
For Those Who Will Take a Trip to Malaysia: 10 Legendary Suggestions You Should Definitely Know

Malaysia is a country far away from most of us.. But it is a green country that should definitely be on the route of those who plan to travel to countries such as Singapore, Thailand or Indonesia.. In Malaysia, where I have been 3 times, Belum rainforests in the north, Langwaki and Penang Islands in the west blew me away.. I had only been to Malaysian Capital Kuala Lumpur before. In fact, we did not know how many more beautiful places there are in Malaysia.. Here in this article, I have described all my experiences, line by line, for those who will make a Malaysia Trip. Pleasant trips.

My Experiences and Information About Malaysia

A few good Malaysia travel articles

including some of the things I haven’t been to but what I know, to the notes and suggestions I prepared before my Malaysia trip

I will share my experiences by writing strong>.

So this article is not just for your travel to Malaysia; It will also include suggestions for other countries you plan to make to that geography.. In a single article, you will get all the information about Malaysia. Do not forget to leave your valuable comments at the end of the article.. Our trip to Malaysia begins.

Is it okay without having a photo taken with the children of the tribe living in the Belum Rainforest

Life in Malaysia is pretty calm. people are comfortable. They don’t rush like us.. They are very respectful. The money they earn is enough.. So at least the people I’ve met have said that.

Check the hotels in the country from This Link

Malaysian people people like candy. They are very kind, gentle and helpful. And believe me, whatever you ask, they answer with a smile.. I even say learn some greeting words before you go.. Indeed, they literally die of happiness when you say something in Malay :

  • Selamat : Hello
  • Selamat Datang : Welcome
  • Sama Sama : You’re welcome
  • Maafkan saya : Excuse me
  • Apa khabar : How are you ?
  • Selamat pagi : Good morning
  • Selamat petang : Good evening
  • Selamat malam : Good night
  • Masjid : Mosque
  • Tutup : Closed
  • Selamat tinggal : Goodbye
  • Lebuh : Street
  • Jalan : Street
  • Bukit : Tepe

In brief about Malaysia :

  • Malaysia is a lush country. 2/3 of its land is covered with forests.. Previously, this figure was eighty percent.. It’s still a great rate though.. Not to mention the 130-million-year-old rainforest.
  • In Malaysia, especially couples should not engage in too much cuddling or kissing.. In other words, it is not because something will happen, but in the sense of tolerance, especially if there is not too much entanglement among the people, it will be treated with respect.
  • By the way, never touch someone’s head in daily life.. Because they perceive it as disrespect. Also, never show your soles. For example, do not lift your feet up to sit comfortably.. This, too, is perceived as disrespect.
  • Traffic is on the left.. That’s why I say think carefully before renting a car.
  • You are expected to enter almost all religious temples by removing your shoes.
  • The sockets are different from ours.. They use three of them. Make sure you have a converter with you.
  • It can be humid and hot during the day.. A little cooler at night. Especially from higher hills and on buses the weather is cool. So always be prepared. It may even rain suddenly. Bring a raincoat with you. Even have a waterproof case. Insects can bite you, especially your ankles, when hiking in the rainforest.. Either wear long sweatpants or buy pesticides for insects.
  • The end of drug trafficking in Malaysia: EXECUTION.
  • The number of public holidays in the country is also quite plentiful.. For example, students; 1 week in November, December, January, February and March; 3 weeks in June; they have 1 week holiday in august. Therefore, before you go, be sure to book a hotel, knowing the public holidays.

1. Where is Malaysia ? How Much is Malaysia’s Population?

First of all, let’s start with where Malaysia is.. Malaysia is located south of Thailand, east of Indonesia, and both south and north of Singapore.. Why ?

Map locations on my Malaysia attractions list

Because Singapore used to be Malaysian territory, 9 Left Malaysia in August 1965. In fact, I would say take a look at our Singapore Travel Notes, the Land of Forbidden article on this subject.. We explained it to the smallest detail there.

Malaysia population: about 30 million. The most populated city Capital Kuala Lumpur

By the way, especially the region where the Capital Kuala Lumpur is located is known as the main peninsula; In the south, the states of Sabah and Sarawak are located right around the Sultanate of Brunei.

Therefore, as you can see on the Malaysian Map, Malaysia is a very large country in terms of land.. I guess I wouldn’t be wrong if I said it’s 40% of Turkey.. In fact, I suggest you take a look at my Where is Malaysia article for more detailed information.

2. Does Malaysia Require a Visa ?

Malaysia does not require a visa from us for our visits up to 90 days. We can easily enter Malaysia if you show the reservation for the hotel reservation and the transportation vehicle that shows you will leave the country while entering the door. , Subscribe to my youtube channel for free. I tell all my travel experiences one by one on my channel

Before entering Malaysia, I recommend you to book a hotel with a refund.. Thus, you will not encounter any problems while entering the country.. From this link you can see the most economical return hotels as a list.

3. Is Malaysian Currency Valuable ?

Malaysian currency, known as Malaysian Ringgit. About 5 years ago, TL was almost 30% more valuable than Malaysian Ringgit.

But especially due to the exchange rate increase in 2018, Malaysian Ringgit was 5% more valuable than TL when I went.. So Malaysia’s 100 Ringit is worth our 105 TL.

Malaysian Currency : 1 Dollar : 3.65 Malaysian Ringit

Therefore, considering the prices in Malaysia, the country is generally quite economical.. For example, accommodation for 2 people in a moderate hotel is around 150 TL; I can say that a meal in a nice restaurant is around 30 TL.. We can even start with my video :

Watch the video of Putrajaya, my first stop in Malaysia

For examples :


  • Telephone line in Malaysia: 6 GB internet valid for 1 week from Hotlink company 70 Ringit
  • Beer in the markets 8-10 Ringit, coke 2 Ringit, snickers 3 Ringit, cigarette around 12-15 Ringit
  • Eating at a nice restaurant, average 30-40 Ringit
  • Eating at a moderate restaurant 20 Ringit

4. Is Transportation Easy in Malaysia?

Especially if you are going to start touring Malaysia from the Capital Kuala Lumpur; Bus-train-taxi from the airport to the city center is what you need.. By the way, the airport is about 60 kilometers from the center of Kuala Lumpur.

Where is Kuala Lumpur, read my article to the end

You can easily travel between the islands by plane

In addition, there are different terminals at the airport and transportation between terminals is provided by trains.. Therefore, find out in advance which terminal your flight will depart from and make sure you are at the right terminal accordingly.. Otherwise, it may take 15-20 minutes to get from one terminal to another and you may miss your flight.

Before you buy a Malaysia flight ticket: Read my article on the best search engines

But the best thing is to use the famous Uber or Grab applications to provide transportation over such long distances.. Just so you know.

Buses are always cold in Malaysia. Make sure you have long-sleeved clothes with you

For intercity transportation:

Train: There are intercity train lines called Ets, but there is usually no room on Friday, Saturday, Sunday.. That’s why you need to buy train tickets early.. Otherwise, you have to use a bus or a taxi.

Malaysia has its own car brands called Proton

Bus: To many cities you can find a bus. However, all buses can be full, especially during public holidays.. Before planning transportation in the country, you can see all intercity alternatives and prices on Rome2rio.com.

In the Islands: The easiest way is to rent a motorbike and travel.. In general, if you do not have a motor license, they do not allow you to rent a motorbike.. let me know. Their prices are around 40 TL per day.

5. Is Electronics Cheap in Malaysian Capital ?

Yes. Electronic goods in Malaysia are 20% more economical on average compared to Turkey.

For example; Low Yacht Plaza in Kuala Lumpuris known as one of the best places to buy electronics.

I also video my experiences in Kuala Lumpur. I prepared as. Have a pleasant cruise.

You can also shop from dozens of stores and night markets, especially in the Bukit Bintang area in Kuala Lumpur.. In fact, read my travel article at Kuala Lumpur for more information on this subject.. There I wrote all the addresses one by one.

6. Is Malaysia’s Economy Developed?

Now, sir, I can guess: When Malaysia is mentioned, many people think of 3. a place like the world country may appear, but it should not appear. Why?

Because Malaysia’s economy is much larger than it seems, and the country, as I see it, is well developed.

For example, per capita income in Malaysia is around 10,000 dollars.. They have also developed in tourism, especially in recent years.. For example, more than 30 million tourists visited Malaysia last year alone.. I think this is a very, very big achievement for a country of 30 million people.

There is a lot of religious diversity in Malaysia.. Where is Malaysia – how to get there – weather

Education and health are free in Malaysia. But of course, the private school logic and examination fee system was also valid in Malaysia.

Malaysia’s largest income comes from oil drilling and palm oil sales.. In fact, it is one of the largest palm oil producing countries in the world.

I said above: They even have their own car brands.. Not to mention the maritime trade and technology investments.. So you see, these lands are ruled by a highly developed country.

7. How is Malaysian Food?

Let me admit: I’m not hungry in Malaysia. But it’s like “What did we eat!” the situation did not. In general, they have cuisines with curry sauce and spicy dishes.. Well, what did we really eat?

Only eggs and bread for breakfast; Besides, I ate lots of tropical fruits.. Never expect to find foods such as cheese, olives, butter for breakfast.

The famous durian fruit is something like this.. It can be even a few kilos in size

For lunch, I generally consumed noodle-based dishes.. Their prices were around 12-15 TL.. For example, I recommend a restaurant called Oldtown White Coffee, which has branches all over the country.

In the evenings, I tried to find fish and meat restaurants.. I can say that there are always good restaurants in Langkawi, Kuala Lumpur, Penang and Melaka.

Noodles was the food I ate the most in the country.

I think the Malay dish that I ate the most and known as the most famous dish in Malaysia was Satay.. You know, meat-chicken on the grill, but it’s a little sweet. Prices are around 7-8 Ringit.

Tropical fruits :

  • Star Fruit
  • Guava
  • Yellow watermelon
  • Durian
  • Jack
  • Rambutan
  • Papaya
  • Mango
  • Yellow watermelon
  • Bananas are the fruits I consume a lot.

They also love fruit juices.. You can pay 4-5 Ringit for fruit juice in a huge glass.

Places to visit in Malaysia read my article till the end. I explained both places to visit and restaurants one by one.

8. How is the Diversity of Religion and Culture in Malaysia?

There are 3 main ethnicities in the country: Chinese, Indians and Malays.. This diversity of ethnic origins, from the food culture; it unfolds down to the houses of worship in the streets. One can see a mosque-pagoda-church or temple side by side in the same neighborhood.. For example, those in the George Town area on Penang Island.

Hindu temples in Malaysia

For example, Walking down a street in Kuala Lumpur; What if you saw 3-5 different faces next to you and said they were all Malaysian? You actually experience it all over the country.

Malaysian : Malay is the official language but English is also quite common. However, Islam is recognized as the national religion.. But the free practice of all religions was guaranteed by the state.

There is an incredible diversity in every field in the country.. Faces, colors, cultures, streets, food, prayers from different places of worship in your ear in the morning. Many more.

But the most beautiful thing is that people of different ethnic origins can live under the same flag, respecting each other.

13 in the country there are different states and each state has a different color flag. Sultan at the top. A different sultan was chosen from among 9 different sultans every 5 years and the administration of the country was handed over to him.. Of course, the Prime Minister is also in the administration at the same time.

For example, let me give you an example: I went to a theater in Putrajaya.. At the end of the show, Aswad, who was traveling with me, went to the friends who performed the show and spoke to them in a mixture of English and Malay.

Chinese in Kuala Lumpur Neighborhood

Interestingly, people speak English in this country even when they communicate with each other.. I think that’s how they agree to connect the communications between them.

The ratio of the most believed religions to the population in Malaysia is as follows:

  • Islam 61%
  • Buddhism 20%
  • Christianity 9%
  • Hinduism 6%
  • Chinese Religions 1.3% (Taoism and Confucianism)

The richest people in the country are actually Chinese.. Why ? Because the descendants of the merchants who came from China at the time, still continue to deal with trade.

Indians are the poorest.. However, considering the population, the most crowded group is known as the local people, the Malays.

9. Where are the Places to Visit in Malaysia?

Let’s come to the point slowly now. Take at least 1 week to travel in Malaysia. If you have time, I would say take 2-3 weeks.. Why ?

Because Places to visit in Malaysia are located in at least 10 different Malaysian cities. As I mentioned above, from rainforests; You can find everything in this country, from underwater beauties, to wonderful deserted villages, to pristine islands.

I visited Belum Rainforest, one of the most beautiful places to visit in the country, and it was videotaped.

I watched Malaysia attractions during my 1-week trip to Malaysia.

  • Putrajaya
  • Kuala Lumpur
  • Belum Rainforest
  • Penang Island
  • Langkawi Island
  • Melaka

This is my entire route it took me a week to do. And believe me, I actually saw a tiny place in Malaysia.. What else was there?

My next video is from Penang Island

So if you want to examine this route and see my alternative suggestions; Read my article on Places to Visit in Malaysia.

10. Is Malaysia Nightlife Good ?

Now. Did I mention that Malaysia is considered a Muslim country?. Do not directly think of a country like Saudi Arabia.. Why ? Because Malaysia is one of the Muslim countries living like us.. In other words, there are no such heavy rules and sanctions in social life in the country.

No one interferes with anyone’s dressing.. Those who want drink in the morning and evening; whoever is praying. But there is a situation like this:

Kuala Lumpur nights

Alcohol is expensive in the country. You can enjoy the nightlife on islands such as Kuala Lumpur, Penang Island and Langkawi.. But alcohol prices; cocktails 25-30 Ringit; Beers will be around 15-20 Ringit. Finally;

Absolutely but definitely: Check out my Langkawi travel post

  • From 9pm After 2 pm, the clubs close and the last alcohol service time is 1 pm.

What I Don’t Do But Recommends

Now, sir, I said that 1 week was not enough to travel around the country.. Therefore, if you have more time; or if you want to experience something different, I would like to tell you my other travel suggestions :

Aborigines living in the rainforests of northern Malaysia.

  • As far as Kuala Lumpur; There’s a park called Genting highlands. This place is like the Universal Studios you know. But it was located 40-50 km from the city.. You can spare 1 day for such a thematic park trip. In fact, this was the place where there were only casinos in the country.
  • Redang island and Perhentian islands are very beautiful for honeymoon.. The east of the peninsula remains, but I could not go. They say it’s great about the sea.
  • Likewise, I couldn’t see the states of Sabah and Sarawak.. I didn’t have enough time. If you ask me, this is the real Malaysia.. If you are looking for nature, sea, sand, sun and natural life, spare at least 1 week for these 2 states.. In fact, add Brunei Sultanate, which is located in the middle of these 2 provinces, to your list.. It is among the Visa-Free countries.

Check the hotels in the country from This Link

Melaka, one of the most historical cities of the country

  • Cameron Highlands was one of the must-see places, I think, but I didn’t have enough time. This place is known as the region of great villages where English soldiers lived in the highlands and tea cultivation, especially in summer, to cool off hundreds of years ago.. I know that accommodation facilities and transportation from Kuala Lumpur will not be a problem.. By the way, to reach here, you can come to Tapah Road Station by train before Kuala Lumpur and you can reach there by vehicles.. Personally, this place has not remained a ukte in me !

My other video from Penang Island is below. I say watch it till the end.

  • There is a wonderful rainforest region called Taman Negara.. It is located 230 kilometers from Kuala Lumpur.. This place is also very beautiful.
  • Also, I recommend you to see the Templer Park, which is also close to Kuala Lumpur.. As I said, natural parks and forests in the country are innumerable.

Read Before You Travel to Malaysia

  • Places to visit in Malaysia
  • Where is Malaysia
  • Where is Kuala Lumpur
  • Kuala Lumpur
  • Langkawi

Malaysia, with its many ethnic origins, millions of years old rainforest, deep blue sea, always warm It was a country that I liked very much with its weather.. As I mentioned above, I loved this country enough to say that I would go again.. So, read all the related articles I mentioned above and make a good travel plan and add the country where these friendly people live to your list.. Don’t forget to follow me on my social media accounts below. Imagine. Think about it…

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