
FEZ Economic Travel Guide

FEZ Economic Travel Guide

This city, formerly known as “Fes el Bali”, is one of the oldest empires in the world. , the third largest city in Morocco. While walking in the old city center of the city famous for its tanneries, there is no need to think too much about where this interesting smell comes from. considered city area . Fez is perhaps the only place you should go if you really want to experience Moroccan culture, as Marrakech and Casablanca are more touristic.. Namely; In Berber countries, the names of the capitals came from the names of the countries, and Fez took this name because it was the capital of the country for a while.. But this time, we are thinking: the city whose English is Fes and the country whose English is Morocco do not quite fit this word game.. Then I wonder if we called the city Fez and the country Morocco to be compatible with it, since the first fez to our country came from Fez?! :S


By train: Morocco’s national railway company ONCF trains You can provide easy transportation between major cities in Morocco.. The main train station in Fez is called Fès-Ville. You can get here by train from Casablanca in 3-4 hours, from Marrakech in 7.5 hours, from Rabat in 2.5-3 hours and from Tangier in 4.5 hours.


By Car: By renting a car from Casablanca airport or the city center, you can reach Fez in 3-3.5 hours from the toll highway and in 4.5 hours from the E-5 type international road.. Highways are marked with the letter “A” and are incredibly expensive.. It appears at the box office almost every 15-20 minutes.. Toll free roads marked with an “N” (coming from national) is the international road. The choice is yours according to the balance of time and price

By the bus: You can reach the Gare Routière, which is the bus station of Fez, by the CTM buses, and then you can take a taxi to the city center or to your hotel. .


The old city center of Fez, in other words the medina area, where motor vehicles cannot enter due to its narrow streets that are approximately one and a half and two meters wide, can be reached by walking, transport is carried out (by local people) with donkeys and horses.. Unfortunately, it will not be very welcome for you to approach these donkeys, take pictures, and especially if you tend to ride on them.

You will definitely get lost while walking around the city center of Fez.. Whether you have a detailed map or use GPS, you will have to ask someone for directions at least 10 times.. Speaking of maps, we prefer maps.me or Ulmon offline map applications on our travels, but for the first time in Fez, we have witnessed that the coordinates of these maps are confused.. We tried to find our old-fashioned way with the city map they gave in the riad we stayed.. However, on the way back, we confused which narrow street we turned right and which grocery store we turned left.. That’s why we recommend you to walk in the side streets, don’t be afraid to enter the streets that look more photogenic that you like, and let yourself go to the flood of people.

You can reach the areas outside the city center in Fez by using petite taxis.. Some of these taxis will not want to turn on the meter.. In this case, you have to bargain hard.. By the way, a sympathetic detail is that the color of these petite taxis also differs from city to city.. Red in Casablanca and Fez, yellow in Marrakech, blue in Essaouira!


Riad el Amine Hotel, in 94-96 Bouajjara Bab Jdid Palais de Fes in 5-Makhfia Ercif a cote du cinema Amal dar Tazi Hotel and 5 Place Batha Riad Palais Batha on Rue El Douh are among the most expensive hotels in Fez.

However, of course, we did not stay in these hotels.

We booked 1 room for 2 nights for 100 € in a riad called Dar Mansoura, which looks affordable, clean and comfortable, and is also close to the city centre.. As we mentioned, we finally found our riad, thanks to the young man who offered to help us because the GPS coordinates were misplaced and the place was located in a narrow side street.. Of course, we learned that this type of aid will not go unrequited in Morocco We are talking about the tradition of tipping

Let’s go to the riada. Since our room was unsuitable for renovations, they transferred us to the neighboring riad called Riad Taryana.. And glad they did. Because this new riad and its staff were so sympathetic that we wanted to take it with us and bring it home

By the way, there is a detail that escaped our attention although it was written as a footnote on booking.com.. The hotel only accepts cash (could be EURO or MAD) and a fee such as local tax is not included in the amount reflected in the booking.. You pay an additional tax of 2€ per person per night.. Keep in mind.


You should definitely visit the leather tanneries in Fez. Chouara Tannery the oldest tannery in the world where leather is processed using traditional methods.

Fes festival of world sacred music: at Jnan Sbil between June 22 and 30 trailer (in 2018).

The riads in the old city center of Fez are famous for their courtyards, but they also have terraces, if you don’t go you will regret it.. Here is an ideal and free location suggestion for you to watch the view of the city from the top


On the first evening in Fez, we entered a restaurant called Le Tarbouche, located a few steps from the ria where we stayed.. (Address: No 43 Talaa kebira, rue haddadine) We were a little nervous because we were introduced to Moroccan culture and food for the first time, but the foreign tourists sitting in the restaurant gave us confidence and encouragement At this restaurant, Moroccan salad and our Baltic trip we ate something similar to the kib we ate. The taste was quite delicious. Just as you can imagine, it’s very spicy, which is partly because this restaurant is actually Mexican cuisine other than the typical Moroccan dish! It was too late when we found out That’s why you should definitely drink mint tea on top of it.. It will relax your stomach Tabbouleh, curry chicken and cheesecake, which are said to be delicious in the restaurant!

On our second night, we entered a very traditional and touristic restaurant called Restaurant Asmae. With 120 DH (approximately 60 TL) for 1 menu, we broke the record by paying the most for food on this 6-day trip to Morocco.. If you ask what was on such an expensive menu?. First of all, they filled the table with at least 10-15 different kinds of appetizers.. Since the pastries are legendary, we actually filled our stomachs with bread and appetizers.. We preferred tagine stew and tabbouleh, couscous, as the main course.. Afterwards, mint tea and sweet cookies were served with traditional services.. Finally, a big plate and fruit service. We may have paid a little too much, but we had a really delicious and enjoyable dinner.. It’s worth trying at least once.

By the way, sweet and bread stalls and freshly squeezed fruit juices are very appetizing while walking around the city center of Fez.. It is also useful to say that. There is no cafe culture here like we have or in Europe.. Their cafes look like our old village coffee houses in Anatolia.. Their 95% male customers (or regulars, I don’t know) are sitting facing the street or the street with their shoulders facing each other, drinking a sip of strong coffee such as mint tea or espresso, and chatting.. So, if you’re a coffee drinker like us, bring instant coffee and a thermos with you, so you don’t become a victim


First of all, let me point out that. You will not be able to return from Fez without shopping.. We claim  Everything is so authentic, so colorful, so sympathetic that if you don’t shop, your conscience will not be comfortable

Everything made of leather (bags, clothes, pointed and slightly raised slippers called babouches, leather sandals) ) also silk shawls, fabric, long robes with pointed hoods called djellaba, unique rugs made by barbers with Moroccan ancestors, pottery, copper ornaments, argan oil and creams are among the top things you can buy here.

You should definitely not forget to bargain.. If they call you 3 you should say 1, worst you meet at 1.5 or 2. We wanted to buy a rug, they opened a price of 1000€ for 1 medium size rug, after a long bargaining process we were able to buy two rugs for 400€.

The prices in Fez are generally slightly higher than in Marrakech. expensive. However, you are more likely to find more interesting and original products here.. Therefore, if there is something you really like, don’t miss it, but save the rest of your shopping for example Marrakech if you are going on a tour.



There were around 12.000 shops in 2000 narrow side streets of the old city center.. We didn’t count, we can’t prove it, but it’s definitely true. Medina is a shopper’s paradise. Wherever you turn your head, a shop or an interesting counter in a different color and texture will welcome you.


Fez Although it is a small place, you should spare a full day just for the old city center. The Medina of Fez, a walled medieval city 9. It was established in the 19th century and consists of approximately 9700 narrow streets.. Not because there are dozens of monuments, mosques, exhibitions, palaces, etc. to see, but at least 3 minutes from each shop or counter that will attract your attention in its hundreds of narrow streets.. Since you will take your time

Your route should be as follows: When you take Fez’s famous blue gate, Bab Boujloud, behind you, there are two streets going down one from the right and one from the left.. If you descend from one and exit from the other, you will pass through the main structures to be seen in Fez, which we will explain in detail below.

You can click for this walking route.

  • Bab Boujloud (Blue Gate): Medina Fez, the gateway to the old city center of Fez. If you are going to the old city center by taxi, taxi drivers should definitely say that you want to go to Bab Boujloud because there are 7 gates in the city.
  • Dar Batha is an old palace in the center of Fez Medina.. Today, it serves as a museum of ceramics and woodworks.
  • Medersa Bou Inania: The madrasah, located opposite Dar Batha, founded by Abu Inan Faris between 1351–56 BC, It is said to be an example of Marinid architecture with its large courtyard.
  • Zaouia Moulay Idriss II (Zaouia de Moulay Idriss): It was built by Moulay Idriss II, who ruled Morocco between 807 and 828.. His tomb is also located here.. This is a place hidden in a narrow street.. Its gate and courtyard are multicolored. When we went, people in hats and interesting robes were blessing the people who came in, it was as if there was a different ritual inside.. We didn’t understand exactly what happened.. We are not sure whether it is a mosque or a convent where the disciples gather.
  • Kairaouine Mosque and University (Mosquee et Universite Karaouiyne): Included in the UNESCO World Heritage List Visit the courtyard of the oldest university in. Women can walk not from the middle of the courtyard, but from the section reserved at the edge.. Of course you have to take off your shoes and cover your head.. This place was used as a university at the time, but as far as we understand, it actually served as a madrasah.. The mosque is only open during prayer times, you can’t go inside except that.
  • Chouara Tannery: The best leathers are processed with traditional methods in the tannery, which is considered the oldest tannery in the world.. You will know by the smell that you are approaching the tannery.. You can catch your eye on one of the shops where products made from processed leather are sold, go to its terrace and watch a bird’s eye view of the tannery.. Shop employees will already invite you through the door.. They will market it as a free viewing terrace and tell you how the leather is processed on the terrace, almost as a guide.. Eventually you will have to tip or buy leather shoes, bags etc.. (Again, according to the unwritten Moroccan rule that you have to obey )
  • Place R’Cif and Mosque R’Cif, R’Cif Square (Place Er-Rsif): You can find many places to eat and drink in the famous square of Fez.
  • Andalusian Mosque (Mosquee des Andalous, Andalusian Mosque): A mosque with Andalusian architecture. Again, it is a classical mosque with mosaic walls and large courtyards.

The second day, we suggest you go outside the walls of Fez and do a tour where you can mingle with the locals.

This You can click here to see the walking map of the route.

  • Jnan Sbil Garden (Jnan Sbil Gardens): 18. The garden, which was built by Sultan Moulay Abdellah in the 16th century, is the oldest garden in Morocco. It is right in the middle of the Bab Boujloud, the Blue Gate, which is the entrance to the Fez medina, and the Mellah, which is the Jewish district, and is adjacent to the Royal Palace.. Being in such a green, beautiful and tidy garden in African lands and seeing that you are surrounded by brown-walled buildings outside the garden when you raise your head inevitably puts you in a strange mood.. Even in a city like Fez, there is a garden with such a landscape and such a vegetation, and we cannot see green in our dear hometown.. It’s very sad indeed.
  • The Royal Palace (Palais Royal Dar El Makhzen): The medina and the Royal Palace in Fez surrounded by walls and many gates. The royal palace will appear as soon as you enter through one of these doors, the Sammarin Medina Gate.. Unfortunately, there is no permission to enter the palace.. This is a place worth visiting even just to take pictures of these engraved, carved, huge and colorful doors to the palace.. If you have already included the Jnan Sbil garden in your route, you will have passed the palace by its slope.
  • Mellah: Jewish district in Fez. The area to the right of the Royal Palace. When you see the Ibn Danan Synagogue you will know that you are in the Mellah area. The synagogue is closed on Sundays, so we could not enter, but in this part of the synagogue and mosque, a market place with interesting views was established.. Although it is not far from Medina, it was very interesting to us that the architecture and people changed rapidly.
  • Merenid Tombs (Marinid Tombs or Borj Nord): You can take a taxi to the cemeteries on a hill north of Fez Medina (in Borj Nord). It is a very touristic place as the city’s panoramic viewing terrace.. We did not go here because we had the opportunity to watch the whole city from a bird’s eye view from the terrace of Palais du Tresor, where we shopped for rugs while we were waiting for the Kairaouine mosque to open to visitors.


The places you should prefer to have a drink in Fez are the bars of the hotels. These hotels are usually luxury hotels located outside the old city center.

In other places, it is not recommended for women to enter alone.. It is said that even if there is a man with you, it is not very comfortable to enter without someone who does not speak Arabic well.. So at least that’s what they suggested to us in the riad we stayed in, the word they used was “not legal”. We could not understand exactly what is not legal, but we did not notice anyone who approached with malicious intent, spoke in a language we could understand, etc.. That’s why we didn’t have any problems.


Chefchaouen, one of the closest and touristic cities to Fez. You should at least go to this blue city with a day tour from Fez.

Also, you can easily reach other cities such as Marrakech, Casablanca, Rabat by bus or train.


  • Fez is a true shopping paradise, but you have to calculate the exchange rate well and count the money well after shopping.
  • They will understand that you are a tourist and will try to give you directions right away.. If you just answer and let them accompany you, they will definitely follow you.. Do you want to see argan production, have you been to the tannery, you should see the scarf workshop, he will give you advice such as a personal tour guide, and in return, no matter what your heart desires, “Give you another 20, I helped you so much!” they will say. Be on your guard, be prepared
  • There are many touristic restaurants to try Moroccan food. Expensive yes, but you should still try it one night.
  • Although the city is hot, interiors and streets are quite cool. You have to dress carefully, otherwise you will return with an upper respiratory tract infection of 26 degrees like us, you will not be able to recover for 2 weeks
  • Some places in Fez Medina are in the style of our covered bazaar, but you will feel like you are traveling in time while walking around narrow streets.. Do not resist the smell, human flood, mule infestation and enjoy.

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