
Germany Blue Card Work Permit: What is it, How to Get it?

Germany blue card work permit is a special work permit applied to attract highly qualified workforce to Germany. I settled in Munich in 2016 with a blue card work permit.. In this article, I will try to explain to you what it takes to get a Germany blue card work permit, to whom it is granted, the advantages and the process necessary to obtain a blue card work visa.

I want to make some warnings from the beginning because the subject is serious. I’m not an expert or an ‘authoritative older sister’, I’m just going to tell you what I’ve been through and heard.. Therefore, you can consider this article for general information purposes only.. If those who know better contact me or write what they know in the comments section, I will make the relevant updates.. I’m adding this as a warning so that nothing happens to me.

IMPORTANT NOTICE: This site is not an official source, it is Fatma Measurer’s personal is blog. The author cannot be held responsible for any wrong or incomplete information.. Everyone who reads this article is deemed to have accepted these conditions.

Since I have no other information other than what I wrote, like “It was like this, then I did this, what will I do now” Let me also point out that I cannot comment on your specific situations Now we can start.

Germany Blue Card Work Permit

You have received a job offer from a company in Germany for your Germany Blue Card work visa to be issued need. I don’t know if there are separate conditions for those who will start their own business, I will tell you about it because I have experienced the process for Germany Blue Card work permit(Blue Card – Blaue Karte).

What is the Germany Blue Card?

Blue Card is specially designed for the purpose of “the qualified workforce with higher education to work in a job suitable for their education in Germany”. It is a special type of work permit that has been put into practice so that the occupational groups needed in Germany can come to the country more quickly.. In other words, it is a convenience provided by the Germans to attract us to the country, who do difficult jobs with a shortage of personnel because they do not prefer to do it

Munich Marienplatz

Who Gets Germany Blue Card?

Those who meet all of the following conditions are entitled to apply for a Germany Blue Card work permit:

  • Your annual gross salary in the job offer must be at least 55,200 Euros. For those who work in fields such as engineers, computer specialists, doctors, science, mathematics, which are even more needed, the minimum amount is 43.056 Euros for 2018.
  • Your higher education in Germany If you have not done so, you must have received an education that Germany will accept. Since the website where you can check this equivalence is only in German, I brought the name of your university to the place where you will write it.. After pressing the Suchen tab, it asks for the country in the first part, press the letter T from there and select Turkish.. In the second, the city asks again, find it by pressing the relevant letter.. Then, if the institution says H+ next to it, it means there is an equivalence, you are good Click the purple + sign on the left to view the details, and if you are applying for a visa, print the detail window and add it to the application documents.
  • In Germany that the job you will do is suitable for your profession and knowledge. So, I studied engineering, but you can’t do something like come to Germany and become an artist.

Munich Oktoberfest

What are the Advantages of Germany Blue Card?

  • You can get a permanent residence permit earlier; You can apply for a permanent residence permit after 33 months if you do not speak German and after 21 months if you know at B1 level.. I think this period is 5 years for a normal work permit.
  • No German requirement for family reunification; The spouse of the Blue Card holder can apply for a family reunification visa and obtain a direct residence and work permit without the prerequisite of knowing German.. Normal work permits require a certain level of knowledge of German.

For those who are wondering, those who have a residence permit in Germany for 8 years, regardless of a regular work permit or Blue Card, can apply for German citizenship.. Since Germany does not allow dual citizenship, you have to renounce Turkish citizenship if you want to become a German citizen.. Those who have a European Union passport can be dual citizens, I think, even when we try to leave, we see the ‘final benefit’ of a Turkish passport

How to Apply for a Germany Blue Card Visa?

If you are going to work for less than 90 days, you apply for a Schengen visa. For applications exceeding 90 days, it is necessary to apply for a D type visa (National Visa) and I will explain the national visa application.. In other words, we can say that Blue Card is a type of national visa.

People who apply for Schengen visa for Germany, Italy or the Netherlands know iData well, our visa application is iData’ We do it by calling. When they call iData’s call center, they make an appointment and allocate a 5 Euro transaction fee.. Unlike the Schengen visa, this appointment cannot be made online and a call is required.. It is a little strange to tell the call center assistant on the phone all the information of the credit card for the application fee, that is, no transfer to any voice recording system and no keying in the card information. If you don’t want this, ask for an alternative method when you call, they may suggest you pay the bank.. iData Call Center phone number: 0850 460 8493 (0850 460 VIZE)

Applications are made in person to the Consulate General buildings in Istanbul, Ankara or Izmir. you can ask over the phone.

Munich Olympiapark

What are the Germany Blue Card Application Documents?

  • Your employment contract
  • Your Diplomas
  • Application form
  • 2 biometric photos
  • Travel health insurance
  • Last 3 months salary slip
  • Work certificate
  • Company documents

Click for the national visa application form.

In addition to your employment contract and the education equivalence I explained above As a matter of fact, we can say that your undergraduate and graduate diplomas, if any, are different from the Schengen visa among the application documents.. There may be some other profession-specific documents as well.. For the language of the diplomas, mine was also written in English and they accepted it, they didn’t necessarily ask for a German translation.. If it is only in Turkish, you can ask the attendant when you call iData for an appointment.. In fact, when you go, the consular officer says everything and you may have to go back and forth several times; there is no problem with it. So, don’t worry if my document is wrong.

Application Form

You fill out two of the application form and get two copies.. If there are questions like me that you are unsure of, take note of what question(s) you have and explain your situation when you go to the consulate and ask what you will write.. Do not write the answers in Turkish; German if you know, English if you don’t. After you fill it out, you can have a photocopy taken, don’t worry, there is a photocopy shop near the consulate

Health Insurance

The subject of travel health insurance is critical, Germany’ or from the date you enter until the day you start working (There is a type of insurance that covers the Schengen area with a guarantee of 30 thousand Euros, you can do it because of that). In fact, start two days before your departure, they can get stuck in history in such a strange way.. If you are not sure when you will go, I recommend that you do it for the longest interval possible; because I thought that I would go a week before I started work, I had it done for a week, but then they said it would take a long time to look for a house.. Come on, I said I’d go and look for a house two weeks ago, but in the meantime, I had applied for a visa, of course.. And my visa date also came from the start date of my health insurance.. Fortunately, I had a valid Schengen visa and was able to enter with it.. Travel health insurance is provided by banks and various agencies. The weekly fee is around 13 Euros and 22 Euros for two weeks.

Originals/Copies of Documents

It is necessary to take the documents in original plus two copies, make three copies of each and set them as originals, first-second-third copies. You can keep the third ones, just in case you need them.. Take and show documents such as employment contracts, diplomas, which you should keep in original and which you should not give to anyone, for your visa interview.. They won’t want the originals anyway, maybe they want you to stamp them as ‘like the original’, etc.

copy of passport, which is not in the documents, and CV Have your with you with two examples each. I thought of the passport copy, but I couldn’t find the CV; Since I studied in a department that can do any job, such as Industrial Engineering, I think they were hesitant about “the job you are going to do should be suitable for your education” and they asked me to call and bring a CV.

What happens if I take missing or wrong documents, do I make a new appointment every time?

Luckily, you don’t have to make an appointment again when you have missing documents.. You come during the working hours of the consulate and hand over your missing documents to the security guard at the door, along with a photocopy of your application number.. Thus, they are informed about which applicant brought what and they make additions.. In this case, you will not be allowed to enter the consulate building again and you will not have the chance to meet with the consulate staff, and try to ask all the questions that come to your mind at the first time.

Germany Blue Card Application Fee How much?

The application fee for Germany blue card work permit is 80 Euros and you pay in cash at the time of application, it is readily available as you have to pay directly in Euro currency keep it. They give you a document such as a receipt and application number. You also pay for UPS cargo for your passport and print your address information.. Tip: Don’t lose the receipt, your company in Germany can pay you back this amount. My company paid for ‘relocation expenses’.

How Long Does It Take for a Germany Blue Card?

You can say that if you make a visa appointment a week later and prepare your documents in the meantime, even if it takes two weeks for the visa to be issued, you will get your Germany blue card visa in 20 days.. It may even take less time, but since you can still start your visa from the date you want (it starts on the day you start your travel insurance), start the process as soon as you are sure to apply.

Germany Blue Card Residence Permit Transactions

Although the Blue Card is issued for 4 years, you will see that the visa sent by the consulate is 3 months. You are expected to go to the foreigners’ office where you are moving and convert the work visa to a residence card before the visa expires.. For Munich, this foreigners’ office is called KVR (Kreisverwaltungsreferat), First Days Abroad: What to Do? The same place where you get the residence card and the equivalent of the criminal record I described in my article, but this time you go upstairs where they point with arrows as Arbeitskräfte or Fachkräfte (labor). No appointments, you have to go and queue up during working hours. In order not to wait too long, you can try to be at the door a little before the opening time.

Your efforts to ‘get it while you’re there’ or ‘don’t stay until the last minute’ may be fruitless, saying, “Your documents have not arrived”. for some strange reason they made me wait for almost three months. Hearing this on my second visit, I told him that I didn’t want to wait in line every time and that I was late for work.. This time, they made an appointment saying it would arrive by this time, and I went to the appointment room they said on the appointment day-time and converted my visa to a 4-year residence card before it expired.

What is the purpose of converting a visa to a residence card? mean?

Although its name is ‘residence card’, it has not been issued as a separate card in Munich for a while and is stuck on the passport like a visa. Its name is Aufenthaltstitel, and it is an immediate action, so unlike a visa, there is no such thing as ‘leave the passport and go’.. The most annoying thing is that they spend 60 Euros on you again.. “So I already paid for the visa?” You can’t say and pay again

But let’s not worry, after all, we won’t have to worry about getting a Schengen visa ‘for a while’. And I’ll tell you the part that I enjoy the most: Once you have a residence card, you no longer get the nonsense of foreign fee stamps when you leave Turkey! They did not accept the work visa because they saw it as a ‘visa’ and they made me pay for the stamp.

Is the Blue Card related to the company I work for?

I know that the Blue Card is related to the company I work with because it has the company name on it, but I cannot answer the other questions ‘based on my experience’ as I have not changed jobs yet.. Here’s what I know, anyone who knows better can correct or add. You can switch to another company in the same city; you need to go to the foreigners office and change your Blue Card to be linked to your new company. It must be the same way to go to another city in Germany.. Changing countries can be done after 18 months; when you go to another EU member country to work in a high-quality job, you can apply for the renewal of your Blue Card in the new country.

As I said, I do not know the answers to these questions very well, I just wrote what I heard. If I try, I’ll write more precisely later

If I leave Germany while I have a Blue Card, will it expire?

It is said that there is no problem if the Blue Card holder or their spouse is outside of Germany for a period of not more than 12 months.. If it exceeds 12 months, your card will lose its validity.

You can watch my video about how I found a job in Germany and how I came to Germany by getting a blue card, by clicking the link below, by subscribing to our channel. You can also be aware of the new videos we share about Germany.

Germany Blue Card Work Permit if you found my article useful, you can use it on social media Don’t forget to share, follow Hayat ve Seyahat‘s social media accounts below to be informed about Germany and my articles about life in Germany!

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