
Doctorate in Germany: How to Go to Germany as a Doctor?

We try to help those who want to follow similar methods by sharing how me and my wife came to Germany and what we did and what we learned in the articles under the title of Living Abroad.. Of course, since we only have the chance to share our own experiences, your questions about different occupational groups can sometimes be left unanswered.. That’s why, in this article, we will introduce the most curious medicine in Germany subject together with our engineering field.. How to go to Germany as a doctor, what methods can be used to go and work as a doctor, How are the conditions to become a doctor in Germany. We will try to answer it.

Of course, it will not be me telling this, it will be a doctor who recently moved to Germany.. So I leave the floor to dear Özlem

Doctor Özlem Şatırer


Ben Özlem Şatırer. I’m from Izmir. I graduated from Hacettepe University Faculty of Medicine in 2013.. After working as a general practitioner at İzmir Kiraz State Hospital for one year, I completed my residency in Child Health and Diseases at Hacettepe University.. After working as a pediatrician for 3 months in Bitlis Adilcevaz, I resigned and moved to Germany.

To be honest, I had no experience abroad until my fourth year at university.. In fourth grade, a friend and I arranged for a one-month internship at a hospital in Hamburg, Germany, and I had the chance to visit a few more countries during that time.. I enjoyed realizing that the world is not just where I live.. In the same year, I met my wife and the next year we went to the United States for internship.. But unfortunately, I couldn’t find the excitement I found while traveling Germany and Europe the previous year in America.

Doctorate in Germany Fikri

After graduating from medical school and starting child specialization with my wife, we traveled non-stop with the pleasure and comfort of earning a little of our own money I think the more people see, the more they live. wants to live more. As we see different lives, the life we ​​live becomes ordinary or our questions increase.. We find ourselves questioning the life and working conditions that we used to accept without thinking.. In just such a moment of questioning, while I was traveling in Vienna with a friend and my mother, “Why don’t I try something different?” The thought outweighed never before, and as soon as I returned to Ankara, I started a German course.. Why you say German or Germany Europe is a country where doctors can get medical equivalency relatively easily, it is in a position to reach Turkey easily, it is the first time I went, I loved it very much, and I observed the health system a little bit. Being in a country where I had the opportunity was instrumental in making this decision…

Doctoral Internship in Germany

After taking German lessons with my wife for a while, I loved it. Thanks to a teacher, I arranged a 3-month exchange program in Hannover.. My wife was also accepted for internship in another department of the same hospital in the same period.. In order to do an internship in any hospital in Germany, you need to have a little bit of German.. German medical language is quite different.. It’s not Latin, it’s not English at all That’s why when exposed for the first time, “What is this like? What am I doing?” you find yourself saying. And of course, no one can turn around and try to explain or explain something to you in English with that intensity.

By enjoying this 3-month experience in Germany towards the end, understanding what is spoken more and I came back with answers to my questions about the moving and equivalence process.

PhD Work Environment & Working Conditions in Germany

How are the Germans at work, I think they are extremely kind. I mean, at least until now I’ve never met anyone else.. I do not think that they are superior to us in terms of theoretical or practical medical knowledge, I can even say that we are in a much better position than them in practice.. Because they don’t see as many patients as we do.

So How are the working conditions of doctors in Germany? As far as I can see, there is no physical work between the assistant doctor and the specialist doctor. no big difference in load. So everyone is doing similar jobs. Being an expert or a teacher here – almost only – means increased responsibilities.. Another aspect different from Turkey is the superior-subordinate relationship.. I was very surprised when I first saw it. I can’t even say that I’m still used to it. Everyone can talk to their teacher very comfortably, as if they are a friend.. They can call each other by their first names.. Maybe I can do it in the future, but at least not for now.. Habits beat logic

After completing my three-month internship and returning to Turkey, on the one hand expertise While I was busy with my thesis and my final exam, I also continued the German course.. At roughly the same time, my wife presented her thesis and got the pediatric specialty.. Unlike me, he wanted to do something different instead of looking after patients in the clinic, and after completing his specialty training, he applied to Germany for a PhD. He resigned in June 2019 and moved to Germany and started his PhD in neuroscience.. At that time, I worked as a pediatrician in the Adilcevaz district of Bitlis for about 3 months, and after my husband’s residence permit was issued, I applied for a family reunification visa and resigned and moved to Germany with my wife.

This is how our story is outlined. To explain these processes in more detail, especially for those who are medical students or specialization students, or who want to apply for a doctorate program abroad:

How to Do an Internship Abroad as a Medical Student?

To do an internship abroad as a student, of course There are many options, but I want to tell you a little about our own experience and how we followed.. As a medical faculty student abroad; You can find the opportunity to be an observer in clinical departments, that is, as an observer, without taking an active role in the environment, without looking after the patient, without interfering with the patient, and taking a relatively active role in research laboratories.. I think both of them have different advantages and different visions that they bring to people.

I have the chance to do internship abroad twice, once in Germany and once in America. became. I wanted to do both internships in the fields that I am particularly interested in.. I explained in detail what I wanted to do and why I wanted to do it by personally applying to the faculty members working in these departments at my own university, with whom I have relatively high communication and who I think may have international connections.. With their guidance, I arranged these internships by sending e-mails to the professors working abroad and with whom they had communication.. I did both my internships at the clinic as an “observer”. My wife, on the other hand, completed one of these internships in a molecular biology laboratory in Poland through the TurkMSIC (Turkish Medical Students Association) exam (as far as we know, it has representatives in every university and this exam is held in every university through them) and the other in the USA with the guidance of a teacher. also had the opportunity to do it in a neuroimaging laboratory.

Setting up an Exchange Program Abroad while Working as an Assistant

As I mentioned, both my wife and I are pediatricians; Although we received our medical school education at the same university, we completed our specialization training in different hospitals.. While I was doing my specialization training at my own university, my wife received specialization training in a training and research hospital affiliated to the Ministry of Health in Ankara.. And because of this situation, we realized that conditions for internship abroad during specialization training were also different.. If you work as a research assistant at a university hospital like me, it is possible to study abroad for a maximum of 2 months and 29 days (at least it was in my time). However, if you are working in training and research hospitals, you can do this on the condition that you take an unpaid leave, with the consent of your institution, under certain conditions.. In this process of change, we had the opportunity to arrange these internships with the guidance of our teachers, just as we did during our student days.

Applying to a PhD Program Abroad as a Doctor

If you want to practice medicine abroad, you need to get a medical equivalence in that country. As you can imagine, this is a long and tiring process.. If you have a field of interest and you think that the conditions are suitable, applying to the PhD program is also an alternative option.

Germany is a country that really attaches importance to scientific research and allocates resources. country. Therefore, if you are going to work in Germany’s doctoral program, whether with a scholarship or with the program’s own resources, you are provided with an income that can live in humane conditions.

Roughly, there are two different types of PhDs: One is “individual” programs; i.e. the more common doctoral programs for Germany, which do not have a rigid syllabus, in which you generally work independently under the supervision of a professor.. Another is “structured” doctoral programs, which have more similarities with doctoral programs in other countries.. There is mandatory course attendance and you must complete a certain number of credits. Although the duration of the doctorate may vary according to the project, it usually varies between 2.5-3 years and 5 years.

You can follow the job postings related to the field you are interested in, on the website of that institution, usually They take care that their websites are up-to-date and job postings are definitely on their website.. Another option is to browse through the postings on the website of the organization called DAAD (German Academic Exchange Service), which is the primary source for which we also follow the postings.. The site publishes doctoral positions in many disciplines up-to-date and allows you to narrow it down according to the criteria you want by using the filter on the side.. In order not to miss any postings, we looked at all the postings one by one and applied for the positions we were interested in.

Acceptance to a Ph.D. Program in Germany

Knowledge of German is not required to be accepted to a doctoral program in Germany, it is sufficient to have knowledge of English in almost all PhD programs. While some programs require you to pass a certain score in TOEFL or IELTS exams, in a substantial majority, your English knowledge is evaluated during your application and interview, and no additional proficiency is required.. Generally, your undergraduate and master’s education should be related to the subject, but no strict boundaries are drawn.. Some programs request a written reference letter from you, while others request the contact information of the professors you refer to and they are contacted in person.. My wife also cited her teacher with whom she worked in the USA and our teachers in Turkey as a reference. She applied to the positions she was interested in with her motivation letter and resume.. Of course, he received rejections from some of the positions he applied for.. If you are lucky, these programs will notify you that they do not accept you, and also give reasons for not accepting you.. And we advise you not to get discouraged by this situation.

Skype Interview

A short time later, one of the positions he applied for was asked to attend a Skype interview on a suitable date.. Before the interview, a book chapter and an article about the project were sent and asked to read them, and it was said that these issues would be discussed in the interview.. Afterwards, she participated in a Skype interview and had a one-on-one interview with her supervisor, which lasted 1.5 hours, both about the project and more generally about her scientific vision.. Shortly after this meeting, he received an e-mail stating that he was accepted into the program.

The process of obtaining a medical equivalency in Germany MEDICAL ACCOUNTRY FOR GERMANY HOW TO BUY? I explained it step by step in my article, I recommend you to read it too.

The next one from our new life here and the very curious doctor salaries in Germany I will talk about it in detail in the article.. But I can say this: Leaving one’s country and starting to live and work with different people in a different culture, in a different language is a very long, patient, -at least as easy as it seems from the outside-looks-and not rosy process.. If I was alone in this process, I’m sure everything would be more difficult; however, the presence of my wife Yılmaz and the fact that we have many doctor/engineer friends who came here before us made the process easier.. I hope everything will be better for all of us. Anyway, I’m glad I tried it anyway!

Özlem’s I recommend you to visit his colorful instagram profile where he shares great posts: ozlemm.cimen

If you have moved to any country abroad and your experiences such as doctoring in Germany are to people who want to follow a similar path. If you want it to be useful, you can send an e-mail to [email protected]. Don’t forget to follow Life and Travel on social media for comprehensive travel guides and information about life in Germany

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