
From Australia to Bali

Bali Island is one of the places that invites it to itself without ever seeing it. I am extremely curious about the island, probably due to the influence of the media, the internet and other travelers. Bali Island pops up in my mind as exotic Asia. This island, which draws attention with its unique traditions, will be my route after my 90-day trip to Australia.

Now it’s time to sail from Oceania to Asia. I will arrive in Denpasar city of Bali island tomorrow at 19:30 with Jetstar Airlines. After a pleasant 3 months in Australia, it is exciting to go to Indonesia, which is one of the countries I want to see.

If there is no problem in getting Indonesian visa at the door, I plan to travel in the country for 2 months. It will likely be Malaysia and Singapore.

Day 343: Australia:88. Darwin, 12 July 2011

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