
Hurghada Red Sea Dive

Our expectations for our trip to Hurghada are increasing day by day and it’s time to dive in the Red Sea, which has a unique underwater richness that flows into the Indian Ocean, which is 2,253 km long, passing between the world-famous Asian and African continents.

If you want, watch our Hurghada Diving video on our Youtube channel before proceeding to all these, and don’t forget to subscribe to our channel Then it will be more enjoyable to read the article.

Red Sea Hurghada diving is one of the most important diving centers in the world. Both the ease of transportation from Europe and the activities that can be done outside of diving have made Egypt one of the most popular destinations of diving companies.. Hurghada has recently come to an important place in the diving locations of the Red Sea.

Let’s come to the story of this beautiful day.. Unfortunately, we got up early today, like every day.. Based on our meeting with the owner of Dive Hurghada, dear Suzanne, Ahmed and Dalia picked us up from our hotel at 08:00 in the morning.. After stopping by the diving center and getting our diving equipment, we set out for Sharm El Naga, the most important diving location of Hurghada.. On the desert road on our left and right, fun arabic music is playing in the car.. In other words, we continue on our way by having conversations about diving, Hurghada and Egypt, which have adapted to the region with everything we have.. We arrived in Sharm El Naga after an hour long journey.. Those who have had diving training or have dived even once in their life know, divers do their own thing.. That’s why we started to prepare by carrying our equipment in the vehicle together without distinguishing between girls and boys.. The fact that we have not been diving for many years (3 years) puts a little stress on us.

We Prepared Our Diving Equipment. Route : Red Sea

But is it okay to come this far and not dive? Of course not! But it was less. how? -align: justify;”>I’m officially out of breath. After a few tries, I wanted to give up diving and return, Ahmed talked about his experience and convinced me and helped me go underwater.. Then, when my excitement wore off, a perfect dive started.

After this short time Orkun’s trouble, we slowly started to dive deep under water.. This magnificent 63-minute adventure with Dive Hurghada diving center was the most unforgettable memory of our trip to Hurghada.

Fish species that can be seen underwater





Sea Rabbit






Napoleon Fish



Moray Fish


and more…..

Short Information : The best time to see hawksbill turtles and have the opportunity to dive with them is between May and June.

We are with you throughout the dive fish that doesn’t leave for a moment

Dive Hurghada diving center in Hurghada, which was a small fishing town a short time ago, has become the best diving center in the Red Sea in recent years You can do daily diving, wreck diving, night diving with Dive Hurghada as well as dive training.

Click here for reservations and information.SummaryArticle NameHURGHADA RED SEA DIVINGDescriptionHurghada Red Sea diving is one of the most important diving centers in the world. Hurghada has recently gained an important place in the diving locations of the Red Sea.

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