
How to Draw an Interrail Route?

In my previous article I answered general questions and curiosities about Interrail. Our topic today is Interrail route planning, which is indispensable for Interrail.

First of all, I would like to start here what is “Interrail Route“. What we call the Interrail route is the main route you will follow during your Interrail train trip..

I actually suffer from this issue a lot.. In general, popular interrail routes and examples of interrail routes are mentioned frequently on the Internet, and people are directed to these routes, again, again and again…

There is freedom in the logic of interrail train travel! You should be on the route you imagine at the place you dream of on Interrail.. Today I’m going to teach you to draw your own interrail route!

Prague Train Station / My Interrail Trip 2013

Deciding on the Cities You Will Go to

How is this interrail route made? ? The first step in making the Interrail route is to decide where you want to go.. First of all, you should mark the cities you want to go on your European trip.. You can use Google Maps for this.

When you look at the cities you have marked on the map, it will become more or less clear what sort of order you will follow between cities.


Now there are two options for creating an interrail travel route;

Sunrise in Salzburg, By Train / My Interrail Trip 2013

Round Interrail Routes

If >We have bought our flight ticket in a round-trip way or if we are going to buy it, which is usually more affordable.. Then you should create round routes where you start and end your interrail trip at the same point.

This route style will also be valid for those who will start Interrail directly from Istanbul.


On the routes you will make in this way, it will be a little difficult for you to go to the extreme parts of Europe, for example, Portugal in the west, Scandinavia in the north, or Poland in the east.

I If you say I want to see and explore farther places, you should listen to my second option this time!

Example of a Round Interrail Route

Straight Interrail Routes


The second option is the straight Interrail route that ends in separate places. For this type of route, you have to buy different flight tickets to and from Istanbul, or if you are starting this adventure from Istanbul, you need to buy a return ticket from the last city you will reach. .

In this way, we call it low-cost more economically. You can buy separate tickets from the airlines for departure and return.

I think we have now decided whether our route will be round or straight.. Now we will plan the journeys between these cities.

Example of a Straight Interrail Route

Finding an Intercity Train Route

From this point on, we need mobile phones strong>. We will download the “Rail Planner” application, which you can find on both iOS and Android markets, and learn the train services between the closest cities to each other that we have marked on the map, with this application.

For example, for a trip to start from Vienna. it would be the right decision to choose the Prague route first. Because when you write these two cities, you will see that you can reach many flights in just 4-6 hours.

However, if there are not enough flights between the cities you have entered, if the travel times to v are too long

strong> that means you should add new cities to this route or plan an extra day for the distance you will travel while planning your route.

I think you have decided which cities you will go to in that order.

From this point on, You’ve already drawn your much-mentionedInterrail route!

Monaco, Monte Carlo Train Station / My Interrail Travel 2013

Things to Consider While Creating an Interrail Route

Now, pay attention while creating your interrail route I will talk about what you need to do.

First of all, don’t create routes that you can’t go! I think a maximum of 500 kilometers of bird flight should be between the cities where you will travel one day apart.. Even this is a very high figure.

People expect to cover the distances that make it almost from Istanbul to Adana and Şanlıurfa in one day and travel the next day with such energy as if they had never made a journey, it’s impossible!

While My Train Is Moving / My Interrail Trip 2013

The Right Interrail Route

You should make your travel route together with your travel plan. You should choose the routes that will not tire you much and have a pleasant and easy journey.. You just need some geography knowledge for this.

Now there is the subject of high speed trains.. You will not use the high speed trains on your interrail travel most of the time. Because they will charge you extra fees, but not in small amounts.

Although most people think that a transit between Amsterdam and Paris is 3-5 hours, however, in reality, my 6 transfer results are in 10 hours. Does it know that I can reach it?

When creating a route, it should not be planned according to high-speed trains. Also, this to make 6 transfers gives you a great tip!

If there are so many transitions, your route has an error. For example, one of these 6 transfers is to Brussels.. So it should be added to the route in Brussels.. My Interrail trip was years ago, and since it included my less experienced time abroad, I almost made this mistake too!

The Amsterdam – Paris Route / Interrail Trip 2013 That The Officials Sampled Me

However, I live, research and using logic I came to these conclusions and gave direction to my Interrail route. Today, I want you to learn these mistakes by living, but you need to see the big mistakes and pay attention and learn how to make an interrail route in general terms.

Interrail Route Examples

I end my article here.. You can read general definitions about Interrail and my other articles I wrote for the Interrail Guide.

In the coming days, I will share my own Interrail route example and other interrail route examples that I have planned, just as an example, these examples are only for Of course, it will be for guidance.

Plan your own Interrail trip yourself and draw your own route, it’s much more enjoyable that way!

What is Interrail – How to do it ?

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