
Directions to Sail Cliffs

Sail Cliffs is a place known to the locals but not very well known on social media.. After seeing the pictures of the Sailing Cliffs, I say that I must pass my return route here.. Where are the Sail Cliffs in this article? Directions to Sail Cliffs, Is it possible to camp in Sail Cliffs? Can I go by caravan? You will read the answers to your questions such as. Let’s see, what did I expect? what did i find Welcome to the Sail Rocks.

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Foça Yelken Where are the Cliffs?

Where are the Sail Cliffs? let’s see. Sail Reefs İzmir is located between New Foça and Old Foça. I think this is the most beautiful and special discovery of my recent times.. Discovery on my own. Is there any place left unexplored and untouched by human hands?

Sailing Rocks Directions

After learning the location of the rocks Foça Yelken How to get to the Rockies and looking for Sail Rocks directions on the internet. When I started my search, I had been on the road for 60 days and now I had left Izmir to go back to my home.. Sailing Rocks are located on the New Foça and Old Foça road, 4.3 km from Yeni Foça.

Navigation information: It was a bit difficult to find this place in navigation. when i go. He certainly did not find. I entered the Sailing Rocks on Instagram and clicked on the location of the photos and opened the map from there.. It will write Fatih in the location section you will go to. Don’t look at the post. taking it right. In the intervening few months, someone has marked the place as Sail Rocks.. Does not give directions. It comes out as a preview. You know, when it says Preview, the screen is always turned off.. There will be persecution. You go through Instagram like I did.. Relax.

While you are on the road, the navigation suddenly says “you have arrived”. How did I come? I’m surprised. I’m looking for a sign but it’s not there. I’m going a little further from the road. Then I turn back on the road when I can’t see a sign. Every now and then I pull over and check the wooded roadside on the sea side. On my third try, I see a path through the trees. I wonder if this is the moment when I look carefully at the sea, taammmm Sail Cliffs is there. There is no way I can describe my admiration and happiness at that moment.

There is enough space on the side of the road where I can park the car.. There is nothing you can do, even if it is not safe to leave the car on the road.. Did they smash the car window all day afterward? I’m worried. The owner does not see the car, but nothing happened to the car.. Thank God…

Sailing Cliffs Garbage Sea

I park the car and take my marine gear with me. Then I start walking down the path. You will be comfortable if you have a non-slip sandal on your feet.. The ground is earthy and slipping. It’s hard to go with slippers. You can even use a water shoe. The video is taking a photo and I realized that I forgot the tripod in the car while I was descending, it’s so pathetic. I have to go up that hill again. Let it be.

I take my tripod and hit the road again and this sweet path is over in 10 minutes. After descending the 500-meter slope, I find myself in the forest and bushes.. I’m trying to move forward in these bushes for a while without scratching my legs.. Finally I come to a wide area under the trees. my God. What kind of garbage is that. Never in my life have I seen such a beautiful campsite be so infuriated.

I even shoot videos as traitors and post them on social media.. How else can I explain this situation?. However, how beautifully the trees cast a shadow and what a beautiful camping area under the trees has created.. If you wanted to do it by human hands, you wouldn’t be able to make it this great.

  • I could find very little information on the internet with this place. One obvious phrase stood out among very few sources.. There was the phrase “Immigrants’ path” for the path leading down to the bay.. I couldn’t make any sense. I said he was talking about old times. Later on, I saw in a news article that I came across by chance that immigrants were really using this bay to pass to Greece.. Could the garbage be their creation?

Sailing Cliffs

When I come out from under the trees, so to speak, to a turquoise watery beach covered with huge stones that belongs only to me. getting out. At the far right of this beach at Sail Cliffs I see. September from the months. The air is in the calm of September. The sun doesn’t hurt. the sea is calm. Someone made an armchair out of these huge stones. I love it. I set up and enjoy the view.

After a breather, I impatiently head towards the Sail Cliffs. I’m grateful for the sandals I put on my feet when I cross the rock. I had a hard time walking through the huge stones on the beach, but the sea with the Sail Cliffs slides great.. I even slip and fall once despite my sandals. I’m on my own and there’s no one else on the beach but me. There’s no middle ground between the two.. Either the apocalypse is crowded or desolate. Here’s my luck

I set my tripod on a rock and take countless videos and photos. The rocks in the sea are slipping really bad. You must be very careful. How cliffs really look like sails. Whoever put your name is fine. While I’m enjoying the sea with full of photography, a few visitors come, but no one bothers anyone.

As I said at the beginning of my article, I am now returning home from a long trip.. On the way back, I stop by the places I want to see on the way.. I thought I’d stay an hour with this head and be back. There were times when I said “I’ll go now” and walked to the beach and couldn’t walk.. I don’t have a place to stay. Finally, “Oh my… When will you come again? If you come, how will you find so many people?” I decide to stay. It is not difficult to guess what kind of apocalypse it turns out from the garbage.. Very few people know on social media, but those who do know know.. Most importantly, the idea of ​​sunset here ties my hands and feet.

Foça Sail Cliffs Fishing

The place where the Sail Cliffs are located is very choppy.. It is very difficult to swim from here when the stones are slippery.. I’m going to the long beach side when someone comes. There is no other woman but me. It is not easy to swim on the beach side, but at least it is calmer.. Plenty of sea urchins on the rocks. Be careful! If you can stand on those big rocks, you will go into the sea. Finally, I manage to enter the sea very carefully.

I also wore my mask. Oh my god what a beautiful underwater. Things that are already difficult always end in greatness.. I’m dying from chasing fish under a clean sea like an aquarium. I think I’ve seen the biggest fish and shoals I’ve ever seen here. I regret not taking my fishing rod with me and not catching these fish, but I’m too lazy to go to the car.. It is difficult to swim in the sea, but the sea gives me more than I expected.

Very interesting on the stones on the beach. Long, white stones, huge rocks… Because of my curiosity to collect stones from the places I go to, I may have accumulated enough stones for a construction in my house, but I think “the stones here should take their place in my collection”.

Sailing Cliffs Sunset

A little road fatigue mixes with a little sea fatigue. In the evening, I lay myself on the rock where I will watch the sunset.. While I’m sleeping, someone comes and takes fifteen hundred pictures.. They go without waiting for the sunset, thank you. The Bay and Sail Cliffs are still up to me. If I knew that you would always be this calm and serene, I would grow old there with pleasure.

And here goes the master of my heart. Most likely, that sun has set as usual, but what I feel is that the torpedo has definitely crossed me… Do you have to set this magnificent? Do you have to impress me so much? You should definitely coincide with the sunset when you come to the Sail Cliffs. The last moments of my long journey turn into such beautiful memories in my memory that it makes me dream of hitting the road again before returning home.

So long story short, I leave the place where I came for an hour when it gets dark.. I didn’t climb when it started to get dark. There was no problem on the beach, but when I get into that forest and bush, when the branches of the trees start to touch my arm, I have a way to go.. Horse three and a half horses, I’m going up that hill with a loud hop. Fortunately…

Can Camping on Sail Cliffs be made?. Although I think that the sea is not very preferred because it is a bit difficult, I say “then what is that garbage?”. You need to clean it like a good first.. Otherwise, the idea of ​​watching the sea from the tent set up under the trees and setting up a hammock on those trees is wonderful.. If you don’t mind the morning sun, you can camp right across the Sail Cliffs.. The ground consists of flat rocks. Just a little slanted. If we’re going to camp, let’s see what’s in the campsite then.

  • NO FACILITIES. Free campsite
  • NO Hotels, Hostels
  • NO Cesme. You have to bring more water
  • NO WC
  • NO Restaurant
  • NO Electricity
  • NO Market. You should do your shopping at Yeni Foça last.. The nearest settlement is 4.3 km away
  • Internet and telephone are free of problems

Sailing Rocks Caravan

Sail Rocks Caravan is not suitable for camping. There’s no way down to the seaside. There is no suitable place for a caravan on the road where I left my car, but on the road between Yeni Foça and Yelken Rocks, I saw caravans parked in a sea view position.

When to Go to the Sail Cliffs?

To the Sail Cliffs

strong> I go every season, but if I have to write in general; those who will go for the sea must go between May-October. As I said to take pictures, you can go in any season.

Thanks to the people the road has brought for me

Come to stay for an hour and spend the evening I’m leaving the Sailing Cliffs where I’m going, worried about where I will stay.. When I think, “But what will happen, I’ll sleep in the worst car”, I think of my traveler friend living in Aliağa.. I’m looking for him. Luckily, he passed by Bodrum that day, but he insistently sends me to his friend’s pide restaurant.. I’m already starving because I forgot to take food and water with me all day. A pita wouldn’t hurt. Hakkettik Ms. Bahar

When I arrive in Aliağa, it reaches 22:00 in the evening.. When I can’t find the pide maker, he comes and picks me up.. I’m not too hungry because I couldn’t stand it on the road and ate whatever was in the car, but my friend encouraged it so much that I asked them all little by little to taste it.. Meanwhile we chat. He asks where will I stay? where can i camp. After a while he says “please come to us”. i’m amazed. After the bad experience I had in Akyaka, I will lie on the stone and never go.. When my traveling friend was not able to convince me on the phone, I talked to his wife on the phone and left with some hesitation.

Which woman takes her husband home with a woman in the middle of the night? He said, “My wife is not like anyone else”… She was right.. I am gaining a friend from the house that I shyly enter, with whom I chat until the morning, eat their delicious food, and still call from time to time.. They send me photos from places they go. This part of my article includes thanks and gratitude to my traveler friend who made me meet these beautiful people and to the wonderful people who hosted me.. May Allah bring you good people.. you may not be as lucky as me. If you are not going to camp, the nearest place is 4.3 km from Yeni Foça.. There you will find a place in one of the numerous hostel hotels.. Everyone who goes to Aliağa should definitely go to İnci Pide’ and eat Özcan Bey’s pita.. Let him see the paintings made by Özcan Bey’s beloved wife Akile Hanım on the walls of the pide maker.. It’s my special request.

İnci Pide Address: Kültür Mah. 282 St.. Aliaga. Phone: 0232 616 67 66 Next to İnci Pide Merkez Mosque. I couldn’t find it by street number. Navigation is confused. It is possible to leave a car.

Places to Visit in Foça

You can’t go back without seeing Old Foça while you’re here. Old Foça is always one of the places that fascinates me with its magnificent ambiance.. Places to visit in Old Foça too long to fit in this article. You can find that article here. Maybe you have the idea of ​​settling in the small fishing town of your dreams.. Greetings to my brother Ali over there.

You can click here to read my other Aegean routes.

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If you say “Who took the photos when you were alone”, I took them with my remote controlled tripod.. Social media followers have now learned about my best companion.


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