
How to Get to Zanzibar Island? Transportation Tips

Iranian immigrants who left Shiraz years ago establish a state on the island of Zanzibar, located 93 km off the coast of Tanzania in Middle East Africa.. Over time, this island passes under the rule of the Arabs and the British.. Today, Zanzibar, an autonomous island state of Tanzania, manages to attract tourists from all over the world like a magnet.. Zanzibar is waiting to be visited with its unique beaches and structures included in the UNESCO World Heritage list.. I have included some of them in my 11 Reasons to Go to Zanzibar article.

THY has 3 direct flights from Turkey to Tanzania These are: Kilimanjaro, Dar es Salaam and Zanzibar.. All 3 flights take approximately 7 and a half hours from Istanbul.. Moreover, if you are going to buy a mile ticket for these 3 cities, you can get an economy limited award ticket by paying tax such as 20 thousand miles + approximately 750 TL.. Otherwise, these tickets are usually over 2 thousand TL.. You can read in detail how I bought a 2800 TL Tanzania ticket with 20 thousand miles plus 750 TL tax by clicking on the link.

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If you are going to have a combined holiday with safari while you are in Tanzania, it may be more logical to go to Kilimanjaro and fly to the island from there.. In general, the most affordable tickets are mostly to Dar es Salaam, the capital of Tanzania.. The biggest handicap of Dar es Salaam flights is you land in the country at 3 am.. You wait idly outside the airport until 9 am.

How to get from Dar es Salaam to Zanzibar?

There are 2 ways to get to the island from here. The first and most practical of these is the fluttering planes.. The second is the ferry.. Frankly, my advice is to fly planes because you need to land in the center of Dar es Salaam for the ferry.. In addition, depending on the wave conditions of the sea, there may sometimes be a risk of problems in the ferry voyages.. I’ve heard stories of a ferry that sank during the rush hour because it had too many passengers.. Of course, now they were taking more precautions after these accidents.

Sea travel can often be tough on many people’s stomachs.. During my Malta trip, I think 2-3 hour journeys are risky when I see how many people have upset stomachs even on our 1-and-a-half hour Sliema-Gozo Island trip.. Moreover, flying planes is a very interesting experience.

Flashing Planes (don’t pay more than $50)

About 20 minutes to the island by flutter planes. You can reach in a time like. Here prices look at your bargaining power. They open the door to you for 80 dollars in high season.. don’t believe. Bargaining possible here. These planes take off like buses and are often not fully charged.. Ask the seller for the local price. Although flight tickets apply different price tariffs to tourists and foreigners, they can apply these prices to you as well.. I reduced the ticket price to 50 dollars by bargaining. In addition, tell them that you will not pay extra baggage and that you want a shuttle to the airport where the planes will take off.. Otherwise, there is some distance between the two airports and you may have to pay 10 thousand Shillings for this distance by taxi.

I definitely recommend you to experience flying with these planes.. You can take a taxi from the airport to Stone Town for 10 thousand shillings. I finished the job with one of the agencies at the exit of Dar es Salaam Airport, even for plane tickets and even a taxi to meet me in Zanzibar.. With the contact information on the card of Boniface, who helped me, you can start negotiating a flight ticket or even a safari before you go to Tanzania.

Ferry (20-35 dollars)


If you are not very good at bargaining, another alternative is the ferry port in the city center of Dar es Salaam.. Here the fast ferries take you to Stone Town for $35 and the slow ones for $20.. For this, you need to get into the turmoil of the city and take a longer journey.. Also, get a taxi for the ferry port for 30 thousand Tanzanian Shillings.. If you don’t tell them, they may try to rip you off by saying $30.

Buy your ferry tickets for Zanzibar Island from Azam company’s own box office.. If they say we have no place and try to sell you expensive first class tickets, ask for the next time.

How to get around in Zanzibar Island?

In Zanzibar, mostly tourists use taxis.. But the distances are not too short.. For these distances, taxis charge 40-50 dollars.. For example, this is the amount demanded from Stone Town for Nungwi in the north of the island.. However, I heard that it is possible to travel to a figure of 15 thousand shillings per person with shared taxis.. My preference was dala dalalar, which is the public transportation vehicle generally used by the public.. Dala Dalalar works in minibus logic. It stops where you want and charges according to the distance.. You give the money to the assistant. The longest distance is 2 thousand shillings and the shortest distance is around 300 shillings. I explained these vehicles in detail in my Zanzibar Metrobus: Dala Dala article.

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