
From Koh Kong to Sihanoukville

Sihanoukville is a very touristic and small city located on the Baha’i Peninsula, on the ocean coast in the south of Cambodia.. With its tropical islands, golden sandy beaches, cheap accommodation options, and very economical seafood restaurants, it is also the most favorite holiday destination of Cambodians.

This town is 4 hours by bus from the capital Phnom Penh and 6 hours from the Thai border. I passed through the town of Kong. Surprisingly, as soon as I entered Cambodia, I was totally camped out in my luxury 6$ room and ultra-fast internet at the hotel.. I was just going out to eat, spending all my remaining time renovating and hosting my blog.. The hotel lasted for 5 days, but I decided to leave the unpleasant Koh Kong.

I bought a ticket for the bus from Koh Kong to Sihanoukville at noon (14$, 27TL). Although it is a 5-6 hour journey, it was one of the most expensive tickets I paid during my trip.. Interestingly enough, in places with few tourists, like Koh Kong, tickets were sold at twice the price charged to locals.. Another imbalance was actually in the prices of food and drink.. While you were staying in luxury for 6$, the price you would pay when you wanted to have a good meal was 10$.. A strange rate…

Being on the road in Asia meant waiting. The bus arrived 1 hour after the said bus time.. A French couple who had been waiting longer than me got bored and took the bus to Phnom Penh that preceded the bus to Sihanoukville.. Another disappointment was when my bus arrived.. You know, you expect the bus you pay this price to be comfortable or at least clean and air-conditioned, but where… Traveling with a backpack makes one very optimistic and flexible.. I am writing these to get more information than to complain.. Otherwise, I didn’t really care.

My bus, which was supposed to take 5-6 hours, could only go in 8 hours, and finally took me to Sihanoukville in the middle of the night.. At first, I didn’t care at all about the motorcycle and tuktuk drivers that flocked to me at the bus station, when they act like this, they are more open to bargaining.. Since the bus station is far from the city center, it is necessary to arrange a tansport.. We agreed with a friendly Cambodian motorcycle taxi driver to get to the center and find a hotel for $1.5.

I settled on GST Guest House ($6, 11TL), luxury hotel in Koh Kong for the same price While I was staying in his room, I was now in a rather simple and uncomfortable little room.. I was so tired for 5 days and I didn’t leave my hotel room.. At the guest house where I stayed, tickets were sold for many activities at the same time.. I bought my ticket for a boat tour to Bamboo Island, whose name I heard before coming here (15$, 27TL). I missed going on a blue cruise, being at sea.

Day 612: Cambodia:06, Sihanoukville. April 5, 2012

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