
How to get accommodation, food and beverage cheap

How to get Accommodation, Food & Drink cheap

Sometimes a little calculation after travel After you do, you realize that you spend almost half of your budget on accommodation and food.. How did that happen? And when did you gain so much weight? Why couldn’t you foresee this? You thought that you would have a more suitable holiday by choosing a bed and breakfast, but something must have gone wrong?

In this article, of course, stay hungry, stay out, just for the sake of making a cheaper trip. We do not say, be sick, miss local delicacies, go to sleep on the bench or something. We recommend you to cut down on some unnecessary expenses and evaluate this income in different places by sharing your expert experiences on the subtleties of traveling with a low budget, the tricks of traveling to many places with a student budget.

Here’s how to make accommodation and eating & drinking cheaper with a few practical information that backpackers, those who travel with backpacks or those who camp and take a tent holiday, already know, but that beginners have not yet experienced.

Our suggestions on reducing the cost of eating and drinking in international travel:

1- Maintaining the water level in the body, especially in summer, when you walk too much You need to carry a bottle of water with you.. Filling your own bottle from the dispensers in the hotel you will be staying will earn you at least 3-5 euros per day.. When you consider this as at least 20 euros for a 1-week vacation, you can use this budget to buy souvenirs for at least two of your friends. you get hungry or cold. For this reason, you should always eat something that will increase your blood sugar so that when you go to a restaurant at the end of the day, do not leave your wallet on the table with the bill If you say chocolate is gaining weight and you say it is harmful, we recommend you to keep a few of the high-energy but low-calorie protein bars in your bag.. In addition, an apple or banana gives you the energy you need and is a very healthy natural snack.

3- You should have a king-size breakfast before leaving the hotel.. You should store enough energy for the whole day and at the same time give the bed & breakfast its due.. So you have to show respect for both your pocket and your body.

4- Prepare yourself a lunch bag. Of course, we don’t say take a lunch bowl and go, but you can have a cheap lunch and enjoy the weather and atmosphere by sitting in any park or garden with a cheese sandwich, a piece of fruit in your bag.. If you don’t want to carry it with you, you can go to a grocery store a few streets away from each park and do some cheap shopping.

5- Don’t drink too much coffee.. Coffee both makes you snack quickly and makes you thirsty on long walks.

6- You can go to a middle class restaurant for a few evenings and fill your stomach, and you can get at least one meal with the income you get from dinner. You should reward yourself by having dinner in a luxurious place and try local delicacies.. For example, when you go to Paris, you should spend a few days with pancakes, kebabs or Subway sandwiches and try delicious French cuisine in a popular restaurant once.

7- If you are in a hostel If you are staying, you should definitely consider the shared kitchen. You can cook your own meals by shopping at Aldi, Carrefour or local supermarket chains.. Try to buy enough supplies for one or two meals and not to overdo the shopping.

Our suggestions on reducing the cost of accommodation when traveling abroad:

1- Before you go on vacation, you should do a good research for accommodation.. If you do not have a relative, friend, friend of your friend or a distant acquaintance living in the city you are going to, there are several good websites where you can examine alternatives and compare prices. Booking.com is one of them. There are indeed many alternatives on this site, from hostels to bed & breakfasts, from 5-star luxury hotels to hostels.. Also, if you are traveling with a group of 4-5 people, you should take a look at the Air BnB website where you can rent an apartment that can be even cheaper than hostels from time to time.. Other than that, most people with a profile on the coachsurfing site can provide you with a free bed.. If a floor mattress, air mattress, a sofa in front of the toilet, sofa bed, etc. does not matter much to you, you should immediately create a profile on this site and contact other users in the area you are going to.

2- You should definitely read the comments about the place you will stay.. The shares of those who stayed in the same place before you are really valuable.. Spend some time and don’t be lazy to go over the articles one by one.. It will be too late when you see that a hotel you have visited without any preliminary examination is not really clean, the rooms are smaller than you expect, or the toilet and bathroom are shared.. The cost of finding another hotel at the last minute and staying in this hotel will seriously damage your travel budget.

3- Don’t forget to look at the location of the hotel (or hostel etc.) you have chosen on the map.. Some hotels located far from the city can be quite cheap, but when you take into account the ticket prices you will pay for urban transportation, they can become much more expensive.. Some big cities like Paris, London are divided into districts. In this case, for example city center 1. in the area and the hotel you choose for accommodation 2. if in the area there is no problem, but 3. After the region, the place you will stay should be within walking distance of the metro or bus stops so that it does not cost expensive because of the lining.

4- You should prefer hotels including Bed & Breakfast. You will see that you have made a wise choice as you can both have free breakfast and consume an apple for lunch that you can take with you from the open buffet for breakfast.

5- Ask if the hotel has airport pick-up.. Although it is not free, for some cities it will be possible to reach the hotel more economically than taking a train or taxi.. Also, this way, it won’t matter what time you land in your destination city when choosing your flight.

Click to read our cheap flight ticket tips.

We hope this practical information will be of use to you.. We wish you a pleasant trip in advance.

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