
Journey to Nature: Campgrounds in Bolu


The natural beauties around Istanbul continue to surprise us with each passing day.. This time we turn our route to Bolu.. While we are enchanted in Yedigöller, we start to search for where else to visit in Bolu, and the beautiful natural wonders show that we are not mistaken.. Click to see also on the map

Bolu is a paradise with its travertines, waterfalls and plateaus.. Autumn and spring months are just the time for Bolu.. We also have nature, there are hiking trails, then we say that there will be camping, and we fall on the roads of Bolu.. Here are the natural wonders and camping areas of Bolu;

Bolu, Yedigöller National Park

What does Yedigöller do with its colorful trees, but what does it do? Although it is far away on our map, we could not pass without mentioning it because it is within the borders of Bolu province.. We also loved Yedigöller. That’s why we include the name and details. You can find it in our article.

Bolu, Gölcük Nature Park

When Painter Bob said, “You’re going to draw a house here,” he actually wanted to paint the picture below. we think. How can a landscape be so magnificent?. The nature park, which is 13 km south of Bolu city center, is actually an artificial lake and was established on an area of ​​1300 meters around it.. You can stay in bungalows in Gölcük Nature Park.. There are places to eat and drink such as buffets and restaurants.

Bolu, Abant Lake Nature Park

Abant Lake Nature Park, 34 km from Bolu city center, is built on 127 hectares around Abant Lake.. Even though it is flocked by excursionists especially on the weekends, the plains around the lake are a perfect paradise to put a tent and relax.. Those who are interested in photography should also prefer Bant Lake because of the painting-like background formed by the leaves of the trees keeping up with the season in autumn and spring months.

Bolu, Örencik Plateau Camping Area

Abant Lake On the road, there are flat areas suitable for camming in Örencik Plateau, one of the most beautiful plateaus of Bolu.. It is also very ideal for hiking and mountain biking.

Bolu, Mudurnu, Sinekli Highland Camping Area

The plateau, which made its name known with the Sinekli Highland Festivals in July, is once again very convenient for camping

Bolu, Samandere Waterfall Nature Park

In Samandere Waterfall Nature Park, 24 km from Düzce, there are three waterfalls, monumental trees and the Witch’s Cauldron around the creek that stretches for 500 meters. The places named are registered by the Ministry.. In fact, Samandere Waterfall is Turkey’s first registered natural monument.

Bolu, Akkaya Travertines

It is interesting to know that we are so close to the travertines, which are known as Bolu’s Pamukkale.. It is 10 TL to enter the travertine pools.. The pools are separated for men and women.. Also, since there is a soda source in this region, you can drink soda from the source.. We still say be sure.

Sarıyer Plateau

What can be said about the plateaus? Spacious greenery, camping areas and pristine nature..

Pelitözü Highland

Pelitözü Highland in Mudurnu is located 7 km from the city center..

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