
Information About Venice Carnival

Venice Carnival is a big carnival held in Venice every year in February.. During Carnival, the streets of Venice are filled with masked people.. Young and old, rich or poor, almost everyone wears masks throughout the carnival.

During the Venice Carnival, hotels, hostels, restaurants and cafes are overcrowded but extremely expensive. Fortunately, we caught the last 2 days of the carnival. it cost us dearly. It is said that hotels are not that expensive even in the summer months, which is Venice’s best season.. We paid exactly 48£ to the hostel where we normally would have to pay 30£ for 1 night, and this shocked us a bit.. Because we had to stay here for 3 days and we were planning to visit other cities after Venice.. This situation caused us to take our trip a little forward.

The lights of the city, the masked people walking in the streets and the wonderful atmosphere of the carnival were worth every penny we paid.. If you are planning to visit Venice in February, you should definitely check the Venice Carnival dates and attend this carnival if you have the opportunity.. (Carnival Dates may change sometimes)

If you haven’t decided where to stay in Venice yet, check out my article named Where to stay in Venice ? and see the region. You can choose your accommodation more easily by taking a look at the regional accommodation recommendations and the features of the regions.

You can also click here to browse through Booking.com for the most ideal and most suitable accommodation in Venice. .

When Venice Carnival Is Most Lively

In fact, Venice is more lively during the entire carnival. But evenings when the weather is very cold can sometimes be calm.. Venice Carnival, which lasts for 10 days in general,. it becomes more alive day after day. Italians from other cities of Italy generally begin to arrive towards the middle of the carnival.. But even the last days carnival was great. Especially on the last weekend of the carnival, big celebrations and parties are held.. But unfortunately, hotels and hostels are overcrowded on these dates. You may not be able to find the hotels you want on these dates, depending on your budget.

The San Marco Square, where many competitions are held and gifts are distributed, is the most crowded during the carnival. It is the address where there are many activities.. If you want to go to the place where the carnival shows are and watch the shows, you must have a carnival mask.. Otherwise, masks are sold to you by the staff at a much higher price than the normal price.. The address where you can find the best masks is Ca’Macana (Calle delle Botteghe), where you can find many original masks as well as fake ones.

Venice Carnival and History of Masks


The first use of masks in the Venice Carnival dates back to the 13th century.. Masks used in protest many times, the Great Council of Venice was banned for a while in the city after an egg attack by a masked group. In addition, declarations were published stating that it is forbidden to enter casinos with masks.

In the beginning, Carnival masks were made of glass, porcelain and leather.. Today, the most important of the masks made from cardboard and hand-painted; Bauta, Moretta, Gnaga, Medico della Pesta, Pantalone, Arlechino and Colombina.

Don’t miss the Pub Crawl, concerts and events especially held in St. Mark’s Square during the Venice Carnival.. If you want to wear costumes, you don’t need to buy the costumes. You can find costumes for rent between £30-80.

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