
Jordan Travel Guide

Those who are curious and prejudiced about Jordan, the hidden paradise of the Middle East, welcome it! I have prepared an excellent Jordan travel guide in every aspect!

Our prejudice against the Middle East generally prevents us from seeing its beauties.. However, there are many beautiful and safe places there.. You just have to go knowing where you are.. Jordan is one of these places.. Be it in its history, its climate and its people, it may be the most diverse – and awe-inspiring – of places you can travel to.. Which is already a very popular tourist country.. If so, here you go, places to visit in Jordan and many more details about it!

Where is Jordan ?

It is located right in the heart of the Middle East. Next door to Israel and Syria. The closest witness to what happened between Israel and Palestine. It neighbors Israel from the east and Syria from the south.. At the same time, it has a small coast to the famous Gulf of Aqaba in the south, and a part of the Dead Sea remains within the borders of the country.. Its capital is Amman.

Which Languages ​​Are Spoken In Jordan, What Is Religion And Faith?

The country’s photographic language is Arabic. However, since it has been under the influence of various cultures in the last two centuries, English and French are also among the languages ​​spoken.. Already, the dialects of the Jordanian people have been considerably influenced by English, French and Turkish.

Accepts Islam as the official religion.. It is said that 92% of the country is Muslim.. Although the majority of the remaining population is Christian, there are also Baha’i and Druze followers among them.

Population of the country and its Economy

Jordan’s population has reached 7 million in recent years.. It is a very good number in terms of density, because its area is slightly larger than the area of ​​​​the Marmara Region.. Its cities are not very crowded.

Jordan’s economy, where agriculture is prominent, is one of the worst economies in the Middle East.. Often in need of foreign aid. In fact, one should expect more from the lands where agriculture emerged, but agriculture was also heavily affected by this, as Israel occupied its fertile lands in its time.

Of course, one of the most powerful weapons of Jordan, which has very important historical regions, is tourism.. Although the contribution of tourism to the country is not as much as agriculture, it is quite high.. You’ll see as you go and browse, you’ll be cherished here, and they’ll probably do anything to please you.

The Enormous History of Jordan

The history of civilization, which goes back to ancient times, has brought some discussions as well.. Communal buildings dating back approximately 12,000 years have been found, and as a result, the theory has been put forward that Jordanian natives settled down before agriculture.

Another research shows that the first known amphitheater in history is in the BC.. It shows that it was built here around 9600 BC.. From this point of view, Jordan’s history is also very important for the history of civilization: There are regions where the first wheat cultivation was done, not just with art.

Many civilizations have appeared in these lands over time.. The most important of these are Assyria, Babylon, Persia and Rome.. With the disintegration of the Roman Empire, these lands passed into the hands of the Arabs.. It is one of the important addresses of the Crusades organized in the Middle Ages.. It joined the Ottoman lands in the 19th century.. one. With the end of World War II, it ceased to be a British colony and declared its independence in 1946.. Incidentally, this is actually a kingdom and its full name is the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan.

Jordan What is the Climate of Turkey and When to Go?

Due to its proximity to the Mediterranean, a similar Mediterranean climate is observed in the south and north of the country.. However, the desert climate is dominant in the middle parts.

Winter months are rainy but mild. Especially the period between November and April is the rainy season.. If you like rain, you can choose these months, but this can be a bit of a problem as you will have to go here and there all the time.

The summer months are hot and dry.. It has been observed that the temperatures reach 50 degrees in summer.. However, since the humidity is low, this temperature will not overwhelm you.. But you’re pretty quiet! In this sense, visiting Jordan in the summer is a very interesting experience.. But of course, if you’re looking for some comfort, I think you’ll be more comfortable in late spring or early autumn.

What Money Goes Here?

Let’s come to one of the most important issues, sir.. How much will we spend in Jordan and return? Jordan’s currency is the Jordanian Dinar. Don’t look at me when I say the economy is bad.. To have 1 Jordanian Dinar, you have to sacrifice approximately 6 and a half Turkish Liras.. Yes, it’s more expensive than the Euro!

How to Get to Jordan

It’s easy to go to Jordan from Turkey.. There is a direct flight. As you can find 2-3 flights during the day, there are flights 3-4 days a week.. These flights are arranged to Amman and Aqaba.. They take approximately 2 hours. After arriving at the airport, you will take another 45-minute journey, either by public transport or by taxi, to reach the city centre.

Where to Stay?

Let’s talk about where to stay in Jordan. I will tell you about Aqaba and Amman.

Life in Amman is a bit expensive. However, it is possible to find a hotel for every pocket and taste.. We recommend that you make your reservation in advance, as hotels fill up quickly.. Especially tour companies are closing most hotels. But don’t let that deter you. If you say, I will pay less, the hostel will be fine, it is possible to find a hostel for 20 dollars per night.. If you ask for a room, they’re also around $50. Even if you want to stay in a five-star luxury hotel and have fun, you will sacrifice at least 100 dollars per night.

The situation is no different in Aqaba.. Prices of hotels are between 300 – 500 TL per night.. These are the mid-range hotels we’re talking about.. If you wish to stay in more luxurious hotels, you have to agree to pay 1000 – 1,500 TL per night.

Be sure to be close to public transport for both cities.. Because the places you need to visit are in the city as well as outside the city.. Don’t spend a significant part of your day reaching for transportation. Save your energy!

What to Eat and Drink in Jordan

Jordanian cuisine is truly commendable.. Jordan is an endless country with its famous dishes.. They have a cuisine close to us, but interestingly, it is also different.. Fattoush salad is a very popular food, it is prepared by mixing tomatoes, lettuce, pita bread, cucumber and sumac.. Since rice is an important food, its maklube is also beautiful here.. Lamb and chicken meat are used as meat most of the time.. There are lamb tandoori that are legendary. Cooked underground in the heat of the desert. Mansaf, which is made from lamb meat, served with rice and eaten with one hand, is among my suggestions.

Tea is mostly consumed in the country.. In addition, they have a drink that is very good for the heat: Mint lemonade.. They do it very well and you’ll be enchanted when you drink it in the heat.

Shopping in Jordan

I said Jordan is an expensive country. But of course, like everywhere else, it has pocket-friendly zones, you just have to research it.

Jordan’s most famous material is soap and care products.. Together with the rich minerals and salts of the Dead Sea, these soaps will be very good for your skin.. It is also a good cooling tool for hot weather.. It is announced to those who ask what to buy as a gift from Jordan.

Of course, handicrafts are also highly developed here.. You can find many earthenware products.. Besides, oil paintings are also very good.

Nightlife in Jordan

Of course every pressure has a breaking point. Amman and Aqaba are very rich cities in terms of nightlife.. You can find what you want. If you want to drink your tea, hookah, chat, if you wish, find a bar or nightclub and dance wildly, the decision is yours!

Places to Visit in Jordan

Let’s come to the favorite part. Let’s see what awaits you in Jordan!


Jordan Petra is among the most beautiful places you can see in the world.. This is actually an ancient city, it lies between the Dead Sea and the Gulf of Aqaba.. B.C. 400 to AD. This was the capital of the Nabataean Kingdom for 106 years.. Also called Rose City because of the color of the rocks. Here you can find amphitheaters, houses and tombs carved into limestone.. There are even those who come to Jordan just for a trip to Petra.

The Dead Sea

The Dead Sea is the third saltiest lake in the world. That’s why you don’t have to do much when you get into it, it will lift you anyway because of its intensity.. That’s why they call it Ölüdeniz.. The one who named the lake Lut, Hz.. It is the belief that the cities of Sodom and Gomorrah, where the tribe of Lot, to whom Lot was sent as a prophet, lived, were under this lake.

Ram Valley

Also known as the Valley of the Moon. It is the largest – and possibly the most beautiful – valley in Jordan. This is a place that has hosted many cultures since prehistoric times.. I do not say for nothing that Jordan is the cradle of civilization.. Here you can see a lot of rock photos, graffiti and temples.. They are also on the UNESCO world heritage list.


Let’s come to another important city. I can directly count the city itself among the places to visit in Aqaba.. A city that has preserved its historical and local texture very well at some points.. You may feel like you stepped out of a thousand and one night tales.. This place was once the meeting point of pilgrims who went on pilgrimage.

Jordan Archaeological Museum

Jordan’s historical places are innumerable.. You go there again, but definitely make your way to this museum.. You can find the history of Jordan in chronological order here.. You can see important pieces and items from its culture.. Remember: These are items that belong not only to Jordan, but also to the entire history of humanity.


There are many places to visit in the capital Amman.. This place comes among the oldest still living cities in the world. From its geography to historical buildings, art houses and museums, you can find a lot of information about Jordan in this city.

Kasr Amra

In other words, Amra Castle.. It is located in the southeast of Amman. It is a castle that has remained from the desert castles to this day.. These forts were once built for the safety of caravan routes passing through the desert.. You can see many wall photos from the Umayyads on the walls of Kasr Amra.. These photos also allow a comparison with the Muslim understanding of that time.

Mount Nibu

You can see this mountain on the way from Amman to Petra.. Jordan is the most famous historical place. Because this is Hz.. It is described as the place where Moses saw the promised land, died and was buried.

Temple of Artemis

This is a Roman temple in the city of Jerash. Its construction was completed about 2,000 years ago.. Only 11-12 pillars of the temple remain and therefore it looks like a ruin but whatever. It is also a very good example of how culture can spread.. A Temple of Artemis in the Middle East!

You now have a lot of information about Jordan. I wish both the reader and the traveler know the best and have a good trip!

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