about 1.5 hours by car from Kars.. If you do not want to go by car, you can agree with taxis or come with a tour.. Both tours and taxis have become experts in this business, and they can take you from Ani in the morning to Ani in the afternoon and to Çıldır in the afternoon and tour both of them on the same day.

When Does Lake Çıldır Freeze

Çıldır lake usually freezes completely in January and does not open until March. By the way, it is such a big lake that how does this lake freeze? you say but it’s freezing. They say that it even freezes overnight when it’s -40. Such is the geography of the East! However, due to global warming, the seasons have changed, and the balance of Çıldır is also off. It was December when we went and a very small part of Çıldır (inner lake part) was frozen.. That’s why you need to research any month before you go.

What to do in Çıldır Lake?

The most popular activity in Çıldır Lake is Atalay’s Place, Arpaçay Log House. Go to ‘ne (right next to Atalay) or Yusuf’s Yeri, have lunch first, and then go down to the lake.. If Çıldır is not completely frozen, there is no one in Atalay’s Place yet, we can say that Yusuf’s place on the inner lake side is the only place until the lake freezes.. When we went, Yusuf’un Yeri was frozen, so everyone, including tours, ate lunch here..

Menu fix; Çıldır’s specialty is yellow fish, or meatballs for those who don’t eat fish.. Yellow Fish (or 4 meatballs) + water or coke + a small dessert 50 TL. It was very expensive for us, I think Yusuf’s Place has increased the prices quite a bit because it is the only place.

When the lake freezes, sleigh riders descend into the lake for those who want to sleigh. You can sleigh or watch.

Apart from all these, one of the most popular activities in Çıldır in recent years is ‘ice fishing’. Namely; before you go, you can make an agreement with one of the fishermen in the area and go fishing together in the lake.. In the lake, whose ice thickness reaches 80 cm, you can break the ice and fish Eskimo style.. We didn’t do it, but if you want to try it, you can call Yusuf or Atalay’s place before you go and get the phone number of one of the fishermen..

When is Lake Çıldır Festival?

‘Lake Çıldır Festival’ is held in Çıldır in February. Its history changes every year, depending on the lake’s freezing.. If you are going during these times, you can call the municipality and find out the exact date.

We really loved the nature and frozen state of Çıldır.. While we have come all the way to Kars, we say what we should do and see Çıldır! When you come to Çıldır, don’t forget to go for a waterproof coat and size!

Finally; Boğatepe Village!

Kars Travel Guide: Boğatepe Village

Boğatepe Village, where Kars gruyere and kashar cheese production begins, is approximately 50 km from Kars.. You can negotiate with minibuses or taxis.. If you have time, we say definitely see it!

In 1878, the Russian Tsar deports Molocons, who are scarce, to Kars, and thus cheese production in Kars begins.. When Kars is taken over by Turkey again, the villagers in Boğatepe become competent over time.. There is even a cheese museum in the village.

You can go to Boğatepe in the morning and visit the cheese museum, and then you can be a guest at the villagers’ house for breakfast.. In fact, there is such a system in the village, every day a villager prepares breakfast in his house and if it is someone’s turn that day, those who come to visit go to his house for breakfast.. Entrepreneurships like this make us very emotional.. Long live Kars!

This is our list of places to visit in Kars in general.

Speaking of breakfast and gruyere…let’s come to the food and beverage part in Kars!

Kars Travel Guide: Kars food and beverage recommendations – What to eat in Kars?

Kars is a city that really excels in food and drink, so much so that when returning from Kars at the airport, one more gram is something. We had no place to eat, we ate so much!

Let’s talk about where we ate and what we ate;

Hanımeli Ev Yemekleri

This is a delicious home-cooked restaurant created by Dilek Hanım, the first female entrepreneur of Kars.. The owners are so caring, the food was so good, we loved it!

Here we tried Kars’ famous noodle soup and hangel’. You can think of Hangeli as a false ravioli.. Garlic yoghurt and butter chili peppers are poured over the small cut doughs.. You should definitely try these two flavors while you are in Kars.. We also ate ‘unaware gonak’ for dessert. A very light dessert made with flour, milk, eggs, honey and 7 different spices.. Try it, have it checked.

Some evenings there is love fight here. If you say lovers’ bickering, as an Anatolian tradition, two bards reciting verses to each other, accompanied by saz.. In Kars, especially in the winter months, there is a quarrel in the evenings in crowded places.. Try to come across one..

Pushkin Restaurant

Pushkin Restaurant is one of the most famous places of Kars. It is very difficult to find a place if you do not make a reservation before you go.. At the same time, there is a Caucasian show and a skirmish in some evenings.. We also came across an evening with a Caucasian show and we were very impressed with the talent of the team.. There is also a knife throwing show at the end, those who have a heart should not look too much!

At Pushkin, we tried the unique Pushkin soup with turmeric and goose meat. Goose meat is the most recommended flavor of Kars.. We thought we’d try it because we trusted it here, but I guess we’re not very different meat people..we didn’t like goose meat.. But if you are going to try it, you should definitely try it in such a place, they say that it is not goose meat that is served in lesser-known places..

We can say that Pushkin restaurant is the number two we recommend in Kars..

Kılıçoğlu Patisserie

You can think of this place as a huge modern patisserie. On the menu, there are options such as hamburger, pizza, pancakes.. It can be considered if you want to eat cafe food instead of trying the flavors unique to Kars.. We ate pancakes, it was good, but you can choose a more authentic place for breakfast.

Kosor Cag Kebap

When the cag kebab we ate on the Eastern Express was a disappointment, where to find cag kebab in Kars? we said we can eat and the locals suggested Kosor Cağ Kebap. There is no menu inside anyway, there is only cag kebab and salad, so you won’t be thinking about what to eat.. Kebab was delicious and prices were very reasonable.. So, this is the address for Cağ Kebap.

Ekspres Cafe (formerly Craft)

If you are looking for a place to sit and chat in Kars, this is the right address! It’s a big coffee shop with a variety of coffees, desserts and cafe dishes on its menu.. Also the owner is very interested in everyone.. We went here two days in a row.. You will see that mostly tourists and students in Kars are leaving..

There is also Milkbar Brother’s as an alternative to Express. The specialty of this place is various flavored milks.. The milk was really nice, but since hookah is also smoked in the place, it is much better if you come during the daytime hours, that is, during the hours without hookah!

Han-ı Hanedan

There is no alcohol in most dinner places in Kars. They are never against drinking, but there is not much alcohol in their eating and drinking culture. Therefore, the number of places with alcohol is also less.. If you want to drink alcohol, for example try Syriac wines, Han-ı Hanedan is the best option.. Prices are pretty normal too..

Boğatepe Village Products Breakfast Hall

Now let’s talk about a place we don’t like at all. This is a breakfast place in the center of Kars, which was established with the support of Boğatepe Village and also sells the natural products of the Boğatepe village.. But we think that in recent years, the tourists who came to Kars have found enough money and there is no longer any concern for their well-being.. Everyone inside was sulking so much and so indifferent that we were shocked.. We ate and got up quickly. Its breakfast is also good.

Gastro Kars

Gastro Kars opened in Kars this year. Pınar Kaftancıoğlu, the owner of İpek Hanım’s Farm. Don’t think of this place as a local place, it appeals to the elite who come to Kars.. On the menu, there are options such as tenderloin with sauce and leg of lamb.. If you are looking for a place like this, you may love it, but if you want to try more local flavors, Hanımeli and Puskin are much better..

Karsak Cheese Paradise

If you want to buy the famous Kars gruyere and Kars honey while you are in Kars, Karsak Cheese Paradise is a place where you can trust its products.. Not just gruyere and honey, there are many more natural products inside. We bought gruyere, old cheddar and honey from here.

We didn’t go to Kars Goose House, which is the most recommended among all Kars eating and drinking recommendations, and frankly, we didn’t feel like it when even one person in Kars didn’t recommend it..

Kars was one of the most beautiful cities that 2019 taught and showed us. We will not forget this distinctive city!

We love you Kars.

We are waiting for those who plan the Eastern Express to our Eastern Express travel article..

Stay with Love!

We are also on Instagram and Youtube and we are waiting for you.



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