
Karain Cave

Karain is one of the largest natural caves in Turkey, located 30 kilometers northwest of Antalya.. It has been concluded that it has been actively used as a settlement center for 500,000 years from history to the present.. It is known that people living in the Paleolithic, Neolithic, Chalcolithic and Old Bronze Ages used this cave as a living space.

Before visiting the natural formations in our country, it is useful to have information about how they were used.. In this way, you can better understand the natural formations and easily interpret the traces you see.. Now we would like to give you the information you need to know about the world famous “Karain Cave“.

History of Karain Cave

Karain Cave was founded in 1946 by Prof.. It was brought to the world of archeology as a result of the researches of Dr İsmail Kılıç Kökten.. Kökten had very limited and limited opportunities while doing research in the process of exploring this cave.

He carried out excavations and soundings in certain parts of the cave (except Section A) between 1947 and 1973.

After İsmail Kılıç Kökten’s death in 1974, research on Karain Cave was stopped for a while.. In 1985, Prof.. Dr.. Researches were started again by Işın Yalçınkaya and they are still continuing today.

Information About Karain Cave

Karain Cave’ As a result of the researches carried out in Istanbul, it was thought that it would be more accurate to describe it as a network of caves rather than a single cave.. After the researches started in 1985, the cavities in the cave were named as “A, B, C, D, E, F and G”.

From the Lower Paleolithic to the Late Roman period, many The cave, which was home to humans, sheds a lot of light on archaeological studies about Anatolia.

The cave may have been used for different purposes throughout its history.. People who lived during the classical periods may have used Karain Cave as a temple, there are Greek inscriptions and niches on the forehead and outer walls of the cave.

Findings from Karain Cave or its immediate vicinity Prehistoric relics are exhibited at Karain Museum and Antalya Museum.

Karain Cave’ Remains of animals such as lions, giraffes, elephants, hippopotamuses and hyenas were excavated.. Painted ceramics, one of the most important features of the Chalcolithic Age, are exhibited in museums.. In this way, you can understand that people living in the Chalcolithic Age lived near the cave.

Portable art products unearthed around the cave allow us to have an idea about Anatolian art.

The other caves in and around Karain are nominated for the World Heritage List as a mixed site with their natural and cultural features.

Karain Cave Entrance Fee 2020

Karain Cave entrance fee varies between 3 and 5 TL per person. You have the chance to visit this cave unlimitedly for one year with Müzekart+.

Karain Cave Visitor Hours

April and Between October and October, the opening time has been determined as 08:00 and the closing time as 19:00.

The opening time has been determined as 08:00 and the closing time as 17:00 between November and March..

Where and How to Go to Karain Cave?

Karain Cave is located 31 kilometers northwest of Antalya, within the borders of Yagca Village of Döşemealtı district.

You can see the signposts for Karain Cave after driving 13 kilometers on the Antalya – Burdur highway so that you can visit it with your private car.

You should do a little nature walk in order to reach the minibus.. Reach Yagca Village by using the minibus lines running on the Antalya – Burdur road route, then you need to walk from the village to the cave.

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