
I Lived, Saw, Learned in America!

It is not possible to count the negative effects of being separated from one’s country, hometown, family, home, country, and soil on a person.. The effort to adapt to a new window that opens with a brand new environment, with the unbearable feelings of being disconnected from the familiar environment, is a very important process that should be appreciated. We come together in the site we stay in, even if not every day.. There are many elements that people with such different cultures and lifestyles learn from each other, observe, see and interpret in their common lives.. In the simplest way, even the food prepared by a person makes one nauseous from time to time, while tasting the food or witnessing the ingredients of the food at another time can arouse curiosity and surprise.. When the part of living in the same house comes into play, everything from cleaning to talking loudly or not talking loudly at night while the roommate is sleeping, but what we call the respect elements of daily life, starts to “sink” or cause discomfort to each other.


Longing for the homeland and the peace of being able to express yourself in your own language inevitably keep people from the same country together.. As a Turkish team, we spent time at each other’s houses every night with groups of 25-30 people, pushing the upper limit of what was possible at the beginning of our American days.. However, after a certain period of time, it started when everyone became surrounded and retreated into their own shells; who, where, what are they doing…

What I’ve Learned in America

When I look back from these days when we are close to overturning two moons to the day I first came to America, I concentrate on a few points. , I pay attention. It turns out that when people are abroad, they pay more attention to their experiences, wear more and wear those that seem simple…

  • Despite the fact that the girls who are citizens of Ukraine most complain about talking about their addiction to sexual life, they insistently state that ; I noticed that many of the men they chose from the United Nations enjoy spending time in their lap.
  • I observed that Turkish girls make it a tradition in Turkey to say “can’t get married” and queue up to try different flavors on their first trip abroad.. Especially in my country, there are many people who say, “My family bore me a lot, of course I will”… >
  • I’ve seen how people can cut ties with their friends when they meet a stranger or two.
  • Comparing the Turkish traffic jam with America, I once again realized that we are really in trouble.
  • To the department that everyone is studying at university. evaluated according to and even divided into classifications accordingly; I also witnessed that these people were chatting with these people and asking questions about their expertise.
  • I saw that a small thing done by a very unrelated person on a huge site can be learned by the most irrelevant person on the site within 5 minutes after the event.
  • I realized that the Ukrainians are lazy, the Chinese are shrewd and stingy, the Jamaicans are ambitious and you wouldn’t believe it, but the Turks are extremely meticulous and hardworking about their work.. I also saw that the best English speaking group among foreign students is not English.
  • I’ve seen Turkish men act like animals hungry for drugs, alcohol, and sex.
  • I realized that Americans are unaware of the rest of the world outside of their own city and they have a very limited world.
  • Again, now I understand better why Americans don’t know how to eat, they fall in love with barbecue sauce, they put ice in their drinks more than they drink, they turn on the air conditioners like crazy, they are a total consumption freak, and why they are obese.


They say there is a good in every job.. I’ve seen a lot more, but these are the ones that come to mind for now. Even though I don’t enjoy it much, from where I am; I have a lot of material that I can use in the future.

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