
Differences Between European Women and Turkish Women

I have friends from many different countries in my life experiences that started in Vienna, continued in London and currently continue in Munich, which I share in the LIVING ABROAD section of my blog.. In this whole process, I observed people and tried to understand what they did differently from us or how they did it.. Because the life and culture in Europe is different from Turkey, many things such as people’s outward appearances and their perspectives on events can differ from ours. I’ve rounded up some of the most striking differences for European women as follows.

You can think of what I wrote as Europe in general, such as Germany, England, Italy, Spain, France; The small Scandinavian countries known for their beautiful women and the famous Russian, Ukraine etc.. I didn’t count your daughters. In addition, the European women that I mentioned should be considered as being around the age of 25 and above as sane, for example, let’s say the equivalent of our university graduate white-collar female profile.. Let me start by noting that since I have personal opinions, everyone’s opinion may be different and there is no message such as ‘after all, they are better/we are better’ in the article.


European Women vs Turkish Women

The main differences between European women and Turkish women can be summarized under the following headings.

  • Comfortable attitudes
  • <

  • Courtesy & being direct
  • Clothes
  • Hair & Makeup
  • Using Social Media
  • Fast rapprochement
  • The situation of having children

Let’s examine them all in detail:

It’s a bit crazy that British women It is said (the photo is taken from alam.com)

Comfortable Attitudes

From childhood, “girls don’t laugh loudly, girls cross their legs next to their elders” because they are not subject to girl-specific restrictions such as rong>European women move more freely in society. They can talk and laugh loudly, sit down without their legs up, smack their mouths and eat. There are men who find this style of behavior that combines with the image rude, and prefer Eastern European countries (we can also include Turkey) where there are relatively more shy and delicate girls in the choice of partners, since they can generally be large in size.

Courtesy & Direkt To be

As European culture is more ‘direct’ than ours, they are not as advanced as us in courtesy. For example, if you are visiting, the host European women offer you food and ask you if you want more when you’re done.. But if you say no, he doesn’t insist that you don’t really want it and ‘I’ll just give you a spoon’ or after 5 minutes he doesn’t rewind as if nothing happened and ask again.. He thinks logically that if he wants to, he will buy it himself.. Or when you ask if something suits you, unlike us, your European friend doesn’t always say “Yes, my bird is amazing”, if it doesn’t, he will say it directly.. And if you do, he’ll piss you off with super-logical explanations like, “But if I lied, I’d make you buy something that doesn’t suit you.”

Clothing & Dress

They don’t care about clothing as much as Turkish women, for example, you can’t see a European woman who tries to find the same color by carrying shoes from store to store in order to find a suitable bag for her shoes.. There are a lot of girls who come with sneakers or jeans even when they go out at night. In addition, they do not try to make the clothes I wear a brand, they do not give a lot of money to have the emblem of the famous brand on one corner of the blouse.. Of course, on the contrary, there are girls who go everywhere with high heels and have a thousand clothes, but I think they are less than us.. The reason is that judging people based on their appearance and reaching a conclusion, in other words, their ‘eat fur’ situation is not as sharp as we are.. I won’t go into too much, but I attribute that they don’t get caught up in hair and feather events as much as Turkish girls; They don’t become people that society considers disgusting because they’re ‘hairy’. People say, ‘Hmm, it’s not nice, but that means it’s his choice’.

Hair & Makeup

The issue of hair and make-up is also similar to the clothing, in plainer European women.. For example, I haven’t seen any girls who have had their hair welded to make it look long/full or wear studs on the way to work in the morning.. They don’t do make-up at all or they do it very simply, even they are quite amazed at Turkish girls about how you wear so much make-up.. Even at her wedding, she has almost zero make-up with a face like she got out of bed, European bride, whereas we all have porcelain doll faces

I can give British women as an exception to make-up, they overtake us in eye make-up. They paint their beautiful colorful eyes too much and use false eyelashes even in their daily lives.. Of course, it’s mostly an image preferred by the English girl in her teenage years, then I guess they realize that it’s a bit of an exaggeration.. But since she is the face of the British girl’s most important ‘capital’, she has to highlight her in a way, because most of them have a ‘a little’ weight problem

Swedish girls are celebrating to their heart’s content (photo Extracted from royalfashionist.com)

Using Social Media

They are not social media worms and have little interest in mobile phones. For example, it is quite common for a girl you send a message to on Whatsapp to see that message only hours later.. They don’t post every single moment on Instagram and they don’t keep taking shriveled duck lip selfies either.. In other words, they do it until they reach the age of 20, but when they mature a little, they reduce their social sharing events.. They hardly ever answer the phone, especially during business hours.

Quick Zoom

Contrary to what we are told, there is no such thing as ‘girls are there proposing’ (you may be upset) but no). It’s true that if he likes and trusts you, he can quickly go through with you, but that doesn’t mean he’s going to someone else right away tomorrow.. Of course, we can exclude girls who like to get drunk and score, but it is not right to think that the general picture is like this.. They find Turkish men nice and well-groomed and like them; but they’re too macho or too religious, and they’re a little afraid that we can’t get along. It is a contradiction that they wonder what it is like to be with Turkish men even though they have fears about extreme Islam.. “Are you having sex?” If you’re walking around in a good mood and you have a distorted mindset (yes, you’re a macho) even if the girl talks to you for a bit and then even talks/greets with another guy (yes, you’re macho), forget it.


They are very loyal to their partner and are less likely to cheat. Since sexuality is a freely lived subject, those who want to live with more than one person are already singles.. In other words, the “This has been with someone since the age of 14-15, he wouldn’t be loyal to me” perspective is wrong.. In fact, it should be “So he just wants to be with me now”. Let’s consider this item not as a difference from Turkish girls, but as a difference from what we think it is.

There are many people in Europe who have children at an early age. woman present. (Photo is from rand.org)

Having a Child

Because it is considered normal to have a child before marriage, it is considered normal to have children in their early 20s. and a girl you think is going to college may have a 2-3 year old child. If we go back to the starting point of this event, in a situation where the girl is pregnant by accident, the girl may decide on her own and say that she will give birth even if the boy who caused it does not want the boy at all and even if there is a relationship that does not continue anymore.. Although she does not expect anything from the man, ultimately having a child may require taking certain responsibilities.. You just became a father out of nowhere

Now let’s see which countries’ daughters are considered together with some features as a general acceptance:

  • The most sexually comfortable girls: British
  • The most sexually strictest girls: Greek, Italian, Spanish (Mediterranean culture )
  • The rudest girls: German
  • The prettiest girls: Hungarian, Polish

You can also state your thoughts and what you want to add in the comments section, let’s see what ideas will come out different from mine

Some of the comments received:

  • Czech and Slovak girls are also very beautiful
  • They exercise a lot and take care of their health.
  • Many have tried drugs, marijuana, or pills at least once.
  • Confident and jealous they are not.

Thanks for the ideas and contributions

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