
Dance of Lights

The northern auroras, known as Aurora Borealis, is the period from October to March when the clearest observation can be made. Although the suddenly appearing clouds often eliminate the image, it is possible to see this natural phenomenon/dance of lights much more clearly when you go within the specified time.

What is Aurora Borealis?

Colorful light movements that occur as a result of magnetic storms in the sun and can be seen at night. The Aurora Borealis surrounding the north magnetic pole and the Aurora Borealis surrounding the south magnetic pole are formed by the interaction of highly charged electrons from the solar winds with the elements in the earth’s atmosphere.

Where Can Aurora Borealis Occur?

Athapapuskow lake in western Canada’s state of Manitoba, NWT Yellowknife shadow and Blachford lake, Yukon’ in the capital of Whitehorse Marsh lake,

Norway Tromso, Alta, Svalbard and Finnmark regions,

Greenland in Kulusuk and Ammassalik and Kangerlussuaq regions,

Iceland Reykjanes Hotel,

Swedish Swedish Lapland, In Abisko and Kiruna regions,

you can watch the amazing natural phenomenon. Nature offers visitors the opportunity to watch a light dance in many alternative regions. If you happen to be in any of the countries mentioned in the list, we recommend you to join the Northern Lights tours.

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