
How Much is the Erasmus Grant, Is It Reimbursed?

Glorious days! Today, I am preparing the “Erasmus grant” article, which is one of the most crucial of my Erasmus series, because money speaks here Especially when the most feared issue of students who want to go to Erasmus is money and scholarship, I wanted to clarify very carefully .

I am doing Erasmus in Brescia, Italy today and I will explain to you the Erasmus grant or Erasmus scholarship entirely from my own experience, let’s get started !

From Italy, where the Erasmus Grant is 500 Euros

Why the Erasmus Grant Is Given?

I think everyone has heard that Erasmus students talk about a grant in one form or another.. Yes, those who go to Erasmus can receive an Erasmus grant with the support of the European Union.

The logic of the Erasmus grant is a little misunderstood.. This grant is not solely to cover the expenses during Erasmus.. The aim of the Erasmus scholarship is to provide financial support due to the additional costs in Europe.

So we must also take into account that we need to spend a certain amount on Erasmus. But if everything is well planned, sometimes you can make a living with this grant Frankly, I can say that I can return myself to Italy with the Erasmus grant.

The Erasmus Bag Given to Me by the University of Brescia

Is Erasmus Scholarship Granted to Everyone?

Unfortunately, the Erasmus grant is not given to all students who benefit from this program.. Generally, each school has a certain Erasmus grant quota, and universities can provide grants to the number of students that fit this quota.

There is also the issue of how this grant is distributed.. In other words, which students will receive a grant?

Actually, the same system is used where the students who will go to Erasmus are selected.. Among the students who will go to Erasmus, grants can be transferred as long as the quota suffices, starting with the highest score. /strong>

Erasmus Scholarship Lies on This Card… / This is my Joking Student Card:)

How Much is Erasmus Grant?

What did they say; money doesn’t matter… The amount is important Let’s talk about the amount of the grant now !

A distribution is made according to the countries visited while giving the Erasmus Grant.. The European countries you will visit are classified in 3 main categories, and the students who will go to the countries in the first two categories receive an Erasmus grant of 500 euros per month, and those in the third category receive an Erasmus grant of 300 euros per month.

*According to the 2022 Erasmus agreement, from this year onwards. grants 1. and 2. 600 euro for group countries, 3 and 4. For the group, it was updated to 450 euros.. Erasmus internships are 750 and 600 euros.

Now let me share these group countries with you;

1 and 2. Group (600 euro): Denmark, Finland, Iceland, Ireland, Luxembourg, Sweden, United Kingdom, Liechtenstein, Norway, Austria, Belgium, Germany, France, Italy, Greece, Spain, Cyprus, Netherlands, Malta, Portugal

3. Group (450 euro): Bulgaria, Croatia, Czech Republic, Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, Hungary, Poland, Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia, Macedonia, Turkey

It is usually always this grant But I want to offer you a different perspective. For example, there are differences in the cost of living between Erasmus countries where you will receive the same grant amount.

So for example, Portugal goes to Denmark. Those who go to Turkey get 500 euros, but the general living prices between these two countries are almost twice as different.. So, I think the one who went to Portugal is very lucky with 500 euros

If you think you will have difficulties in financial matters, definitely choose a school with this mentality! If you say, “Glory, I don’t know which one is advantageous”, ask in the comment section and let’s decide on the most appropriate one

*Important Note: Erasmus+ grants are still applied as 300/500 euros in some schools.. For example, as you can see here, in some schools such as Istanbul University, it is applied as 450/600 euro in its new form.. It is possible that each school will present different conditions during the transition period.

My View of Italy from the Room I Stayed in Erasmus Accommodation is the Item that Erasmus Grant is Mostly Spent

Do Internships Get Grants?

I have explained in my other articles that Erasmus+ program also includes internships.. Those who will do an Erasmus internship can also receive an Erasmus grant with the same system.. But there is a small difference here

For those who will do Erasmus internship, the amount of grants is a bit high. In other words, with the same evaluation, it has been determined as 600 and 750 euros per month instead of 450 and 600 euros. However, I cannot make the following statement about Erasmus grant amounts in general…. I’m giving you a general idea here with 95 percent accuracy.. For the correct grant amount, you should check your school’s Erasmus announcements for that year.. Those who say I can’t find those announcements can write in the comments

From Cagliari / Sardinia Island, Italy With My Friend Who Had Erasmus Internship but I had to The answer is in the question !

Grant, or in other words, scholarship. In other words, the Erasmus grant is never refunded. Of course, as long as you complete your Erasmus as per your responsibilities.. In other words, you came back early, you did not take the exams, in such a case they have the right to demand the grant back from you!

When is the Erasmus Grant Granted?

Erasmus grant is usually given when students start their education abroad.. If you are going in the first semester, it may find the end of September or even October.. Those who will go to the second semester are generally a little more fortunate.

But the aim is, of course, that the students are given an Erasmus grant before they go. For example, I received my grant in August! It is true that I am a bit lucky I should also add that the total of the Erasmus grant is given in one go.. If you are wondering how much of the grant in total is deposited into your account, continue reading.

It is also possible to travel with an Erasmus Grant We are going to Cinque Terre with my Erasmus Friends!

Is Grant Granted for Air Tickets?

Actually, I saw that some universities give an additional grant between 40 and 100 euros, depending on the distance of the city to be visited during Erasmus.. But this is not the case in every university.. For example, Kocaeli University does not give it, I’m sure

You should still try to buy flight tickets in the cheapest way because you probably won’t be able to get paid for this.

Erasmus Grant Calculation

Now, let’s calculate the total amount of grants we will receive in Erasmus!

A payment is made in Erasmus for the total amount of time you will stay abroad.. The dates in the acceptance letter given to you first are important. For example, let the teaching period in your acceptance letter be September 1, 2021 – February 28, 2022. In this case, you will receive a grant for 6 months in total.

Assuming you go to Italy, it means that you will receive a total payment of 3000 euros from 6*500.. However, according to Erasmus rules, 80% of your grant is given on the way.. There are some conditions for the remaining 20 percent.. In other words, a total of 2400 euros will be deposited in your account when you leave.

Also, assuming you go and return on the dates written there… will be cut. Those who have trouble calculating on this subject can ask in the comments section

My Erasmus Bracelet and Gorkemliyollar

Is There Any Grant Deductions?

Yes! There are some rules in general when receiving an Erasmus grant…

These percentages vary from school to school, but are generally the same.. The 80 percent given at the beginning is not demanded back from you.. The remaining 10 percent is a simple exam for contribution to a research on Erasmus Language Development, usually called OLS.. The remaining 10 percent depends on your success during your semester at Erasmus.

If you succeed in 75 percent of the ECTS courses you take in Erasmus, you can receive the remaining 10 percent grant!

When is the Erasmus Return Grant due?

Assuming you deserve the rest of the Erasmus grant It may take a long time for this money to be deposited in your account…

Because you know that even though the semester is over, the exams , results, paperwork, then matching them etc.. then finally it will take you a long time to finish your Erasmus work.. Therefore, you will be able to receive it approximately 2-3 months after you arrive.

Guess Which Erasmus Country Is This? / Porto, Portugal

Erasmus Early Return Grant

If you return from Erasmus early, you usually have to return the grant. However, this may differ depending on the duration of your stay and the reason for the return.. Generally, the decision-making authority rests with the International Relations unit of your university.

Which Bank Should I Deposit My Erasmus Scholarship in?

I told you that your Erasmus grant is deposited in a single bank.. This can create problems in withdrawing money abroad.. After all, we can’t afford to go around with 2-3 thousand euros

I don’t want to give you the name of the bank here, but if you do a little research on the internet, you will see that there are reliable banks abroad that provide free cash withdrawal and ATM use. Use them and don’t spend extra! Although it may seem small, 2-3 euro withdrawal fees can reach 100 euros in 6 months.. You can even go on a one-week trip with this money

I Wait For Those Who Are Curious About My Erasmus Budget In Italy

How Is The Erasmus Budget? How Much Money Will I Spend?

Yes, now let’s get to where the grant issue is related.. Will this grant be enough for us during Erasmus? Or what kind of a budget we will face It’s hard to know before we go !

But luckily I went In fact, I’m on Erasmus right now. I explained my Erasmus monthly budget and expenses in detail for you. You can learn everything about Erasmus budget from me from this article.. Those who do not read will lose a lot!

I think we closed the Erasmus grant issue in this way.. I don’t think so, but if there are places I forgot to mention, please do not hesitate to ask in the comment section Love to all of you from Erasmus Brescia !

Continuation of the article: Which Countries Can Be Visited With Erasmus?


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