
Erasmus Internship in Europe: Guidelines for Applicants and Post-Admission Process

Erasmus Internship in Europe

Erasmus Internship Application Guide and Processes After Acceptance:

Erasmus Internship in Europe by Yolda bi’ Blog We made a change in the series of (or Erasmus Internship Mobility) interviews and left the steering wheel in the hands of Cemal.. Anyway, without us having to ask anything, Cemal explained with all the details how he got accepted to the Erasmus internship in Europe, what he did (experienced) during those processes, how he collected the necessary documents and after receiving the acceptance, “Germany’s awesome bureaucratic works”. ” told how he survived.

Then here is Erasmus internship in Europe with Cemal Guide

Erasmus Internship Mobility

Hello sir. Cemal ben, 3rd Degree in City and Regional Planning at Dokuz Eylul University. I finished class this year. By the way, the department is affiliated to the Faculty of Architecture.. Can’t say it now. When some people who are studying Urban Planning ask what they are studying, they immediately say the Faculty of Architecture.. Why? Because they wanted to study Architecture, but their points were not enough, they found themselves where they were after saying “What should I do, let me study City Planning”.. But let’s see that there are many people like me who love city planning, read with pleasure and will practice their profession with pleasure in the future.. Could be Stockholm Syndrome, I don’t know.. Anyway, I said, because I love it, I wanted to do an internship in a nice place, learn more, become a better planner when I graduate, and I decided to do my internship abroad 7-8 months ago.. Now I am in Munich for Erasmus internship. This article is his story.

The Story of Finding Erasmus Internship and Preparations!
CV Preparation Process

How I found the internship, where to go Let’s talk about what I’m looking at. Sir, like everyone else, I first started with a good CV. Of course, this CV issue is very important.. It should be attractive and impressive. You can find tons of CV preparation sites on the internet.. You can even say “what the hell am I going to do” and just use Microsoft Word.. It probably wouldn’t be nice alone, let me tell you. To prepare a good CV, the site I found with a little internet research was: novoresume.com. The site, which is very useful, also has paid features, but I prepared a nice CV for myself at no cost.. You can also purchase Premium features if you want.

Now I would like to give a few tips, emphasizing that I am not a CV preparation expert.. Explain each of your work experiences in detail, depending on the field you are applying to.. Did you make tea? “We have gained experience in brewing tea leaves carefully collected from the Eastern Black Sea Region according to ISO 3103 standards and serving them in the most perfect size and depth glass.” You can write a description like. A standard of 40 dollars, signed by Turkey, by the International Standards Organization, on really brewing tea in ISO 3013.. Those who don’t believe can watch this video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9mAcJRFfAL0

Another suggestion is, never, ever put your hobbies on your CV.. Many employers don’t like it as much as I don’t like it.. On the site I have already recommended to you, on the left of the window where you prepare the CV, it gives tips on how you can improve it.. It would be nice if you consider them.. That’s all for the suggestions

Motivation Letter(Cover Letter)

Now it’s time for the motivation letter. They also say Cover letter. I think this is more important than CV. You are already applying for an internship. You won’t have a ton of experience to show off on your CV. Therefore, the important thing is that how much you want this internship, your expectations, goals, and enthusiasm to work are shown in the motivation letter.. So you need to think a little bit about it.. First of all, you can give general information such as what is your relationship with the internship you are applying for, where did you get interested in this internship, and then you can talk about what kind of contributions you can make to the other party during this internship, your talents and previous work or school experiences, and the ones that are relevant to the subject.. You can close the end by repeating how eager you are for this learning experience.. Again, I’m not an expert.. Also, it would be very beneficial to have someone who is fluent in English (native speaker if possible) read the CV and the letter.. After you have written the motivation letter once, you can modify it according to the company you sent it to.. Because you will have to apply to hundreds of places, it is very difficult to write letters to each of them individually.

Find an Internship Place

CV and motivation letter

If strong> is ready, now it’s time to find an internship. You can say I’ll go anywhere, you can also focus on a certain country or city.. My destination was Germany, actually directly from Munich.. That’s why I started my research by limiting it to Munich and its immediate surroundings.. My humble advice is that you start looking for the internship you will go to in the summer, like January-February.. The sooner the better.

The first place I looked when looking for an internship was LinkedIn. Yes, I know quite original(!). From there, I opened job postings looking for interns.. In fact, I found not only interns but also companies in the urban planning discipline in and around Munich.. Then I went to their website and started sending e-mails from their “contact” page.. This will be a very laborious process where you copy-paste and expect lots of answers.. From what I read on the internet, people were saying that you have a way to 300-400 e-mails.. I was prepared too, I set out on this road. Be prepared too.

Another thing I did was to find companies on the internet with a very simple search called “Urban planning firms/companies in Munich”.. I sent an e-mail to all of them without looking because they are calling interns.. You can search for whatever your field is, this way.. This will give you more options. After 80-90 e-mails, I thought of sending an e-mail to universities.. I went to the Munich Technical University page and after a detailed research, I saw that they were doing studies in the fields I was very interested in.. I just sent the mail. A few days later, they made a comeback that they could host me as a trainee.. I had already received 10 positive answers from the 90 e-mails I sent before that, but since I was interested in the field of study at the Technical University and I thought it would be a great reference for me in the future, I went to Munich Technical University for Erasmus internship. /strong>I decided to come. After a few stressful weeks full of rejections, I got what I wanted.

Let’s open a parenthesis here and talk about the Department of City and Regional Planning. If you are studying classical urban planning in Turkey, you are already sleeping with programs such as AutoCad, SketchUp, Photoshop, CorelDraw.. When looking for an internship in Europe, if you say to your CV that I know how to make a zoning plan, the color code in the implementation zoning plan of housing + commerce is not very useful.. As an urban planning student, it is very difficult for you to find internships in government institutions around here. First, you must know the local language very well.. Secondly, planning laws, regulations, etc. are different everywhere.. Therefore, it is more likely that you will be able to find internships in more general and technically heavy areas such as urban design, network analysis and planning, planning mathematics in slightly more independent offices.. Planning is such an interdisciplinary field that I am sure there is a specific subject that you would like to develop yourself that interests you, apart from making a zoning plan.. I think everything is clearer and more enjoyable when I find it.. Since I have a special interest in urban research, statistics and urban mathematical models, I can say that I focused on these while looking for internships.. In addition to this, knowledge of SPSS, Excel (it seems easy, but not in my opinion), especially ArcGis is quite necessary. Since I started my internship, I have been a whole with these programs.. You may not know these programs very well, but you should not forget that internship is already a learning experience.. Since the company/institution that will take you as an intern will be aware of this, you can learn while doing the job.. Oh ha, don’t go with zero knowledge anyway, don’t disgrace us to your hands.

Now you will say; Well, we found the internship place and something like that, it’s 6 liras in Euros, how will I survive there?. That’s exactly what I was thinking. Then I decided to apply for Erasmus Internship Mobility where I can get a grant.. Actually, this process was more difficult for me than the process of finding an internship.

How to Get Erasmus Internship Mobility Grant?

As you know Erasmus there is a study mobility program, and there is also a internship mobility. You have to go to another country and study for 6 months, you know Erasmus.. This is not the part that interests us, the part that interests us is Internship mobility.

Within the scope of this internship mobility, you can do an internship in a company you found in Europe for a minimum of 2 months and a maximum of 12 months.. The first beauty of this Erasmus internship mobility is that it makes it easy to find internships.. Namely, the company that will hire you as an intern knows that since you came within the scope of internship mobility, it is not obliged to give you a salary and insurance and accepts you more easily.. That’s a free worker.. Another aspect is that you can get a grant.. But of course, to get a grant you have to pass a foreign language exam.

As you can see in your own school’s Erasmus calendar, this exam is usually held in the spring semester like March-April.. You can take the exam with an easy application.. Schools’ threshold scores are changing. Your grade point average is also important here.. Your final score is obtained with 50 percent language exam score and 50 percent grade point average.. In my school (September 9), a total of 50 people, 35 undergraduate and 15 graduate, with the highest score, would be granted grants within the scope of internship mobility.. You can get more detailed information from the Foreign Relations Coordinator of your own school.. No, there is a definite Erasmus regulation on the school’s website.. It will also give you information about how the grants are distributed.

You passed the exam but you were stuck with the quota, they don’t give you any grants.. Don’t worry! You can go without a grant.. Of course, you will be covering all the expenses yourself, but as I said, it is easier to find an internship since you will be going within the scope of Erasmus Internship Mobility.. This program also makes it easier to obtain a visa.. Before I forget, I told you that you can do a minimum of 2 months at my university (September 9).. For example, a monthly grant of 600 Euros is given for Germany.. If you go for two months, you will receive 1200 euros, if you go for 12 months, you will receive 1200 euros.. But this may change according to the conditions and quotas of the universities, do not be afraid..

They also give 70 percent at first, and 30 percent after successful completion of the internship.. If you applied to this program while you were studying at university, you can do your internship after graduation.. for example 4. you are a grader. You applied for internship mobility in March, you are graduating in June.. You can go for an internship in July and get your grant, pasha.

Erasmus Internship Visa Application Process

You found an internship place, you are entitled to a grant. Now it’s time to apply for a visa.. For Germany, if your internship period is less than 90 days, you apply for the Schengen Visa you know. If more than national visa. I don’t have detailed information about national visa, I won’t lie.. When applying to Schengen, in addition to the classic documents;

Additional Documents:

You need to add 4 more documents:

1. Invitation letter:

A document showing that you have been accepted for internship, where and between which dates you will do internship. There is an article on your school’s website that explains “how to get an invitation letter”. In accordance with it, the other party can write and send it to you..

2. Learning Agreement:

This is an agreement filled out and signed between your school and the company that will hire you as an intern.

3. Document showing that you have received an Erasmus grant:

With this document, which you can get from the Foreign Relations Coordinator in English, you show that you will cover your expenses with a grant.. If you do not receive a grant, still obtain a document from your Foreign Relations Coordinator stating that you have attended the Erasmus Internship Mobility.. It simplifies the visa process.

4. Accident and Liability Insurances:

Now this is the insurance you need to take out in addition to the travel insurance you have when you get regular Schengen. Axa Insurance has Comprehensive Travel Insurance. Considering that you have it done for 2 months, of course it is expensive, but it has to be done, what should we do?.

If your document is not incomplete, your visa will be issued after 10 days, when you will be stressed whether the month will be out or not, don’t worry.. Now it’s time to make a grant contract.. Foreign Relations Coordinator will tell you the documents they want for this contract.. Don’t miss out, take the documents, sign the contract, get your grant.

That’s it. I came to Munich now. I’ve been working for 2 weeks. everything is going very well. I tried to tell you about my humble experience.. Of course, your experience will be different from that. No matter how hard you try, you will eventually have the chance to live and work in another country, albeit for a short time.. Who knows, maybe after the school is over, the company you did your internship will invite you back as a permanent employee.. It would be great too.

That’s all from me for now Maybe we’ll see you in new articles

With love!

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