
Grand Mosque

There are so many historical places to visit in our country that we can only recommend them when you go to the cities.. There are beautiful and wonderful places in every city.. When you go to Bursa, we recommend you to see Bursa zoo as we wrote in our previous articles, and then visit the Great Mosque, which sheds light on our religious history and is famous for its legends.. The mosque, which does not only appear as a religious motif, is also one of the first works of the Turks.. In this article, while sharing information about the mosque, we will also tell you what you can do by going there..

Great Mosque was built by Yıldızım Bayezid, by Architect Ali Neccar. The mosque, which is among the examples of the early Ottoman state, is also one of the most important works from the Ottoman period.. In its opening, the first sermon was read by Somuncu Baba (we will touch on the legend of Somuncu Baba in the following sections) and the first imam of the mosque was Süleyman Çelebi.. The mosque, whose name has always been mentioned by scholars of the Islamic world, has been mentioned with important places such as Masjid al-Aqsa, Masjid-i Nebevi.



The mosque, which was built exactly 100 years after the establishment of the Ottoman state, has experienced many events until today.. Although 17 of its domes were destroyed in the earthquake that took place in Bursa in 1855, it was restored to its former state after the restorations.. Built on an area of ​​2215 square meters, the mosque consists of 5 sections where 20 domes are separated into four.. This religious and historical building, which has gone through many improvements until today, has survived these and has survived until today.

When you first enter the mosque, you see a fountain.. In this fountain, located inside the Bursa Great Mosque, some people perform ablution while others pray next to them.. We will also touch on the story of the fountain under the title of legends.. In the mosque, men can pray in the front rows, while women can pray in the sections belonging to them at the back.. Although this mosque, which is always cold in summer and winter, allows you to cool off in summer, we recommend you to be careful during your visits in winter as well.


The mosque reflects the examples of the Great Mosque, which has been going on since the Seljuk State, very well.. The story of the discovery of 20 domes is related to the dedication made by Yıldırım Bayezid before the victory of Niğbolu.. The answer to the question Who built the Bursa Ulu Mosque> appears as Yıldırım Bayezid inn.. Saying that he would build 20 mosques, Bayezid changed his decision to 20 domes on the recommendations given later.. The mosque, which was used as a barn by Timur after the Ankara war in 1402, was burned by the Mongols in 1403 and even burned again in 1413 during the siege of Karamanoğlu.. It was opened to worship again in 1421 by Çelebi Mehmed.. From that day on, it has been able to reach the present day by making some restorations.


It has been standing for nearly 700 years and has been named by every great scholar. The mosque, which is mentioned in this way, has also been the subject of many legends.. In this article, we will tell you about 3 legends about Ulu Cami Bursa.

  • The Legend of Somuncu Baba

Somuncu Baba, whom we mentioned in our article, is the person who read the first sermon of this mosque.. According to legend, the mosque has 7 entrances.. Somuncu Baba continued his life around the mosque and started to pray here regularly every day.. While leaving the mosque after performing a prayer, the people witnessed him leaving all the doors.. While people were talking about going out that door, out of this door, it was understood that they actually went out of all the doors at the same time.. After this legend began to spread, no one saw Somuncu Baba in the mosque again.

  • The Legend of the Fountain Inside the Mosque

As you know, normally fountains It is done in the garden of the mosque and people take their ablutions there.. The Great Mosque fountain is located in the very center of the mosque.. According to the rumor, the owner of the fountain land refused to give its place during the construction of the mosque.. However, since the order came from the sultan, a solution was sought and it was said that prayer cannot be performed on the property of the person who was given without consent, but if a fountain is built there, that person will gain rewards and that he can join the mosque in this way.. After this situation was approved by the mosque architect, work was started and a fountain was built in the middle of the mosque and the problem was solved..

  • The Secret of the Letter Vav

The somuncu father distributed loaves of bread to the workers working in the mosque construction every day. One day, when he came to the mosque, he saw that a person was praying there, he grabbed his arm and you are Khidr (a.s), I recognized you.. He said if you don’t come here and say that you will pray every day, I will tell everyone.. In return, Khidr (a.s) accepted this, but did not say when he would come.. According to the rumor, Khidr (a.s.) used to come and pray every day in front of the letter Vav here.

  • Bursa Ulu Mosque Minbar

Hacı The pulpit, built by Mehmed, the son of Abdülaziz, is really worth seeing in terms of the information it carries and reflects.. The most striking aspect of the pulpit is the reliefs of the world and the solar system, from which it was not understood where science came from at that time.. The interesting thing is that the distance of each of these planets from the sun has been correctly processed.. Each one appears in the right position and in the right place.. There is no detailed information about its builder in historical sources.


As the name suggests, the mosque is located in Bursa.. Among the mosque models built all over Turkey, its place in our religion is quite different and valuable.. The open address of the mosque is as follows.

Nalbantoğlu Mahallesi, Atatürk Caddesi Sahne / Bursa


Bursa’ This mosque, located in Bursa, is very close to the Bursa bus terminal.. After getting off your bus, it takes 15 minutes in total to reach the mosque with the minibuses departing from the side of the terminal.. To go by private car, they can reach Atatürk Street by going north from Bursa center. The bazaar is located right next to the mosque.. You can find everything you are looking for in the bazaar.. It consists of intertwined bazaars such as coppersmiths’ bazaar, jewelers’ bazaar, wedding bazaars, furniture shops, clothing bazaars, towel shops, mirrored bazaars.. What you have to do when you come here takes your whole day. Even if you try to take a tour, there is also a top and bottom settlement in the bazaars where you will spend a lot of time.. You can visit the lower or upper floors of the bazaar.. As some of them are uncovered, while others are covered, you also have the chance to visit them in summer and winter.

It will not be too late to realize that this is the heart of Bursa when you enter the bazaar.. If you are wondering where is the famous Bursa towel market , especially when you come to a place like Bursa, the right address will be Ulu Cami. People who are preparing for marriage can get whatever a house needs from here.

If you want to eat Bursa İskender Döner while you are in Bursa, you will come across restaurants one by one on the way from this bazaar to the mosque.. You can taste Iskender Doner with one of them.. For a wonderful city like Bursa, it is beneficial to spend just one day in the Great Mosque region.

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