
How to Go Abroad without a Passport?

Glorious days! Today I’m going to talk about “going abroad without a passport“. Actually, a passport is a requirement for going abroad, but with some exceptions, it is possible to go abroad only with an identity card.

Of course, there is no visa, no passport, let’s go directly With my experience in more than 50 countries, we can offer you a passport-free foreign trip I will tell you how it will be and what you need to pay attention to, let’s get started !

From Ukraine / Black Sea Coasts, Odessa where you can travel without a passport

Which countries can you go to?

First of all, countries where you can travel without a passport Let’s list briefly, it won’t take too long Georgia, Ukraine, Moldova and the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus. We can only go to these four countries with our Turkish identity card, that is, with our identity card.

Let me remind you again that a passport is a must if we are going to other than these countries.

Moldova is on the list. Added in 2019.

Update: As of 2022, you can only go to Azerbaijan with your ID

Streets of Odessa / From My Passportless Ukraine Travel

How Should My ID Be?

I said identity card, but it’s a habit of mouth This must be a brand new identity card with a chip. I mean credit card sized ones. If you have these IDs, you already have your information and fingerprint in your passport. There may be no need.

You cannot go abroad with any old-fashioned identity.

From My Winter Trip to Odessa / Ukraine

What to Consider When Going With an Identity?


My previous regrets were just a general introduction. Now I’m abroad with an identity card. There are some things to be careful about when going out. Do not think that you will enter by waving your arms because these countries do not want a visa or passport from your list.

First of all, do not go abroad without reading the necessary documents when going abroad routinely, I update this article frequently.

Then when you go abroad without a passport, make sure you have your hotel reservation, round-trip flight ticket and enough cash for the day you stay there. preferably have the printouts with you at that moment. In the days we come to 2022, this is necessary wherever you go! If you do not have these documents with you, it is very likely that you will not be admitted to the country.

You can also go to Cyprus with your ID / Kyrenia Port

Is Travel Health Insurance Necessary?

Another required document is travel health insurance.. The countries I mentioned do not directly mention the request for travel health insurance.. But I recommend it especially for Ukraine and Moldova.

You can get detailed information about travel health insurance requirements and purchase stages from my article here.

Ukraine Go to Istanbul without an ID, but don’t come to the Opera without going to the Opera

How do I fill out the Entry Form?

There is also the subject of the entry form when going abroad with an ID.. This is especially true for Ukraine.. You are given this form when you get off the plane or cross the border on your way to Ukraine, and you simply write down your purpose of arrival, where you will be staying, etc.

It is very important to fill out this form carefully.. The better you fill it out, the more the officer will not ask you questions

Streets of Chisinau / Did Someone Write Something

Should I Log In With My Passport?

E Görkem I already have a passport ?. Especially for Ukraine, I can suggest you to enter with it if you have your passport, for TRNC the ID. Because the political status of the TRNC is still controversial in the western world, the stamp in your passport may be a problem even if it is less likely, it is not worth the risk.

From Another Country With Identity Cards / Chisinau , Moldova

Is International Exit Fee Stamp Required?

Finally, there is international exit fee stamp requirement. I say necessity because you have to get a fee stamp when traveling to countries other than TRNC.. Even if you go with an identity card, the result will not change, you will get it

You don’t need to buy a fee stamp for trips to the TRNC. International fee stamp is on the agenda in 2022 with its price and changing laws You can get detailed information from my article.

This is how I finish my article on going abroad without a passport.. You can ask me your questions in detail in the comment section, I will answer all of them in a short time Here is my comprehensive article in which I explain the documents required for going abroad in general, you can’t do without examining it, stay with love!

Continuation of the article: What to Ask at Passport Control, How to Pass Easily ?

You May Be Interested: What are the Documents Required for Entry to Ukraine?



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