
How Do I Travel So Much? No Excuses!

I wouldn’t be exaggerating if I said it’s the question I hear the most! “How Do You Travel So Much?” Oh, and there’s also “Where does the water of this mill come from?”, let’s not be fair! In this article, I will tell you how I put travel in the center of my life, my life and travel philosophy.. I will be happy if you can catch a suitable end for yourself.. So how do I travel so much? Shall we put an end to the excuses?

What everyone sees in that world with the eyes they look at is very different.. Very normal. The big picture perspective we have is framed by the range of things that make us who we are.. For this very reason, I first want to tell you about my chain of events that made me become the Story of today and pushed me to discover my passion for life.

Before I start, I would like to visit my Youtube channel to accompany me on all my trips. subscribe! Contact me on my Instagram account and let’s talk about all travel topics!


In 1991, in a small seaside town of Kusadasi Little Öykü, who opened his eyes to the world, got together with people from hundreds of nationalities at a young age, as his family is both tourism professionals and children of the touristic region, and the seeds of curiosity about discovering the world have sprouted over the years.. After her first trip abroad during her adolescence was to go to Germany with a student exchange program, she participated in international festivals commissioned by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs with the association where she danced professionally for 10 years, and the different cultures she met showed her a new lifestyle.

“I can live by traveling and discovering the world!”

First she studied Labor Economics and Industrial Relations at Dokuz Eylul University in Izmir, then she moved to a private bank in Istanbul, where she moved for business life. While he was working, he got his MBA from Yıldız Technical University and after 6 years of living alone, he married his YUMYUM Umur.. They traveled, they traveled a lot. It wasn’t enough, after a while, they both resigned on the same day.. While Öykü was pursuing the pursuit of becoming a Financial Advisor and running her own business, Umur found a highly mobile job in an international company.. They became a couple who had a house but lived as if they were homeless.. Happy ending! Is it really the end? I think this story will continue..


I always wished to be lucky in life. luck is very important. Health and luck offer you what you want in life, but if you are having problems, is it the solution to give up?

Now, exactly the same story, after reading this much and finding a job like her dreams, she went after her motivation up to that point with her career ambition and went to great lengths. could be successful and happy or unhappy and workaholic. But I knew what I wanted to be was not the Story I was in that moment or the Story that awaited me at the end of that path.. So I’ve always had the question “Is this the life I want?” all my life. I’m glad I asked this question, and I keep asking.. There has never been a time when I forgot to ask myself this question.. I knew because people who were afraid to ask the obvious question actually knew the answer and had suppressed it deep down for years.. Because their families do not allow, their education is not sufficient, their spouses do not support, they have children, they have debts.. So they have excuses. All of the excuses I have mentioned are actually the result of your choices, and you can change and stretch them. Only YOU can choose to deal with and go about.. Even your family, to whom you had no choice at birth, can be persuaded of the passion you want to make the subject of your life.. Only if you do not see yourself at the point you want in life, you must have the strength to strive to be where you want! Of course, this power exists in everyone.

While the instinct to live is the most basic impulse in us, and for this How can we be so powerless to live the life we ​​want when even a man can kill?

  • People chasing their passions don’t waste time, being in search of a person does not make them an empty person.
  • Going abroad without knowing English You can go out, travel, and even fall in love with a person whose language you don’t know.
  • You can’t travel without money, but you don’t need wealth to travel.
  • People chasing their dreams don’t have to eat father’s money, there are also people who got rid of “I can’t do this, I can’t”.


You can travel without knowing the language: Download Translate to your phone or get a dictionary in your hand. If you memorize 50 words or write 10 – 20 sentence patterns, you will do all kinds of work on a piece of paper.. You have body language!

You can travel alone: Your best option is to stay in hostels, even. You come back from the trip with friendships. If dangerous and extreme types appear in front of you, stay away to feel safe so that you do not experience events that will cause anxiety.. Have internet as much as possible, but download offline maps if you manage with WIFI.. Year 2018, no one gets lost anywhere.

You can travel with little money: You cannot travel without money, nor is it safe. After all, something can happen to you anywhere, in the neighborhood where you were born and raised.. Make sure you have enough money in your pocket to have a place to stay and a meal that day.. Your travel style may also be to be a guest in people’s homes using Couchsurfing and to shop and eat at the markets; place discoveries, museum tours and trips full of. There is no right or wrong, one of the most wrong ways of thinking is to put and classify in an area of ​​interest that makes you feel as free as travel.. One trip doesn’t have to be the same as another.. You can hang out in one with a low budget and pursue more middle-class and experiential activities in the other.


What do I do for traveling, how is this? how much do I travel?

I invest all my income but ALL, travel. I have a life partner who has the same mindset as me and shares the same dream.. He chose me, I chose him. There is no concept of debt in our life unless there is a serious difficulty. The more we have, the more we spend. We are also working to make that expenditure.. We have an oath not to buy a house or take out a loan.. Our rule was added to our world that we have been able to apply it actively for the last 6-7 months, if we want it for a very long time, and that we do not buy clothes unless it gets old and we need it.. we have no children. Even if it was, we would want it to fit us, not it.. Of course, if you are giving birth to a human being from scratch, he will know what you teach and show him. and make a list of cities.

Have a task every day. Looking for a plane ticket!

Find a few people you think can inspire you. Doesn’t have to be a trip. Follow, read his books, watch your movies, understand his philosophy.

Make a list of the things you want to change.

Make a list of your priorities in life. Look what’s in the top 3 and ask if you want them to continue to be there.

Do something you said you would never do/can’t do.

Don’t sell time out of your life.

A When you see a bird in the park, think why it is there.. There’s a reason he’s there, and you have reasons too.

Mental and physical dependence is what makes you manageable. Break the chain, rule yourself.

Grant and ask! Ask for more.

Are you truly happy in the world you live in knowing that you will die in one second? If someone gave you your date of death, would you live life differently?

The answer is very precious to you. Please follow..


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You can follow me and many more photos on my instagram and facebook.

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