
From Gardening to World Tour

We met Pascal on the island of Utila in Honduras and traveled together for 2-3 days. Hearing his life story, he talked in more detail about how he went on a world tour and what he did before.

– Where are you from?
+ I’m from Switzerland.
– How old are you?
+ I’m 31 years old.
– When did you start your current trip? How long will it take?
+ 1 Year, I started 2 weeks ago. It will probably take another year.
– Do you have a page or website where you share your trips?
+ None. I can’t feel free if I share what I’m doing. But I’m writing a book, half finished.
– How do you finance your trip?
+ I have a house in Switzerland. I rented it out and I’m traveling with the money.
– How did you get the house? Are you rich?
+ No I’m not. I worked in China before and bought a house with the money I earned.
– How did you work in China? What did you do? Tell me a little.
+ I worked and saved money while I was in Switzerland. With the money saved, I went on a 1-year trip in 2010.. The first place I went was China.. My goal was to travel non-stop for a year, but when I saw it, I wanted to learn Chinese and I rented a house in Beijing and enrolled in a 6-month school.. 3-4 months later, my mother came to visit me from Switzerland.. He wanted to buy pearls because he likes jewellery, so I asked my friends around me and researched where I could buy them beautiful and suitable.. Then we found the right place and bought the pearl necklace my mother wanted.. After my mother returned to Switzerland, those who saw the necklace liked it very much and they wanted it too.. My mother called and said to send me 3-4 more of the same pearl necklace.. I bought 4 necklaces and sent them. Later, those who saw them began to want. Business grew little by little as demand increased. When I said his friend, his wife’s friend, I somehow started to trade in pearl jewelry.. I opened a company in Beijing that I can run from home. I sent jewelry pearls from China to Switzerland, making all the work official. At that time, I found the right people at the right time and even sold pearls to Dior.. In this way, I worked in China for 3 years.. I made a lot of money. Then I returned to Switzerland and bought a house.. I rented it out and went on my current trip.

– When you found such a good job, it’s nice too Why did you quit your job and go for a walk when you were making money?
+ Being rich doesn’t make you happy. I have one house, it is enough for me to travel the world and I am happy. I don’t want more. Look how nice it is to sit here and chat with you (We are at a cafe/bar by the sea). Even if we have never met 30-40 people here, we can go and talk and have fun.. You can’t do this if you’re rich. If you’re very rich, you can’t do it at all.. If we had that much money, we would probably come across in our special boat and have fun with our 3-4 rich friends.. Our spouse next to us, our girlfriend would probably be with us for money, not for you or me.. So of course you need money to live, but you can’t buy happiness with money.
– How many languages ​​do you know? Where did you learn?
+ I speak German. I learned English at school and Chinese in China.. Now I’m trying to learn Spanish while traveling.
– Did you go to university, what is your education?
+ I didn’t go to university.
– You said you went to China by saving money in Switzerland to go on your first trip. What did you do to save this money?
+ Gardening.
– Really?
+ (Laughing) Yes. I’m a gardener.

He is a university graduate, even a graduate, and his English is very good. Even among the followers who said, “I’m going abroad for the first time, I don’t have the courage alone, what should I do?” come questions like. I try to help everyone as much as I can to develop our culture of traveling the world that doesn’t exist.. I’m working, but I can’t ignore this either; On the one hand, the outlook and vision of people who are university graduates, who have studied for years, studied and even learned a language, and on the other hand, the world view and vision of Pascal, who did not go to university, who is a gardener.

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