
Honduras Travel Notes -1-

My one breath view of Honduras, where I stayed for about 1 month.

There are always nonsense TV shows on their TVs. In news broadcasts, information about gang wars or seized drugs is usually given.. They present the drug news in such a fantastic way. The announcer was making millions of dollars per kilo for the drugs caught, now they are burning them all, he is reporting as if he is sad or telling the news as if he is presenting the paparazzi news.. Newspapers are no different.. Again, there are news about gang wars, drugs or people whose arms and legs have been cut off and who have wounds on their bodies from the disease.. There are no mosaics in the photos, they publish directly. It’s like everything is done for the sake of rating. The Caribbean side of the country is beautiful.. Especially the islands there are completely unrelated to Honduras, extremely safe and touristic places.. There are dozens of large and small islands.. Some islands are privately owned.. It is home to San Pedro Sula, which is known as the most dangerous city in the world.. This place is indeed dangerous, but I cannot call all Honduras dangerous just because it is dangerous.. People are generally warm and friendly.. They are helpful when you ask something.. From countries where alcohol is cheap and books are expensive. Education quality is poor. It is necessary to go to a private school for good education.. 1 year private university fee is around 1.500 USD. Although touristic places are a bit expensive compared to other cities, it is a cheap place compared to Turkey.. There are 5 known gangs in the country.. MS-13 and MS-18 gangs, two of which are world-renowned and constantly clashing with each other. These gangs are the ones who named the country’s name anyway.. In general, if you do not get involved in illegal activities, and if you do not go into and out of ridiculous places at night, you will not be in trouble.. Although the previous administration tried to end the gangs, they could not get any results.. They say that if you get in trouble with a gang, going to the police won’t solve the problem, you can go to a bigger gang and tell them about the incident and get results.. It is not worth going from Turkey for a holiday just to see Honduras and come back. If you come to Central America and there is time, you can stop by for the islands.. In some areas, it is possible to find Mayan pyramids and Mayan culture.. There is a form of worship and belief called Sabatista.. They go to church at 6am every Saturday and don’t go out until 6pm.. During this period, no food is eaten, only water is drunk and worship is performed.. Another version of our fasting. During this worship, songs are sung accompanied by guitar and piano throughout the day.. Pension is not enough to live for 1 month. They have a traditional dish called baliadas, similar to the wrap we have, and it’s extremely cheap.. You can easily fill your stomach for 1-2 USD.. The previous government suddenly made the minimum wage of 200 USD to 400 USD.. He did, but because the country’s potential did not remove it, large companies closed their factories and moved to Nicaragua, a neighboring country with a lower workforce.. After that, there was a serious unemployment in the country.. Employees have become uninsured. Hospital services are very bad.. Regardless of the disease, almost everyone is given the same medicine, they say that if you want a proper treatment, you have to go to the private sector.. Although the economy of the country is bad, shops and restaurants on the busy street may be closed even during the day because it is a classic Latin American Country.. They have a local drink called Guifiti. They say if you get sick, it heals, if you want to get high, it makes you beautiful.. It was a very high alcohol and very strong drink.. Honduras’s pacific coast is called the best surfing spot in Central America. The Caribbean side attracts people with its rich underwater beauty and white sand beaches.. It is also possible to get the cheapest diving training and language in the world on this Caribbean side.. There are people who were born and raised in the country that I can call black, and there are people who are blonde just like us.. It is possible to see considerable homeless people on the streets, especially in the city of San Pedro Sula.. Since it is both a Central American and Caribbean country, its people are fond of fun and its nightlife is vibrant.. The last thing I will say is; Since the drug traffic from the south to the north in the Americas will never end, this country will not get out of trouble.

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