
Good thing we stopped in Acıpayam

Due to my father’s duty at the PTT, most of my life was spent in the PTT.

As someone who went to the PTT every day during the summer holidays, especially during my childhood, what is done in every department of the PTT at every level? I learned in time. The games we played with the children of other employees working in the workplace with letter saddlebags, letter processing eyes, letter carriers still cannot be erased from my memory.

From the moment of acceptance of the letter, I witnessed its way to the mailboxes at home.

On the main routes. The building of the Postal Processing Centers, which was established in Izmir, has many memories for me, so. The promotion of my father’s title in the PTT coincides with my primary and secondary school years.

Mail Processing Centers are the centers where all the letters accepted on a provincial and regional basis are collected and sent to the next center, and at the same time, the postmen in that city fill their bags and deliver their letters. .

With the increasing letter traffic especially before special days such as holidays and New Year’s Eve, we took our place in front of the letter processing counters lined up in alphabetical order and directed the letters waiting to leave in cauldrons with our hands.. we would enjoy this job. We would be ambassadors for the good news that people would give to each other.

I learned about many counties and towns in Turkey while processing letters. Still, when someone asks which county a county is affiliated with, the biggest reason why I immediately answer is my father and PTT.


The province, district and town phenomenon, which automatically settles in my memory after a certain period of time, reminds me of good things every time I travel to Turkey.

Recently, on the occasion of the holiday holiday, these memories came to my mind one by one.


We unknowingly passed Aydın and Denizli from İzmir when we said “we eat here”, “we stop there” on our journey without breakfast. We didn’t even notice our hunger until Acıpayam, when our quickness was added to the work…

While our stomach was alarming from hunger, we stopped suddenly at the exit of Acıpayam in a small but cute place that attracts attention with its appearance.

An ordinary place. This point where we stopped by chance would show us how important coincidences play in human life.

Dönmez Recreation Facilities

The second of the holiday Uncle Mehmet, who recently brought the Dönmez Recreation Facility to life, broke the deep silence on the roads on the day. We started a deep conversation while waiting for our pita dough, which he opened with his hand, to be baked in the oven.. After a while, his wife and son, who is a graduate student in Aydın, also joined us in our conversation.

We were thoroughly delighted with the taste of the pitas, as the dose of interest and sincerity increased.

All these roads came without stopping anywhere, There must have been a reason why we stopped in Acıpayam all the way through.

Here we learned once again how important manual labor and humane approach are.. When I think about the people who become robots in big resting facilities and whose only concern is money, I stopped here and thought once again what a right decision we made.

He seemed so sincere when we said that you should definitely stop by on your way back, that he wouldn’t have stopped by on his way back to Antalya.

After we ate our dinner again at very reasonable prices, this time thanks to Uncle Mehmet, we visited Acıpayam. Our desire to see you has revived.

You can find Uncle Mehmet, whom we declared as the cultural ambassador of Acıpayam, at Dönmez Recreation Facilities located on the right side of the Denizli Antalya highway, at the exit of Acıpayam district.

We are now a little bit Acıpayam’ a, let’s look at its history… One of the tribes under the rule of Karaağaç Baba settled here.

Hamit Plain was given as a dowry and Acıpayam joined the Ottomans, since the region passed to the Germiyanoğulları for a while, as Germiyanoğlu Süleyman Shah gave his daughter Devlet Hatun to Beyazıt because he was related to the Ottomans.

These Names of Karaağaç.

As it is known, Isparta has a district called Şarkikaraağaç.. I’ve always wondered where this name comes from.. This also has a common story with Acıpayam.

As a result of the defeat of Sultan Beyazıt to the Mongol Emperor Timur, the region passed back to the Germiyanoğulları with the weakening of the Ottomans.. The people of the region, who were not satisfied with the Germiyanoğulları, revolted with the desire to join the Hamitoğulları.. For this reason, the people of the region started to be known as “Asi Karaağaç” for a while.. The region, which passed to the Ottomans for the second time in 1429, was connected to the Isparta Sanjak.. When there were two Karaağaç in Isparta Sanjak, one was named “Şarkikaraağaç” and the other was named “Garbikaraağaç”.. Thus, the people of the region were saved from the “Rebel” accusation.. After a while, due to Burdur being a sanjak, the region was connected to Burdur Sanjak.

Garbikaraağaç became Acıpayam with the Republic.


Acıpayam quietly, a town by itself. With a population of 12 thousand, its nature has not been damaged much and is waiting to be discovered.

When its people are so warm and friendly, I say stop by while on your way…

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