
How Is Tata’s Jaguar XKX Concept Car?

When Indian Tata bought the British Jaguar and Land Rover brands for $2.9 billion in 2008, it was wondered what would be the fate of these brands.. However, in a short time, Jaguar threw its dead soil on it.. Increasingly, he started to design cars that adorned people’s dreams as in the past.. One of these models is the Jaguar XKX concept.

Just like all brands, Jaguar is trying to design the cars of the future today.

How was the Jaguar XKX Designed?

Hussain Almossawi and Albanian designer at Bahrain-based Skyrill design workshop Marin Myftiu devised the XKX concept while trying to develop Jaguar’s next generation e-type (the name of their electric model).

The tool has an innovative and streamlined design. Especially in the design of the vehicle, it is planned to generate electricity from air friction by using piezoelectric* materials.

(*Piezoelectric feature is the ability of the material to change an electric field or electric potential as a result of mechanical pressure applied to some material.. This effect is directly related to the change in the polarization density inside the material)

The design of the vehicle also aimed to refer to the minimalism of 1960 model Jaguars.

Jaguar XKX and its Disposable Mirror

An interesting point in the design of the vehicle side mirrors. With the vanishing mirror design, it is tried to prevent mirror breakage.. Mirror breaking ranks second in car vandalism cases in the UK. I am sure that if a survey was conducted in Turkey, similar results would be obtained.. Maybe the results we will get will be even more dramatic.

Jaguar XKX Concept Images

It would be a lie if I said that it is not surprising that such aesthetic concept designs come out of a manufacturer like Tata.. But there is happiness and beauty with money.. One of the best examples of this is Jaguar’s concept car, whose designs you can see below.. As you know, there are other realities of real life.. If this car also comes to life, I wonder what shape it will have with the realities of the day.

I experienced a similar situation when I saw the New Mercedes A series for the first time at the Frankfurt Motor Show.. The concept design of the car was fall in love. The reality was also beautiful, but it was never as beautiful as the concept


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