
Hostel or Friend’s House?

I have a job in Istanbul a few times a year. On days like these, I have two options in front of me, choosing a friend’s house or a hostel for accommodation.. Although things change according to the situation, there are pros and cons on both sides and I decide where to stay based on factors such as my length of stay, the jobs I will do, the people I will meet.. According to which factors I determine my decision-making process;

Home comfort

If I have returned from long trips and I am homesick, my dear is stepping on the carpet, boiling water in the kettle, doing nothing on the sofa bed. If he wants to go to bed and most importantly spend time with my friends that I miss, I would definitely prefer my friend’s house or airbnb..

If I’m going to another city to get my work done in the country, if I don’t want to disturb my friends about the entrance and exit times at home or if I don’t want to depend on them, I definitely prefer hostels..

The last time I went to Istanbul, I stayed at Hush Hostel Lounge (weekdays) and Hush Hostel Moda (weekends), saying that the best hostel is my friend’s hostel.. Thus, I was able to organize my own program as I wished and had a pleasant time with my friends..


My current budget also becomes important in accommodation options. If I have to watch my budget at my friend’s, if I have the right to spend a little more I stay at the hostel. Hostel fees are very reasonable, especially for those who prefer to stay in dormitories.. It is possible to stay for 45-50 TL per night including breakfast.

Alcohol Level

If my intention is to party and my friend’s house is on the other side of the planet Istanbul, it makes more sense to stay in a hostel. The taxi fare to be paid often costs more than staying at the hostel.

Reason for Going

If my reason for going is to hang out with my friends and have fun, staying at the hostel becomes pointless, but when I go for work, it’s daylight. The hostel provides great comfort due to reasons such as entrance and exit, change of headboard, central location..


However sincere I am with my friend, I feel uncomfortable if I do not help with the housework, no matter how late I am.. I find myself at home thinking about what to cook in the evening or wash the dishes before bed.. This gives me an extra sense of responsibility.. But on the days I stay at the hostel, the breakfast that is ready at the same time in the morning makes me very happy.. Regardless, someone has already prepared that breakfast for you.. It’s like motherly affection…

Free Events – Ongoing Parties

There is definitely a creative concept party from hostels on weekends.. Some of them are only for guests, while others are open to the outside, and the free entrance earned when I am a hostel guest is enough to blow me away.. During my stay at Hush Hostel moda, one Reggae party (almost none in İzmir) and one electronic music party were held..

There are yoga classes every morning and evening at the Hush Hostel Lounge.. The fee is 10TL for guests, 25TL for outsiders..

Hostel vs a friend’s house, the winning hostel with yoga classes and free parties on this tab..


If I have work to do on the computer, when I stay with my friend, there are too many distractions and I have difficulty in maintaining my self-discipline.. In hostels, I can get my work done in a short time because people are more respectful towards people they don’t know..

Generally speaking, I prefer to stay in a hostel unless I’m a man. So, are you staying at a hostel or at your friend’s house? Or elsewhere?

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