
Denizli Attractions

How unfair we have been for years to Denizli, where we took a Pamukkale break for 1 hour while we were crossing the road when we landed in the Mediterranean! We wanted to take advantage of the May 1 holiday and remove the list of Places to Visit in Denizli before the weather gets too hot.. But 3 days were not enough to see all the beauties of this city, which hides thousands of years old ancient cities among vineyards surrounded by mountains.. If you are planning a day trip or a weekend getaway, there will be a lot to miss.

Places to Visit in Denizli

Ancient City of Hierapolis

The Hierapolis Ancient City, which is on the UNESCO World Heritage List together with Pamukkale Travertines, is one of the most important places that has survived to the present day despite all the earthquakes it has suffered.. Although the exact time of the first settlement is not known, it is possible to see the remains of the Hellenistic period.. The most striking structure is undoubtedly the Ancient Theater.. I don’t know how it is in the winter, but it was very pleasant to visit during the time we went.. The ancient ruins lost among the greenery, surrounded by crimson poppies, presented a painting that gave us the right of spring.. When you enter here, you can go to the Antique Pool and Pamukkale Travertines, so you buy a combined ticket.. The ticket fee is 35 TL, and the entrance to the Müzekart is free.. If not, you can get the Müzekart from there; Müzekart+ 50 TL, Müzekart 40 TL (student-teacher 20 TL). In addition, double electric motors can be rented at the entrance.. I very much regret that we didn’t do it towards the end of the trip. Since the area is very large, it would be a logical choice to travel with a motorbike.. If you think about it, the price for 2 hours is 50 TL.

Ancient Pool (Cleopatra Pool)

Ancient Pool located in the Ancient City of Hierapolis , formed as a result of one of the endless earthquakes of the region. The pool is also known as the Cleopatra Pool, as it is believed that the Egyptian queen, Cleopatra, famous for her beauty, visited this pool.. There are many diseases that the thermal water feeding the pool is good for.. The water temperature is 36 degrees in summer and winter.

Ancient Pool, although I was a little disappointed due to the hygiene conditions, I must say that it gave me a different experience.. Being crowded prevents you from seeing every part of it easily.. The water is very cloudy as people are constantly on the move.. I think because of the mineral structure in it, the water burns the eyes very much.. So goggles can save lives. The pool is surrounded by cafes. Even if you don’t enter the pool, you can see it from above.. That means there’s an audience watching the pool.. Of course, we didn’t mind, but for example, my mother would say “I can’t enjoy the pool in a bikini while everyone is watching me”. The entrance fee to the pool is 32 TL.. If you are going to enter the pool, you must bring a towel with you.. (Click for detailed information about the pool.)

Pamukkale Travertines

Places to Visit in Denizli Pamukkale Travertines I still think I can’t recommend it to anyone.. As you know, the travertines were seriously darkened due to the thermal water withdrawal of the hotels around it.. Last time I visited, I was shocked to see it blackened out.. When I learned that the situation started to improve after the hotels were demolished and the area was taken under protection again, I wanted to go and see it again.. Yes, the darkening has disappeared, but it has not yet regained the fascinating look that we remember from our childhood.. 90% of the terraces had no water. Still, it’s a must-see for someone who has never visited Pamukkale in their life.

Pamukkale You don’t need to pay an additional fee to enter.. The entrance fee to the Ancient City of Hierapolis includes this place as well.. Entrance to the non-water part of the travertines is prohibited, so you can walk in a very small part of it.. During the day, especially from Antalya, tour buses come and the travertines are swarming with people.. Coming here after 6 pm will at least allow you to appear alone in the photo you will take By the way, you have to take off your shoes while walking on the travertines and the floors are very slippery.. Considering this situation, I recommend you to arrange a bag.

Ancient City of Laodikeia

An ancient city we haven’t heard of much before Laodikeia. Its history dates back to 5000 BC.. However, in the current excavations, we can see the remains of the Roman and Byzantine periods more clearly.. The city has great importance for Christians; One of the 7 holy churches mentioned in the Bible is located here.. As the excavations are still going on, a new historical heritage is being raised every day.. So if you go next year, you are likely to see more ruins than this year.. Columns over 10 m tall are truly breathtaking. It is predicted that Laodikeia, which was included in the UNESCO World Heritage Tentative List in 2013, will soon become one of the most important ancient cities of Turkey.. The most striking thing in the city is the lizards unique to the region, which you can see everywhere.

Laodikeia is located 10 km from Hierapolis.. If you can, it would be a reasonable option to visit two places on the same day.. The point to know here is; Museum Card is valid in Laodikeia but not for sale. The ticket fee for entry without a card is 10 TL.

Kaklık Cave

The most interesting one of the

Places to Visit in Denizli list is a 40-minute drive from the city center. minutes away from Kaklık Cave. Travertines similar to those of Pamukkale are seen inside the cave here.. Intense sulphurous thermal water, as you can imagine, a source of healing. The inside of the cave smells of sulfur, making it difficult to breathe.. Let me describe the smell for those who don’t know; It’s like 5 separate sewer pipes burst at the same time.. There are also enough spiders to give the phobics goosebumps. Don’t think that I disparaged the cave, I can say that I found the beauty I was looking for in Pamukkale here.. Since the floors are very wet, it is useful to go with the appropriate shoes.. The entrance fee to this cave, which you will visit for a maximum of 20 minutes, is 3 TL.

South Waterfall

South Waterfall click on the photos on the internet and immediately I included it in the list of Places to Visit in Denizli. I felt a difference when I saw it up close.. When I went, I learned that; Before, the waters flowed much higher and there was a cave where you could swim in. In 2013, a landslide occurred and a large dent occurred.. The cave is also under this dent.. The view of the waterfall is still beautiful. Especially the view of the road you follow the Menderes River, which winds through the vineyards, is worth seeing.. On the side of the waterfall, there is a nice picnic area and camping area surrounded by greenery.

Pamukkale Winery

I’ve been saying “vineyard” since the beginning of the article, if I don’t bring the subject to wines. it would be a shame. Farming is quite common in Denizli.. In the past, the most important product was tobacco.. The founder of Pamukkale Winery, discovers the local quality grapes in Güney county and enters the wine business. It then distributes free seedlings to farmers in the region.. From that day on, everyone starts growing grapes in Denizli.. Wine brands such as Kavaklıdere, Doluca and Sevilen buy their grapes from here.. If you want to buy wine for half the price of the market, you should stop by Pamukkale Winery. Transportation to the production center in the southern district is a bit difficult, the roads in the district are in very bad condition.. Instead, they said that there is a Factory Outlet in Acıpayam where you can shop at similar prices.

Gümüşsu Waterfall

We stumbled upon by chance while trying to go to Tokalı Canyon. I cannot say that Gümüssu Waterfall is a must-see place.. But if you have 3-4 days to spend in Denizli or if you enjoy wandering around in greenery from village to village, you should include it in the Places to Visit in Denizli list.. We couldn’t get enough of watching the roads of Gümüşsu village, which is reached by continuing from Çivril district.

Akdağ Nature Park – Tokalı Canyon

Akdağ Nature Park, Denizli A large national park, half in Denizli and half in Afyon, 2 and a half hours’ drive from the center.. It hosts many endemic plant species as well as wild animals such as Yılkı horse, pig, fox, falcon and falcon.. The easiest transportation is to go to Sorkun town from Sandıklı district of Afyon and follow the signs from there.. This is the place that impressed and surprised me the most in the Places to Visit in Denizli list.. When I saw the highlands among the pine forests, I thought, “I think we have come to the Black Sea”.. It is an ideal area to spend a peaceful day in nature, away from people, without a phone and internet.

The main purpose of our visit to Akdağ Nature Park is , a beauty that will defy Saklıkent. Seeing the >Tokalı Canyon. We knew we wouldn’t be able to walk the 22 km canyon to the end.. We wanted to go at least to the narrowest point, that is, to the point where the width drops to 1.5 meters.. But because the water was both high and very cold, we had to return from the canyon mouth.. We were so satisfied with the nature we encountered that we decided to come again at the end of July.


* Accommodation in Denizli: After the closure of Booking, we set our eyes on Airbnb. we converted to. We rented a room in the city center because we didn’t want to spend the world’s money on a hotel that we would only use to sleep at night.. We found the terrace floor of a duplex house of a very sweet student who even prepared us breakfast, and we paid a total of 88 TL for 2 people x 2 nights.

* Eating and drinking in Denizli: Frankly, we skipped over the food issue because we spent a lot of time traveling, but of course, we didn’t come back without eating Denizli kebab.. Best kebab shops in Bayramyeri. As a result of my research before I went, I learned that Kocabaylar, Kebapçı Halil, Kebapçı Baki and Kebapçı Mustafa are good at this job.. We preferred Kebapçı Halil.. When we went around 12.30, we managed to sit at the last table without waiting in line, a queue started to form in front of the door after us.. We said 750 gr tandoori and it was not enough. (note: I’m 43 kilos). Two people can easily eat 1 kg.. To give his due, he should drink Zafer Gazoz with him.. Important note here, kebab shops are closed in the evenings and on Sundays.. It’s risky to find a tandoor after 15.00, because it ends.. That’s why we ran to the kebab shop as soon as we stepped into the city on Saturday.

* When to go to Denizli?: In spring or autumn to visit the ancient cities and Pamukkale comfortably, in Tokalı To see the Canyon, you need to go at the end of July-early August, for vintages at the end of August-beginning of September.

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