
Great Red Island: Madagascar

Madagascar, which is said to have separated from the African mainland millions of years ago, is the fourth largest island in the world.. Its capital is Antavarino. It means “the big red island.”

The people who live here are called Malgas.. For this reason, the other known name of the island is the Republic of Malgaş. The language they speak is also called Malgaş.. The Malagasy language resembles Indonesian languages.

It is thought that the first settlers here were Indonesians and Malaysians.. As a matter of fact, Indonesia is a Malaysian mixed race.. The name given to this breed is “Marina”.. Marina is a high breed. There is also a caste system in Madagascar.. But it has softened a bit in recent years.

The other race is the “Bestineo”.. The Arica, Indonesian, Malaysian and Arabian mix is ​​called the Betsineo breed.. Here, the high race can marry the low race.

The average life expectancy is 55 years.

The belief that determines daily life is called “fady”.. It means “taboo” and is divided into different groups. The use of only one of the two doors in the house, the use of the other only to get the deceased out of the house, the unconditional acceptance and implementation of everything that the elders of the family said are just some of them.. They are absolutely not against these fadys and shape their lives accordingly.. The influence of the deceased elders of the family on the living is called “Razana”. The southern part of the country is more attached to these fadys than the north.

There is a tradition of Circumcision performed in accordance with the fady, this is called “Sambatra”.. Circumcision is performed only in years starting with Friday.. If long years do not start with Friday, it can be done in years starting with Wednesday.. However, circumcision does not end in half an hour, it is done with ceremonies that last exactly one week.. Previously it took 1 month.. Then there are the exhumation ceremonies.

Madagascar has vast rice fields.. Rice is included in every meal.. If you don’t have rice, they don’t count it as eating it at the table.. They also cook rice without oil and salt like porridge.

The cows and oxen in Madagascar are called “Zebu”.. The Zebu population is more on this island than the human population.. Zebu is also used as a measure of wealth.

France, Germany, America and China impose political and economic sanctions on Madagascar.

80% of the total population is Christian. The political and economic situation of the Muslims living here is very bad.. Islam comes to this island in the 11th century. Therefore, some customs and traditions are similar. Lunar calendars. The months are written in Arabic.

95% of the creatures living on this island are endemic, you cannot see them anywhere else in the world.
Lemurs with 35 species are also among the animals that are unique to this island.. The smallest ones start at 25cm. The very large ones are called “download”.. While black lemurs drink water, white lemurs do not. But blacks drink after they drink. They eat the most bamboo shoots. ‘Lemurs’ have been taken under protection so that they do not become extinct.

The cat-sized squirrels they call “aye aye” are also unique to this island.. And the luminous turtles (Geochelone radiata) are very different.. They have geometric yellow shapes on their brown shells and they live in the desert and feed on cactus.

The fauna is also very rich.. The madagascar violet growing here is very effective for blood cancer.
Boabab trees have a special meaning for the people of the island.. The life span of these trees, which means “multi-seeded fruit”, varies between 2,000 and 5,000 years.. These trees are also called bottle trees or upside down trees.. The most important features are that they are fire resistant.. For this reason, when the forests were burned when the forests were burned when it was desired to open land for rice cultivation, only these trees would remain standing.

MADAGASCAR’S REMARKABLE THINGS: Poverty and misery, breaking stones with the hands of women and children.. Ylang ylang trees, slender makeshift canoes, squalid reed houses. Paints with motifs on the faces of girls, various tablecloths. Lemur, low, iguanas that take the color of the ground, aye aye, red cola tree, vanilla tree, red frog, gigantic banyan tree, Zebu, Fady

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