
Handicraft Village: Mas Village

Bali, an island producing world-famous handicrafts. One of the most important products of Balinese culture, these handicrafts impress those who see them both in terms of style and quality.. Art and artists are very important in Bali.. Almost everyone has an artistic talent, while some are carving masters who produce rare handicrafts, some play an instrument or perform traditional dance arts that fascinate those who see it.

Here we are today in terms of both dance and handicrafts. we decided to explore Ubud and its surroundings which is quite productive. I went out with my fellow traveler Farid and rented a motorcycle.. Since most rental bikes are not in very good condition, one of the things to consider is whether the brakes are working well, helmet quality and tires.. It would also be good to test the engine before you rent it.

We set off for our first stop, Batubulan.. Since we had not had our breakfast yet, we sat at a restaurant just outside of Ubud.. There’s a huge whole pig in the window and it’s served over rice. Breakfast is one of the most important meals for me.. Although I tried to eat something from the other options on the menu, I couldn’t eat because of the smell rising from the environment.. Vegetarian menus are my first choice, especially at this time of the morning it is impossible for me to eat meat.. I found my breakfast when I saw something resembling rice on a counter right on the road.. I had a good time with the Indonesian cuisine called Cacanbali, which is prepared with black rice, mashed white rice and sweet syrup.. We followed the motorcycle of a Batubulan security guard at the zoo.. We arrived in Batubulan after passing the roads on the outskirts of Ubud, surrounded by beautiful lush gardens, rice fields and forested hills.

Almost everyone in Bali is very willing to help.. These people, who want to take you wherever you want, also make a polite offer to see if there is a place like this.. They are also very willing to help everyone who comes to see the region, as they get a commission from the shopping you make at the place they take you.. We weren’t the kind of people to buy things, but why not see it!

Our guide said he could show us around a bit if we wanted, and we said why not. We passed to Celuk Village, which is famous for silver and gold work, near Ubud.. We stopped by a gallery with silver work.. The art of silverwork is also highly developed in Bali.. The silversmith there gave information about silver and silver work.. After visiting the shop where the products made by the skillful hands of the masters who have been doing this job for several generations are sold, we went to our guide’s house.. He gave us a tour of his house and workshop.. There were many hand-carved Buddha statues sitting on the shelves.. He also did not neglect to show a room he reserved for the tourists. We don’t have a chance to watch it today because it is made twice a day, including. After visiting Lombok and Gilli Islands, we did not have any problems as we will return to Bali again.. After saying goodbye to our guide and his wife after coffee, we took random roads and started to wander around the neighborhood with our motorbike.. So much so that we sometimes plunge into dead-end streets and come back.. We took a break when we found the Denpasar road and continued on and reached the sea.. Here I witnessed one of the most interesting beaches I have ever seen in my life.. The beach sparkled with jet-black sand shimmering in the sun.. The white of the waves on one side and the coal-like sands on the other made an interesting contrast.

After taking pictures and resting for a while, we hit the road again.. This time our destination was Mas Village, famous for its wood carvings.. Again, someone we asked for directions said he would take us to the village.. This time our guide took us to a place called Mammoth Art Gallery, each filled with masterpieces of carving art.. We have looked at the incredible imaginative wood carving products inside, each more beautiful than the other.. They introduced us the products in the gallery one by one.. Artists could work on some carved works for up to 10 years.. We watched a master and his apprentice carving at the entrance of the store.

The Mas Village, which specializes in woodcarving, is located in Gianyar, a sub-district of Ubud, and falls to the east of the island.. This village, where rare hand-carved products produced with the synergy of humanism and naturalism under the influence of Hinduism, is born, is located 15 km from the town of Ubud.. Hand carving arts have a long and deep-rooted history in this artistic village.. One of the best places to discover the authentic Balinese lifestyle. There are also many guest houses and hostels run by the villagers in the region.. In addition to wood and wood carving, stonework and silver work are also common here.

While chatting with the girl who introduced us to the gallery, we were talking about the Penataran, the great temple of Mas Village’. We learned that the Odalan ritual will be held in Sasih Temple (The Moon Temple).. We had set off early in the morning and had traveled a lot before noon.. Our next route was clear.

Day 350: Indonesia:7, Bali, Ubud, 19 July 2011

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