
Hanging out with Indian Riches

It is said that the rich of India are very rich and the poor are very poor.. That’s exactly what I didn’t think I would encounter when I stepped into Delhi.

As someone who had to sleep on the street in India, was harassed, and got her passport back, the best thing that ever happened to me was meeting Elena and Sid.. Elena is a Russian who spent 3 years as an English teacher in Turkey, and Sid is an Indian who puts a strain on her family, whom I later learned to be rich.. Going from adventure to adventure with Sid and Elena, whom I met in Rajastan, made the trip to India extremely enjoyable.

Sid left us and went to Delhi to celebrate his friend’s birthday. We decided to meet up with. When I asked him if he had a place to stay in Delhi, Sid said I could stay at his friend Manu’s house.

I got a little shock when they came to pick me up from the subway station by car.. It’s been 5 months since I got into a non-hitchhiking car.. Sometime on the way, Sid told me that Manu’s father was a general and that two armed soldiers were guarding the door of their house, that I should be afraid when I see them.. I don’t know why but I didn’t take what he said seriously.. When we arrived at the door of the house, the doors were really opened by two soldiers on watch, and a detached house in a huge garden was seen.. When I saw the soldiers, I felt a sense of unease.. After all, I was entering a military building and I wasn’t sure if I would be able to go in and out as I wanted.

I answered the bar or movie offers as a movie because I was tired.. As I was in India and the idea of ​​watching a Bollywood movie was in my mind, Manu asked me if you would like to watch Nuri Bilge Ceylan movie.. Is Nuri Wise?! Is this a joke? I never thought I would meet an Indian Nuri Bilge fan. After persistently rejecting his insistent offer, we settled on a ridiculous movie that I can’t even remember the name of, and I was exhausted.. I fell asleep in minutes.

Sometime after waking up in the morning, Sid looked at the clock and said, Tugce, 3 maids will come soon, one will ask if we want tea, another one will clean the room and the other will do the laundry.. On the one hand, Manu is embarrassed and bored, he takes shapes.. I said no more and didn’t believe it again. After a while a man who I thought was Manu’s father came, greeted us, spoke Hindi and left.. Again, the same man appeared in front of me 5 minutes later with a tea tray in his hand.. Two weeks ago, someone was serving me tea while I was lying on the street.. What’s up?! Then two other servant men arrived and began to tidy the room.

Wow, friend, what a life…

While we were sipping our tea and trying to shake off the shock, Manu started asking me questions about Turkish politics.. First, Recep Tayyip Erdogan said. I said ok she might know your name. Then AKP said. I thought yes, if it’s about politics, he knows the party name too.. Then he started to ask questions about the details of the conflict between Feto and RTE and the detained journalists.. By the way, it’s March 2015. There is no coup yet. When I asked how you know in such detail, he explained that Modi, the president of India, followed 4 years behind and exhibited the political stance of RTE, so they followed Turkish policy very carefully. When these friends, who follow them closely, mentioned that they want to visit Turkey, they said that if we come and stay with you, we will wash your dishes and save you the trouble.. Since labor is very cheap in India, he hires maids instead of buying a large cutting machine.. There is no need to wash dishes, when I said there is a dishwasher and a washing machine in the house, their eyes widened.. How rich are you?. Believe me, it is not as much as you, believe it not…

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