
Don’t be fooled by those who say they have spoiled the Şile, just listen to us

There are friends around you who go to Şile and constantly denigrate this place.. Remember their reasons; it’s usually crowded, trash on the beach, barbecue smoke, traffic and the list goes on.. If you have noticed, there is no problem with Şile, the problem is with the people who come here.. So your friends who say that Şile messed up a lot are wrong, in fact, people messed it up a lot, even people messed it up so much that we couldn’t prevent it.. Anyway, let’s cut it short..   Follow our advice below and go to Şile and on the way back, show your friends that they went at the wrong time.

>> When to go to Şile?>> Şile Beaches>> Places to Visit in Şile>> Şile Hotels> > Sile Campgrounds>> Sile Restaurants>> Sile Breakfast Places>> Sile Picnic Areas>> Where is Sile?

When to Go to Sile?

Every summer place It has a busy season, especially if this place is at the bottom of Istanbul, it is unlikely that it will not be crowded in summer.. Since people ruin Şile, it is necessary to go when there are few people to have a good time here.. So, when are there less people in Şile? Let’s go in reverse; once in summer, not on weekends, especially not on public holidays. In fact, there is nothing as crazy as going to Şile on a public holiday in summer, let’s say it.. If you want to swim in the sea and the crowd will not bother you, go on weekdays in summer.. wait a minute if it’s crowded on weekdays then why don’t we come on the weekend? If you say, try it and see if you want yes, it is crowded on weekdays, but we cannot describe the intensity of the weekend as crowded, so there is no word that can express that intensity in Turkish, now you imagine it.. If you want it not to be crowded, but to swim in the sea, come in the autumn, but you have to risk getting a little cold when you get out of the sea.. If you say you don’t go to the sea, but you want to visit the coves, come in spring or autumn, if you say you can go back to a fish place, come in winter.. The winter weather of the places on the Black Sea coast is another beautiful one, we have explained where to eat fish in the Şile Restaurants section below.

Şile Beaches

Since Şile is a small place, it is considered as if it has only one beach.. However, it is not true, it is not true that Şile is small.. Şile has everything from free public beaches to beaches.. The important thing is of course what you want, but we say be careful to choose by paying attention to our warnings.. In the center, there is the Public Beach or Ayazma Beach.. Kumbaba Beach, Crying Rocks and Uzunkum Beach are also very close to the center.. If you go to Ağva a little more; Akçakese Beach, Karacaköy Beach, Ağva Beach, Kilimli Bay, Kadırga Bay and Sardala Bay are also among the places to swim in Şile.. You can find detailed information about Beaches and Bays in our Şile & Ağva Beaches and Bays article.

Places to Visit in Şile

Şile Lighthouse

The Şile Lighthouse, which we can call the symbol of Şile in a way, is the second largest lighthouse in the world that is currently active and was built at the end of the 1850s.. Whether you look at the lighthouse from afar or look at the sea from where the lighthouse is; either way you will be greeted with a beautiful view. Right next to Şile Lighthouse, there is the municipality’s facility and the prices are affordable and the view is also very beautiful, while you’re here, don’t come back without having at least a cup of tea.. It’s a bit difficult to find a parking spot, but if you don’t go during peak times, you won’t have any problems.

Şile Saklıgöl

We don’t know what to say, its name is Saklıgöl but I wish it could have been a little more hidden.. We went only knowing there was a place called Saklıgöl without much research.. We looked through the navigation, it is 9-10 km from the center of Şile, we thought that we should not return without seeing it, and we took our route.. After leaving the center of Şile, the navigation took us on a dirt road.. The road is bad, there are not many cars in sight, so we thought that Saklıgöl could really stay hidden, and we were happy.. Of course then the dream was over; When we were waiting to see the lake, we came across a parking lot, just as we got over its shock, the smell of grilled wings started to come to our noses.

They have completely surrounded the lake as a business and built makeshift places on the shore of the lake and even filled them with tables.. Everywhere is barbecue smoke, it is not even possible to see the lake. We found a path, after walking a little on this path, the number of tables decreased and only then could we see the lake.. Of course, we cannot say anything about whether you should go or not, but if you are going to Şile Saklıgöl with the expectation of natural beauty, it would be useful to think again.

Şile Castle

When we saw historical places while we were visiting, we were angry because they didn’t restore them.. However, our opinion has really changed after seeing Şile Castle.. When you go, you will see that the Castle looks like SpongeBob after restoration, believe me, we are not exaggerating anymore, people are making fun of SpongeBob Castle.. I wish it had remained in ruins.

Şile Castle is located on Ocaklı Ada, an island close to the coast, therefore it is also known as Ocaklı Ada Castle. It’s not a big castle, you don’t have a chance to enter because it’s on the island.. After the restoration, there is nothing to see except. Frankly, we wanted to write that if you come this way to eat fish or see a castle that looks like Sponge Bob, this is Şile Castle, so you know, not just to go and see it.

Sile Hotels

In the past, Şile was a perfect holiday destination even foreign tourists came to.. Of course, there are still people who come and stay in hotels, but we can clearly say that Şile is not that old Şile.. With the construction of new roads and the ease of transportation, those who came here began to consist mainly of daily visitors.. Therefore, you may find it difficult to find a place to spend time as businesses change in this direction.. If you say that I will go to the sea during the day and sleep in the evening; Şeref Hotel, one of the old hotels of Şile and its view is very beautiful. Şile Resort is also very nice as a location. Of course, Şile Hotels are not limited to this, there are many hotels similar to the ones we counted.. However, in general, the prices are competitive with the hotel prices in Bodrum and the quality is absolutely spot on.. In short, if possible, do not stay at the hotel; If you are coming from Istanbul, you can come and return for the day, if you are coming from a far place, so whatever we say, do not come.. We’re serious.

Şile Campgrounds

We said don’t stay at the hotel, but if you’re going to camp, it’s separate. Since the camp has its own activities, you won’t get bored, even sitting by the fire. enough to pass the time. There are also very nice walking routes around Şile, you can find beautiful routes suitable for you and take nice walks in the forest.. If you want to set up your tent in a camping area, Seaside Camping, Green Park Camping, Hacilli Waterfall Camping and Istanbul Camping are preferred. campsites available. You can go out of Şile and camp on Akçakese Beach, but there is a daily fee of 90 TL and unfortunately there is no proper service in return.. There is also a camping area in Kilimli Bay, but it is definitely not a peaceful place.. Instead, just ahead of Kilimli Bay, there is Kadırga Bay where you can camp for free, it also has a fountain.. The only downside is that the road is a bit uneven, but that’s why many people can’t come and this place can stay calm.

If you come out of season, you will have the chance to set up a tent in beautiful places other than the camping areas.. For example, the place where Kabakoz Village Beach is is very beautiful, but sometimes the villagers and the gendarmerie may disturb them and ask you to remove the tent.. In such a case, you can go to the above-mentioned Istanbul Camp, it is very close.

Şile Restaurants

Şile has definitely given its right to be on the Black Sea coast; There are many fish restaurants and you can eat really good fish.. Şile Restaurants are generally located in the area where Şile Castle is located.. There are many restaurants, both alcoholic and non-alcoholic.


If you are going to have a non-alcoholic meal, your address is clear; we unquestionably call Skorpit. Maybe it will be unfair to others, but we don’t even need to write another place for Non-Alcoholic Fish Restaurants in Şile.. Well, we’re not partners.. We don’t have such a chance since it is the municipality’s place anyway.. The fish of Scorpion is really fresh, the prices are very reasonable and the service is good too. Just pay attention to this; sometimes they are full, if you wait at the door, they say let us take you to the empty tables, never get into that ball.. You will wait both at the door and at the table, as the service will slow down at that intensity anyway.

Massha Şile Fisherman

Massha Restaurant, by the sea and with a beautiful view, is a good restaurant. nice but the prices are really high. Unfortunately, there is no great service and taste for its high prices.. However, if you are looking for an alcoholic place and you are willing to pay a large bill, it can be preferred.

Marin Fish

Now we said that Massha’s view is beautiful, but Marin Fish is not inferior either.. The service quality is also definitely higher. The taste is almost the same, maybe a little better.

Iskandil Restaurant

If there is no place in Marin Fish and Massha, you don’t need to push your luck, you can come to İskandil Restaurant. Of course, if you don’t want to eat an alcoholic meal, go directly to İskorpit

Şile Breakfast Places

You can have breakfast at Saklıgöl and Massha Restaurant, which we have listed among the restaurants above.. However, Şile is a little weak in terms of places to have breakfast.. If you are looking for breakfast places where you can have a good time, let’s take you to Ağva.

Şile Picnic Areas

Picnic in a place close to Istanbul, both nature and the sea. no space? Of course there are lots of paid and free picnic areas.. We also explained the most beautiful picnic areas of Şile, which you can choose for daily getaways, for details you can check our Şile Picnic Areas article.

Where is Şile?

Where is Şile?

Şile, a district of Istanbul, is located on the Kocaeli Peninsula. We can say that it is 77 km from the center of Istanbul and exactly between Beykoz and Kandıra, as the last district on the Black Sea coast of Istanbul.. It may be surprising that there is no other place after Beykoz, but considering the villages of Şile, it is not such a small place, there is a coastline of 60 kilometers.

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