
How are Romanian Weddings? The Story of Halay in Transylvania

When a person reaches a certain level in wandering, he no longer goes anywhere just to travel.. The reason why I went to the Transylvania region of Romania was the wedding of my classmate Monica from France. One day it was destined to see a Romanian wedding in Transylvania, I bought my ticket with the motto “Answering the invitation is sunnah”. From there Monica’s friends took me and give me your hand Transylvania. You can read this journey in more detail “Journey to a Wedding in Transylvania: Istanbul-Bucharest-Deva.

I tell you How to get a girl from Romania? Girl request ceremony, How to have a church wedding in Romania, How are Romanian weddings I will give information like strong>. Frankly, Balkan weddings are definitely more fun than ours.. It requires a level of energy that will seriously shake those who are not in condition.. If you’re ready, here’s a wedding story from Count Dracula‘s hometown of Transylvania.

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You Will Become a Hairdresser in Romania

After the first night we spent at Castelul Lupilor in Transylvania, we get rid of the road fatigue and I was ready for the tiring Romanian wedding adventure.

Actually, the wedding adventure begins in the hairdressers in Romania as well as all over the world.. Frankly, on the way from Bucharest to Deva, my companions Aida and Dana made a lot of phone traffic until they found a hairdresser available on the weekend.. While the girls were on their way to the hairdresser early in the morning, we rested in Castelul Lupilor until 12:30 in the afternoon with the comfort of being a man.. Because we also had to rest because a much longer and more difficult wedding process awaited us in Turkey than we are used to.. After a photo session with the groom and his friends in front of the hotel, we set out for the center of Deva to Monica’s house.

Removing the Bride from the House

Our first goal was to get the bride out of the house and take her to church. At home, the bride put the flowers in her bouquet on the jackets of her relatives one by one.. Cakes and drinks distributed. photos were taken. Frankly, I did not come across a ceremony like sitting on the ballot box or asking for money.

Pre-Wedding Wedding in the Church

Obviously, this year my very close friend from university Arto I was witnessing a church wedding for the second time after the wedding of. From Arto’s wedding, I knew it was a long and tiring ceremony.. Church weddings take about 1 hour and you have to stand during this time.

There are of course many differences between the Romanian Orthodox churches and the Armenian churches in Turkey and the marriage ceremonies held there.. The bride was brought to the church by the groom’s best man and the groom by the groom’s wife. Here, after an hour of very different religious ritual, the religious wedding took place.. Of course, religious marriage is also considered valid as a civil marriage here.

Continue Photo Shoot

After the ceremony at the church, we took a photo shoot at Deva Park, 200 meters away.. Here is an interesting piece that caught our attention.. There were other brides and grooms who came to the photo shoot in this park.. Our bride and groom were trying not to look at them. Because they believe that looking at them will bring bad luck.

Wedding Till Morning

After the photo shoot in the park, we returned to our hotel, Castelul Lupilor, where the wedding will take place.. I took a 1 hour sleep break here and gathered energy.. Because in Romania, weddings start at 7 in the evening and last until 5 in the morning.. Guests began to arrive at the wedding at 7 o’clock.. Unlike ours, the guests who come here are not the parents of the bride and groom, but the bride-groom and their best man and his wife.. This process takes until half past 8.. Meanwhile, the first meals are coming.

Then, at half past 8, the wedding host named Alex presented the bride, groom, groomsmen, wife of the groom and parents of the bride and groom to the table reserved for them. taking. I want to open a separate parenthesis for Alex here. He often appeared with a microphone during the wedding.. He managed to attract the attention of the entire wedding crowd excitedly as if he was presenting a boxing match.. Frankly, I’d be lying if I said I didn’t think about inviting Alex, who directed the wedding, to my own wedding

The Legendary Dance Choreography of the First Dance and the Couplei

Then, when the clock showed 9, our couple came to the stage for the first dance. After a classical romantic dance, the music suddenly changed, the bride and groom’s close friends, who were waiting on the side of the floor, made the guests watch a very interesting dance choreography with the bride and groom.. I shot this interesting dance for you. especially 2. a very enjoyable and interesting choreography after the minute. The bride and groom took dance lessons for this dance for a long time.

Halay is a must for weddings

Halay is indispensable for Romanian weddings, as in every wedding. We found ourselves constantly pulling the halay with the cries of “Hayde” (Come on in Romanian) in Balkan music.. In these halay, there was a halay inside the halay and a singer in the middle of the halay.

Very Wide Menu

Romanian I think the wedding menu is also an issue that should be mentioned.. The menu had 5 different dishes. It wasn’t because it was a very rich wedding.. It’s mostly due to the length of the wedding.. Because the wedding continues until 5 in the morning.. That’s why there was always something to eat to gather energy in between.. It’s kind of like eating halay slow music, a ritual in the form of halay.. Interesting and enjoyable games where Alex gets involved in between.

In-Wedding Games

Even though I didn’t understand what he was saying every time I saw Alex, I knew we would have a lot of fun.. Alex makes people take breaks and organizes little games during the wedding. In the first of these games, the bride and groom sit back to back on 2 chairs.. Then Alex asked them, “Which of you falls asleep first?, Who is more talkative? etc. asking questions. The bride and groom also raise their hands according to the questions.

Another game is a game seen in some regions in our country.. In the play Bride kidnapped, a masked guest says he kidnapped the bride.. A bargain is made with the groom to save the bride. After this bargain, his eyes are closed. The bride and other women and a few men are seated on the chairs.. Everybody spread their legs. The groom is trying to find the bride by touching the kneecaps of everyone blindfolded.. Fortunately, our groom managed to find the bride blindfolded

No Leaving Before the Cake Comes

I’m used to the fact that the guests at the weddings I’ve attended lately come out gradually after 10:30.. However, leaving the wedding before the cake arrives is not considered elegant in Romania.. Moreover, the cake comes towards 4 in the morning.. Since some of the elderly guests did not want to stay up too late at this wedding, the wedding cake was brought there relatively early, at 3 am.. Of course, the wedding didn’t end early just because the cake came early.. Those who wanted to quit came out, but the rest continued to have fun. Moreover, after the cake, the stuffed cabbage with meat arrived at half past 4 in the morning.

To be honest, I and my Italian friends were surprised that the stuffed cabbage came after the cake. was supposed to come. But such an event took place when the cake was pulled forward for those who wanted to leave early.. But no one else found this strange except us.

Bride Flower Capture

The same for Romanian wedding one of her routines was to throw bridal flowers. The beginning of this ritual is the same as in our. But this ritual does not end when one of the single girls throws the flower and catches it.

After the flower is thrown, the bride’s veil is removed from the bride’s head by the best man’s wife.. This is a sign that the bride is now a woman.

Then the bride puts this veil on the young girl who caught the flower.

Romanian Wedding Gift Ceremony

One ​​of the most important questions that bothered me on my way to Romania was what to give as a gift at the wedding.. Because the answer to this question is easy in Turkey: gold. In Romania, envelopes are distributed to the tables during the wedding.. People write their names in these envelopes and put money in them.. Then they give these envelopes to the bride and groom on their way out.

By the way, you can’t go back to Romania without visiting Bucharest.. With my detailed Bucharest travel guide, you can plan a pleasant 3-day trip in Bucharest.

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