
Cleanliness in Hostels: My Glorious Suggestions

Cleanliness has always been at the forefront for a meticulous society like ours.. Let alone staying at the hostel, even if we go as guests, we are afraid of cleaning.. No germs are allowed in this post I’m starting my article, which consists entirely of my individual experiences, methods and solutions.

Cleanliness in Hostels

If you ask me individually, “Are hostels clean?” I tell you “yes, it’s clean”. Because hostels are practically no different from hotels.. Because according to the perception of cleanliness of most of us, including me, hostels can be called dirty, at least they are candidates for being dirty… What do I mean? There are some things we need to pay attention to in terms of cleanliness in hostels

Hoselimin Breakfast in Morocco / Morocco One of the Countries Where We Should Be The Most Careful About Cleaning

How to Use the Shared Bathroom and Toilet?

I won’t do it like a freshman cleaning lesson. But to summarize, you should give extra importance to your personal cleanliness during your stay at the hostel.

Do not touch unnecessary places in the bathrooms and toilets and minimize contact.. Also, never step on the ground with bare feet at these points.. I suggest you carry a simple slipper for the shower.

I would say the same for the toilet.. If you have the opportunity, clean the toilet bowl and its surroundings with wet wipes etc.. You can easily clean it with the help of the following product and use it afterwards. There is a special article about the use of shared bathrooms and toilets in hostels, which you can find here.

Shared Bathroom of My Hostel in Brazil

Are the Beds and Linens Clean?

Generally, my answer to this is more moderate. Because the bed belongs to us no matter what, and the sheets are washed in the washing machine, so they are clean…

Still, I recommend you to check the sheets given to you after you enter the hostel. Because there is a possibility that it may have been overlooked, check it and it will most likely smell clean.

The bedding area may be relatively dirty.. Because if the person left before you is a bit of a dirty friend she may have left food trash around. There’s not much to do with it, we have to clean it ourselves. Of course, I’m not talking about excessive pollution, in such a case, if you tell the hostel staff about the situation, they will clean it up.

From the Dormitory of the Hostel I Stayed in Kaş

Can I Get Disease in the Hostel?

I think in our normal life, at school, at work, at home. Whatever the risk of infection is, it is very similar in the hostel.. The important thing is to pay attention to the personal hygiene rules I mentioned above.

I have stayed in hostels in 50 countries on 5 continents and have never had a serious health problem. I only had a minor allergy problem in Morocco. I can’t bill it to the hostel either…

From Brazil, Where the Risk of Yellow Fever Disease is at Risk,

How Often Are Hostels Cleaned?

I said that the logic in hostels is like a hotel. Generally, common areas and rooms are cleaned once a day, but our beds and sheets are not renewed.. For such an experience, it is necessary to choose a clean hostel.

How to Find a Clean Hostel?

This is one of the issues to consider when booking a hostel.. In particular, comments and ratings are vital.. I’m not talking about the general score, there is also a special scoring system for cleanliness.

Those who want to find a clean hostel should definitely read this article

Iguazu Falls / Argentina

Majestic Measures for Cleaning

Yes Görkem has individual cleaning recommendations too. The first of these is to use the common areas at noon 1-2 hours in the afternoon is an hour when the rest of the day leave and the new ones arrive.. These minutes are usually the moments when the hostel is cleaned.. In this way, you can use the common areas first after cleaning !

There is also a cover over your bed. You will explore the city all day, who knows what’s going on in that room? You must put your bed at the end of it. It can be touching or even sitting! That’s why I recommend that you cover your bed with a sheet when you leave the hostel during the day.

Finally, the issue of ventilation.. I attach great importance to this… If there is no clean air in the room, all measures are useless.. Especially at noon, open the window of your room all the way, let it air out!

I’m done with the cleaning in the hostel.. I look forward to your comments and questions as always.. I recommend you to review all the articles within the scope of my magnificent hostel article series, have a nice day

Continuation of the article: How to Use the Bathroom and Toilet in the Hostel?


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