
Italy Travel Notes

After my Schengen visa was issued, I said I would do a little tour of Europe and I planned the route below and set off with my backpack. Of course, it is not possible to leave immediately.. First, I did a few days of research for intermediate flights and made my route and overall accommodation plan accordingly, on which days the most suitable tickets were available.. Thus, my travel expenses decreased to more reasonable levels. I used Ryanair once and Vueling once for intermediate flights.. My other means of transportation were two buses and five trains.

Restaurant in my travel articles I try to help those who will go by writing what I saw during the trip, my thoughts and all expenses as much as I can, without writing the address, historical information or things that have been written dozens of times on the net about that city.

I landed in the city around 12 noon. Since I did not plan to stay, I wanted to visit the central area and see a general Italian culture.

When you leave the airport, there are buses that go to the city center in front of mc cafe.. You can go directly there.. If you buy the ticket from the bus, it is 4 euros, but if you buy it from the tobacco shop inside the airport, it is 3 euros.. So go back to the airport now, buy the 3 euro ticket and come back to the bus ( : With this ticket, you can use public transport in 90 minutes.. When you get on the bus or subway, it is enough to have the ticket scanned by the machine.

I went directly to the central area, toledo.. The general view of this street and its surroundings is a mix of EminönĂ¼ and Istiklal Streets.. In fact, they even sprinkled the tarpaulin.

Although I generally agree with the travel comments I read before coming to the city, I think that other friends exaggerate the security issue.. Ok niggas all over the place, weird Italian guys always trying to sell you stuff but you nod off. I don’t think there will be any security problems as long as the back streets are not infested at midnight.

The general appearance of the city consists of old buildings like classical italy cities.. (I came to this conclusion after visiting 5-6 cities in Italy). Good luck to the guys, they knew how to preserve history everywhere.

I did not go to such attractions in Naples as I will visit museums and similar places in Rome and Florence.. Because I think that those here will be pale compared to other cities and I don’t want to spend extra money.. Unfortunately, Italy is not a very affordable country for travelers.. For this reason, it is necessary to spend carefully and not to shake the budget.

There are places such as boutiques and stores in the toledo region for shopping.. Branded and stylish products can be purchased at reasonable prices. There are only reasonable prices, no hard numbers.. Of course, remember that stores in Italy are usually closed during the day.. Towards the evening, the shops are open and close early in the evening with the same ease.

If you say you are a stylish person, you like this type of shopping, Napoli can impress you with the shopping event.. I don’t think it will affect anything else anyway.. I can say that you have nothing to lose even if you come and see it.

If you say yes, is it not worth a visit while going to the pompeye? I didn’t go to pompeii either. I usually do not go to such places unless there are visuals or very good works of art in museums, temples and historical buildings.. ‘Cause there’s so many places in the world I want to go. There’s no point in wasting time and money (:

Anyway, I came to cagliari train station at 7 pm and bought my Rome ticket and half an hour later the train departed.. The most suitable ticket with regional ticket. 11 euros. The road takes 3.5 hours. I thought I’d have a pizza while I was waiting around the station. I paid 8 euros for a very tasty medium pizza and a coke on the side.. If you leave the main street and enter a little side streets, you can find cute restaurants with this type of menu and delicious pizza for 7-8 euros.

Even though the train ticket I bought is from the cheapest class, the seats and wagon interiors were better than i expected. 2nd. I say go straight to regional tickets without being contemptuous as a class. Don’t forget to have your ticket scanned by the yellow devices before you get on the train.

I went to Rome without having anything important in mind about Naples.

I landed in Rome around 10 pm. I was at the hostel after walking for 5 minutes because the Hostel Termini I had arranged is very close to the train station.. I stayed in a 6-person room for 18 euros per night.. If you choose your accommodation close to the Termini train station, you can walk to almost every place to visit in Rome.. That was one of my favorite parts of Rome anyway.

The next day I started the day by visiting the Collesium.. It was easier to get to know the surroundings since I went on foot. The entrance fee to the Collesium is 12 euros.. Although there seemed to be a long queue at the door, I was inside after 15-20 minutes. I can say that this place did not look as majestic as I saw in the movies or it did not affect me that much.. There is another museum inside and the entrance is extra 5-6 euros.. Of course I didn’t go there.. I was outside after completing all the places to visit in 1.5 hours. With the ticket you buy at the entrance, you can also enter Foro Romano and Paletino.. A place full of old city buildings and ruins around here.. I can say it tastes like Ephesus in us.. After visiting these places in about 1.5 hours, I finished this region.. There are usually fountains on the roads and walking places.. If you take a plastic bottle with you, you can fill the water from here.. Although it doesn’t taste very good, it quenches thirst. If you say you can buy water from the road, small water is 1 euro.. So unnecessarily expensive.

I searched for a pizzeria on my way back to the centre.. Pizza + drink prices on the street minimum 10 euro. Again, I found a cute artisan restaurant by diving into the side streets.. They make pizza in a stone oven, not electric.. I paid 7 euros for some cheese and tomato pizza with a drink.. I can say that it is a reasonable number for Italy.. But their pizza is really very good. After eating there, our pizzas; You realize that it is bread dough with a transparent sausage on it.

In the evening, I set out for the fountain of love (Trevi Fountain).. Streets and buildings make you feel like you’re wandering in the past. I am once again amazed that the environment has been so beautifully preserved.. Of course, after seeing Florence, I will be even more amazed (:

The fountain of love is always a crowded place.. Even sitting in front of you and watching the nation gives you pleasure.. After standing here for about 1 hour, resting and chatting with a few people, I return to the hostel for sightseeing.

I go out at night but there is no nightlife in Rome. As far as I researched, there is only one nightclub, but nightlife does not mean nightclub.. After not finding a lot of places to spend time, I go back to the hostel and hang out with the people in the room.. If you have the opportunity to meet someone in your room or in the common areas, do not hesitate.. Hostel residents are open to conversation. Thus, you will have the opportunity to meet and mingle with people from different cultures.. So much so that sometimes I even extend my stay for 1-2 days due to the nice hostel environment.

The next day I dedicate my full day to the Vatican and the Vatican museum.. In some articles, you can read that these places will be visited in half a day, but I think that when you get up and go to Rome, you can only spare a full day for the Vatican and wander around to the fullest and rest.. Because I can say that the place that impressed me the most in Rome, maybe even in Italy, was the Vatican. It is necessary to visit this place intimidating.

The entrance to the Vatican is free, but there is a serious queue at the entrance. I found myself among 5-6 Japanese tourists without understanding how it happened.. Since I’ve always loved Asians, I chased after them because they knew something.. Turns out they were a tourist group and had priority access.. Somehow, with the Japanese, I went through the x-ray device and entered the Vatican in 5 minutes.. I didn’t do this on purpose, but I saved at least an hour.

I went straight to the tower of the Vatican church. 5 euros if you take the stairs, 7 euros if you take the elevator. Of course, as any traveler would do, I preferred the 5 euro ticket.. I have read in previous articles that it is very difficult to go out on foot, but I do not know if I am used to walking, it was not difficult for me at all.. You’re sweating a little, that’s all.. If you have a fear of enclosed spaces, I do not recommend going up the hill because some parts of the stairs are wide enough for even two people to pass through.

You are looking at the inside of the church from your first exit point, namely the dome.. It is a very serious height and the people at the bottom look like ants.. You can easily see this in the video below.

Then you climb up the tower again. Very good view of Rome from here. You can both see the famous gardens of the Vatican and have a bird’s-eye view of the city.. Then I go downhill and enter the church, which I look at from above.. the church is huge. When I say Hagia Sophia is the best church I’ve ever seen, my opinion changes now.. The works in the Vatican church, the wall decorations, the harmony in the environment impress me a lot.. I spend about 1.5 hours touring the interior and resting.. The pictures on the walls are unbelievably good. Likewise with statues.. The statue of the Virgin Mary and Jesus on her lap, which is said to be the only work that Michelangelo has ever signed, on the right at the entrance, is really impressive.

I sit in the square and watch the surroundings. After resting, I’m at the entrance of the Vatican museum. Surprisingly there is no queue here. Entrance fee 16 euros. I go inside and slowly start to walk around the rooms.. The museum consists of 6-7 regions in general.. Although I am not much of a museum lover, it is very impressive to see the works. Especially the paintings on the ceiling are incredibly good.. Light and shadows are used so much in the sculpture paintings on the walls that it is not possible to distinguish whether they are sculptures or paintings.. When you come to the last place, the Sistine Chapel, you say yuh, that’s not all.. It is a pleasure to see the well-known works of Michelangelo as originals.. I won’t(a) write anything else for this museum. Because this is not a place to be comprehended by writing or by photos and videos.. If you come to Rome, definitely stop by here.. If you have a time problem, never mind, I say come here directly to the Collesium.

After leaving the museum, which museum can affect me so much, you say?. And so it happens. I also visit the uffizi museum in Florence, but it is not as effective as the Vatican Museum.

I came to the Vatican by metro, but I return on foot.. Although it may seem long, I come to the center in 2-3 hours by visiting the places to be seen from time to time.. On this road, you may have the opportunity to see Italians, not just tourists.. While walking on the road, you can also get a Roman ice cream ohh miss (:

Since there is no nightlife, keep hanging out and mingling in the hostel.

I do not mention churches, squares, fountains and places to visit in the central region.. Regardless of whether you research or not, you pass by all of them somehow.. Entry to churches is already free. Take a map of Rome in your hand, let yourself go to the streets everywhere by walking, you don’t even need the metro.

A well-planned 2 nights and 3 days are enough for Rome, but it’s pretty bad. you get tired. My advice would be to stay for 3 nights and travel comfortably.

Then I continue to Florence.

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