
Does Robot Vacuum Really Save Lives?

If you have a baby, have a pet and are thinking of buying a robot vacuum, “Don’t stop, buy it.” i say. Robot vacuum (or cleaning robot or smart vacuum, whatever you call it) is one of the very few products that gives you every penny you spend.. We’ve been using Anker Eufy Robovac 11S for about 10 months now.. “Does the robot vacuum work?” or “What should I buy the robot vacuum? Which brand is the best?” In order to give some idea to your questions, I will quote all the features, usage, advantages, disadvantages of the product, in short my own user comment.

Note: In the article aforementioned “Luffy” is the name of our dog and “Eufy” is the name of our robot vacuum cleaner..

  • Frequently Asked Questions About Robot Vacuum Cleaner
  • Eufy Robovac 11S Robot Vacuum Cleaner Product Features
  • Advantages of Robot Vacuum
  • Disadvantages: Knowing and Considerations
  • Conclusion: Are We Satisfied with the Robot Vacuum Cleaner?

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Frequently Asked Questions about Robot Vacuum Cleaner

Before moving on to the details of the product we use, let me answer the frequently asked questions regardless of the brand, in order to create a general impression of robot vacuum.

– Robot Vacuum Cleaner Instead of Vacuum Cleaner Is it okay?

Even if the robot vacuum cleaner can clean as well as a vacuum cleaner in daily use, it still does not replace the vacuum cleaner.

There are areas that the robot vacuum cannot clean: Corners surrounded by too many items, dark surfaces close to black, underarms that are lower than the height of the robot vacuum cleaner remain unswept.

We operate the robot vacuum every day and once a week or once a fortnight and normal. We have installed a system that will clean the corners with a vacuum cleaner.

So If you have a dilemma such as “Should I buy a vacuum cleaner or a robot vacuum cleaner?” and you have only one option, your choice is of course. it must be a vacuum cleaner.

– Robot Vacuum Cleaner Cleans the Big House Is it?

The robot vacuum cleaner cleans the real big house Since it will be easier to navigate among the furniture, it can work more effectively in houses with large square meters.

If you have a duplex house, you can easily use it on different floors because these smart robots do not fall. it has a sensor; When it comes to the stairs, it senses the space under it and returns by maneuvering.

If you want to buy a robot vacuum cleaner for a big house, the brand and model you choose becomes important.. If you buy a Robot vacuum cleaner with mapping feature, it will quickly process the plan of the house into its memory and provide a more homogeneous circulation.

The mapping feature of the Eufy Robovac 11S we use no, we didn’t need this feature since we live in small houses. You can review and buy the model with map feature by clicking here.

– Does the Robot Vacuum Clean the Small House?

Whether the robot vacuum works effectively in a small house depends entirely on the furniture situation in the house.. You may not get much efficiency in a house where you have short passes in a narrow space.. The vacuum, which can work as long as its battery allows, spends half of its time maneuvering between items.

– Is Robotic Vacuum Loud or Loud?

The robot vacuum is not as loud as the vacuum cleaner, but it is hard to say that it is extremely quiet; You can think of it like an extractor fan.

The humming sound it makes while it’s in straight motion probably won’t wake a sleeping baby, but it can make a noise when it hits a light object (for example, a stool) or passes over a thick carpet to parquet.

– Does it clean carpets well?

I don’t know the success of every robot vacuum cleaner brand in this regard. Eufy performs something I never expected. Thanks to its high pulling power and rotating brush, it takes up to the fine sand grains in the carpet.. (We live in the desert, our house is sandy :))

– I Have a Pet, Is It Afraid?

If you are deceived by the videos of cats walking on a robot broom and think that cats and dogs will be friends with brooms, I have bad news for you: They can be scared!

If your pet is not afraid of anything, it will probably adapt very quickly; User comments on Amazon are in this direction. Even if he is afraid, I guess he will get used to it in time, depending on the situation in the house every day.

Luffy is a dog accustomed to a vacuum cleaner; not one of those who hide in every corner when they hear your voice. However, the first day we used Eufy, he barked at the tool and tried to attack.

For the following 1-2 months, when she heard the sound of the vacuum cleaner, she woke up from her sleep and continued to wait anxiously, she did not stop in the room where the vacuum cleaner was walking, she moved away as she got closer.

But then she got used to it.. The broom began to move until it landed right under his nose and hit him.. He wasn’t in the mood to get on top of it, but at least he was relaxed enough to continue his sleep while the robot vacuum was running.

Eufy Robovac 11S Robot Vacuum Cleaner Product Features

Let me talk a little bit about the general lines and working principle of the product, with useful information, without going into too many technical details. it’s called Eufy Robovac 11S (slim). Click here to see price and product details.

– Dimensions

The Eufy Robovac smart robot vacuum is approximately 30 cm in diameter, 7.2 cm in height, and weighs 2.5 kg.


  • Can get under any furniture that has more than 7.3 cm of space underneath.
  • A child over 8 years old can lift it easily.


  • A free space of 30+200 cm by the wall is needed for the charging unit.

The cleaner automatically returns to the charging unit when its charge is exhausted.. There needs to be a certain space around the unit for it to find the unit and fit there properly.. (50 cm from the right and left, 2 m from the front)

We could not provide the necessary space from the sides, but since we left the front open, it can find its place without any problems.

– Battery Life

According to the company’s own information, the battery of a fully charged robot vacuum cleaner will run for approximately 100 minutes.. Since we always run it automatically, it can clean up to 2.5 hours, but I can say 2 hours on average.

2 hours is enough to clean every part of our 1+1 house of approximately 100 square meters.. If you have a larger and larger house, you can run it twice a day or clean different rooms on different days.

– Dust Bin

The Eufy Robovac robot vacuum has 0.6 There is a liter dust container . I am attaching the photo below; Sorry for showing the dirty details for clarity.

Working every day in our dog and sandy house. That hopper is filled to the brim every day.. It’s not bad, it’s a good feature because it means it sweeps everything away.

– Gravity

Suction power 1500 Pa. Don’t get hung up on the unit, there are models with higher suction power on the market, but their prices are just as high.

We didn’t have the slightest problem with Eufy’s power and quality after 10 months. We did not see a decrease either.. It cleans dog hair, hair, all kinds of crumbs on the carpet, even food that has stuck to the kitchen floor and left a stain.

– Operation and Usage

Eufy Robovac 11S has different programs that you can set from the remote control:

* Auto Cleaning

When you start the robot vacuum cleaner, it automatically walks and cleans according to its own mind.

We use this program all the time.. Even though it looked like it was drawing a ridiculous route like walking around the living room for 5 minutes, then to the hall and from there to the hall…, after using it for a while, we realized that it actually had an algorithm and acted accordingly. there is no place left. Also, sometimes it gets too attached to certain corners or areas; So it happens that it goes back and forth in the same area for 10 minutes.. But the next day, he does the same operation in a different region.. If he spends 60 minutes in the living room and 30 minutes in the room one day, it’s like he spends 60 minutes in the room and half an hour the next day

* Spot Cleaning – Regional Cleaning

The feature that allows the robot vacuum cleaner to clean only a certain area.

Let’s say you spilled a bowl of rice on the floor in the kitchen.. You want the cleaner to only work on that part. When you choose the spot cleaning program, the vacuum cleaner cleans only that area by making a circular motion around itself.

* Edge Cleaning – Edge and Corner Cleaning

The feature that allows the robot vacuum cleaner to clean only the edges of the wall or furniture.

When the robot vacuum starts to work in the automatic program, first of all, it is in the middle, over the areas where it can pass easily. passing; then it goes into the walls. Its speed drops considerably when cleaning the bottom of the walls.. That’s why it has a separate program to clean only those parts.

Since our house is small, we probably don’t even need to use this feature, since it has already entered everywhere it can go in daily operation.

* Single Room Cleaning

Feature that allows the robot vacuum cleaner to work in only one room. If your house is large, it may be more practical to use this feature.

* Manual Cleaning

The feature where you direct the robot vacuum cleaner with the direction keys on the remote control.

* Other Features

  • Eufy Robovac smart robot vacuum has 3 program options with which you can adjust its suction power:
    • Standard: Works with average gravitational power, discharges later.
    • Max: Operates at highest gravitational power, discharges faster.
    • BoostIQ: Self-adjusts the gravitational force for different surfaces. For example, when working with low gravity on marble, it starts to pull faster when it comes to carpet.. We use this feature on.
  • You can set the time for the robot vacuum to start cleaning.. You can only run it for half an hour, not until its charge is exhausted, after half an hour it returns to its automatic charging unit.
  • You can program the robot vacuum cleaner to work at a certain time of the day.

– Accessories

In the Eufy Robovac robot vacuum

  • 1 rotating brush at the bottom
  • 2 side brushes
  • There are 2 filters.

It also comes with 1 remote control and cleaning brush.

In addition to regular cleaning of brushes and filters, they need to be renewed after a certain use.

The product we purchased came with a spare of the accessories that needed to be changed.. If more is needed, there are stores that only sell spare accessories in bulk.. You can see it by clicking here, it costs $15.

– Price

We found the most affordable alternative from Amazon UAE at the time of purchase.. We placed the order to a friend in Dubai and then received it from him.. There was a fee of $274 including shipping.

The original price of the product on the brand’s own site is currently $219 excluding shipping – Click to see!

Low used second hand prices on Amazon start from $119. Zero of ours is out of stock because a top model is out.. – Click to see!

The price of the new model of the product is $249 without shipping – Click to see!

It’s all here. com price 2000 TL – Click to see!

Trendyol.com price 2000 TL – Click to see!

Robot Vacuum Benefits

  • Eufy Robovac 11S was the thinnest robot vacuum on the market at the time of purchase. It is very easy to fit under many furniture.
  • In addition to these programming and gravity features, it is also very affordable compared to its counterparts in terms of price..
  • A savior for a pet home. Luffy is a black shorthaired dog. Even though he doesn’t shed much, if the house is not swept for 1 week, the floor turns to a male barber.. Now I run Eufy every day, it sweeps the whole house in 2 hours and not a single hair is left on the floor.
  • Using a robot vacuum saves both time and energy.
    • I mentioned the sound issue above, it doesn’t have a very annoying sound. That’s why it’s not restrictive like a vacuum cleaner, you can run it at any time of the day.
    • Because it absorbs even fine dust on the floor very well, dusting of the house that is swept every day is also delayed.. Even dusting the furniture just got easier.

    Disadvantages: Things to Know and Watch Out for

    Eufy Robovac robot vacuum cleaner (or any other brand) may not be suitable for you at all due to the features I will list below.

    • The robot vacuum cleaner does not work on dark floors close to black. If you have a carpet like that, it won’t clean it.
    • We have to keep the robot vacuum cleaner under constant surveillance because even today it can get stuck in an unexpected place.. In other words, there is no such thing as running and going out.
    • The robot vacuum has the ability to snag on cables, fabrics or drooping thick ropes.. That’s why you should remove them all while the vacuum is running.. It’s not enough to push it aside, these things should be all in the air.

    It’s not that hard to get or hide the wires in the air, but since they get tangled up in our bedroom floor-to-floor curtains, we need to tidy up their ends as well.. It did not work on thick carpets, but I fold that carpet inside every time because it gets stuck on the extensions of the gray carpet.. If there are tassels on the edges of your carpets at home, you should hide them too.

    • The robot vacuum can rise above anything 1.5 cm high.. This is actually a good feature because it progresses without getting stuck on the difference in elevation between the different floors.

    However, it can get stuck on any product 1.5 cm high on the floor; slippers, toys, scales etc.. Therefore, before starting to operate, it is necessary to check the whole house and remove the items on the floor.

    • It can also wrap thin and small size mats under it.. It is necessary to remove them too.
    • It should not be operated on wet ground.. (Robot vacuum cleaner models with mopping feature do not have such a problem.)

    This probably won’t be a big problem for you.. We can’t prevent the broom from walking on the wet floor because Luffy is always drinking water and wetting the whole house with the water in his mouth.. In this case, dust sticks to its filter.

    Result: Are We Satisfied With The Robot Vacuum?

    Although I count a lot of negative features in the disadvantages section, the robot vacuum cleaner was the most accurate household item we have ever bought.. Even in his first month, “If it breaks now, I will go and buy a new one tomorrow.” I said. From now on, anyone who talks about technology will find me

    If you enjoy cleaning, if you are obsessed with hygiene, it probably will not satisfy you.. But if you feel sorry for the time you spend doing it out of necessity, especially if you have a pet, it definitely saves lives.. Again, take it without hesitation.


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