
How to get to Germany? How Did I Arrive?

In this article, you will find how to get to Germany, what are ways to go to Germany and how I got here I will try to answer your questions. Thus, those who want to come to Germany will be able to see ways to go to Germany and access the details of my arrival story.

How to Go to Germany? What are the Ways to Go to Germany?

1. Going to Germany by Finding a Job

This method is exactly the method I used and that’s how I managed to come to Germany. If you apply for a job in Germany suitable for your profession and work experience and are accepted, you can come with a work permit.. If your earnings in the job you are accepted into is a parallel job with the department you graduated from and your annual gross salary is 55.200 Euros or more, you can settle in Germany with a Blue Card visa.. You can find everything you wonder about this subject in my BLUE CARD WORK PERMISSION article.. In addition, you can find information on many subjects such as how to find a job in Germany, how to prepare for interviews, salaries and monthly expenses in Germany, from the articles in the JOB & CAREER section.

2. Going to Germany with Family Reunification

This is the method my wife came to Germany by applying If one of the spouses settles in Germany, the other spouse can apply for a family reunification visa and go to Germany. it may come. GERMANY FAMILY UNIT VISA. You can also benefit from family reunification and settle in Germany by marrying a German or a Turkish person living in Germany within this method.

3. Coming to Germany via a Master/Master’s Degree

You can come to Germany with a master’s program that you will apply and be accepted to in Germany. You can even earn money by working while doing your master’s degree.. But what you need to pay attention to here is that you are only allowed to work 20 hours a week while doing your master’s degree.. This means 2.5 working days per day, or 5 working days from 4 hours a day.. You can find a job in accordance with the curriculum, so you can step into working life while doing your master’s in Germany.. After completing your master’s program in Germany, you have a 1.5-year job search visa.

4. Coming to Germany to Study at a University

You can come to Germany to study at a university as well as for a master’s degree.. If you meet the conditions of the universities here, you can be accepted to a program of your choice.. After graduation, you can find a job and continue to live in Germany with a permanent residence and work permit.

5. Coming to Germany with the New Immigration Law

The newly enacted immigration law in Germany is a law implemented to attract qualified workforce to Germany. In other words, if you are a university graduate and especially one of the professions sought in Germany, you can get a 6-month job search visa in Germany thanks to the new immigration law.. If you can find a job after coming to Germany with this visa, you can continue to live in Germany by obtaining your residence permit.

6. Coming to Germany Thanks to the Language School

You can come to Germany by applying for a Language School Visa to learn German. After completing your language school, you can continue your university or graduate education in Germany and stay in Germany.

We answered the question of how to get to Germany in 6 different ways, so we can move on to my story.

How I Arrived in Germany?

The most important news for me in the last month of 2015 is the Munich, where I applied. Found out I was hired by the company at strong>. Now I have brand new rush for the new year; There are many question marks such as what I will take with me, what I will do when I go, where and how I will find a house, what kind of work environment and friends I will have..

In 2008 When I went abroad for Erasmus for the first time, I had never taken a long distance trip before in my life.. Imagine being 21 years old and getting on a plane for the first time, not knowing what to do when you get off, trying to find a place to stay with suitcases as big as your own weight (I didn’t have an iPhone and internet in my pocket back then), and you’re going to live alone for the first time; I had many difficulties. Despite this, the Erasmus experience in Vienna added so much to me that when I returned to Turkey, I now knew that I did not want to spend my whole life in Turkey.

Year 2008, Vienna.. My first abroad experience and the first days of being alone for the first time..

Life Is What Happens To You While You’re Making Plans

My first intention is at ITU to complete the last year of my school and to return to Vienna Technical University for master’s degree. I thought I’d get a job while I was doing my MA and I’d stay there.. I think that many of my friends with whom I was with during Erasmus implemented this plan, relying a little on their families, but I could not do it.. I guess I was afraid that if I couldn’t find a job, I wouldn’t be able to go to school and I’d be helpless because I had no one to ask for money.

I changed my plans to start working in Istanbul and learn a little about business life, then I will go by using my work experience here.. But it’s unfortunate, 6 months after I started working, I had a car accident.. I had so many intensive treatments and surgeries that I was not able to go anywhere other than abroad, work, home, hospital, not for more than a year.. I didn’t just waste my time in the hospital corridors anyway; my life energy and all my desire to do something new left me. I wandered around like a spirit that only fulfilled its obligations and never interfered with one step more, silent and unhappy. I think this is called depression.

I thought about graduating and going back to the Technical University of Vienna, but then I gave up.

In the meantime I got married and graduated. I took classes 5 days a week in order to finish my master’s degree in one year, I could return home at the earliest at 10 every evening.. I either worked overtime to get things done, or did my graduate homework and studied until I fell asleep.

Then I saw that it has been 3 years since I graduated Now that I have gained some work experience, my treatments at the hospital have decreased, my marriage has settled down and I have received my MBA diploma, the time has come.

I visited the Google building on one of my Dublin trips.

My Dublin and London Essays

Just at that time, I took the opportunity and went to Dublin, and when I set foot in the city, I thought I should live here.. When I returned, I made some job applications and had interviews following my applications.. But the companies I interviewed were Google, Facebook and LinkedIn, so giant companies. I was flattered that they wanted to talk to me about the positions I applied for in a very short time, but I couldn’t get to the point where I would get a job offer in these companies where an average of 1 application is made every 2 seconds and where the competition is at its peak.. Small companies with less competition said “we can’t deal with issuing work visas” and ended the conversation with me as soon as they learned that I did not have a valid work permit.

Google Dublin Swings on the terrace of ..

When I realized that my dream of working in companies, which is everyone’s dream, in a city that seemed like a dream to me, would not come true, because London is a city I have visited many times and I am used to. I thought of. When I applied, the Human Resources or company officials said, “If you need a work visa, we’ll take a look and get back to you,” and of course they didn’t return.. Throughout the process, I cursed these companies many times, who claimed that I was born in a country that is not a member of the European Union and that they give equal rights to everyone, and that is not at all.

One ​​year in Dublin and After leaving London behind with his efforts, I changed jobs, but in Turkey We moved to a house close to my work, I loved both my new job and my new home.. I didn’t do anything to go abroad for a year when I was in a good mood.

Because companies in London are too obsessed with work permits I couldn’t even try my luck..

It’s Now or Never! Don’t Stop Trying

Then I suddenly started thinking “it’s now or never”. I knew that if I didn’t try abroad even though I was happy with my life at the moment, I would regret it when it was too late to try anymore.. This was and still is the biggest dilemma of my life; I will leave a life where I have no problems and start a life full of question marks where nothing is certain.. But I’ve always preferred to try and regret rather than try and regret, this is what the phrase “chasing your dreams” means to me.

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