
Holiday Route

I started to hear the question “What are you doing during the holidays?” 1 month ago. Unfortunately, I haven’t been able to decide yet, because it’s a question that has been bothering me for a long time. I first made a list of things to do in my head and presented it to you with the article where to go on Eid al-Adha, but the worst part is that I still couldn’t decide for myself. We first set out as Morocco, but when we realized that we should not go to a Muslim country since everything will be closed during the Eid-al-Adha, we decided to say another time and gave up. Time passed, ticket prices increased, as we thought, the list of what we wanted to do got longer and we couldn’t decide. Of course, then came the painful visa process. We prepared and waited for plan B in case it didn’t come out. And finally we got our visas..

It’s time to announce our schedule..

We are flying from Izmir to Istanbul separately on the eve of the day (we thought about our economy). We take the bus to Thessaloniki at night and get off early in the morning. After buying our train ticket to Trikala, we wander around Thessaloniki all day long. And when the time comes, we jump on the train and meet Marios in Trikala and stay at his house. For the next 3 days, we are visiting Meteora according to our minds. We don’t have a plan for this. As it will be obvious, the plan is only to go, the rest will change depending on instant decisions.

What’s in Meteora… Let’s talk about it when it comes, but for a little information..
http://en .wikipedia.org/wiki/Meteora

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