
Christmas and Flea Market Images from Vienna

As Christmas, one of the holiest periods of the Christian world, approaches, Christmas Markets, the common tradition of Christians all over the world, begin to be established.. From the second half of November until the beginning of Christmas, whatever you can think of, such as food and drink, souvenirs, trinkets and beads, is on sale in these markets.

When we came across this period in Vienna, the capital of Austria, people When I see them flock to the bright fair-like markets, regardless of the cold weather, I mingle with them.. All of Vienna, children wander around the market called Chriskindlmarkt right in front of the City Hall, where the heart of Vienna beats.

Various kinds of chocolate, mulled wine, All kinds of beers, french fries, hot dogs, trinkets, souvenirs, balloons and interesting accessories to entertain children are on sale at the stands inside the fair.. The barn with giant pine trees and figures representing the birth of Jesus has not been forgotten.. There are also temporary mini amusement park-like formations that are set up during festive seasons here as well.. The “candy house”, which we remember from fairy tales, attracts the attention of children.

I can’t stand the smells at the fair and after I ate the hot french fries well, I return to the hotel to relieve my tiredness.. Our folks are leaving me and going to the Australian Bar to taste different brands of beers.

Schwarzenberg Square

A lot more than its name with the light of the day. we go down to the street to see the mentioned flea market. We take a rest in Schwarzenberg Square, which we come across when we realize that we will not find the flea market with the recipe we randomly received and head in a different direction.

Schwarzenberg Square II. One of the iconic centers of World War II. Representing the freedom of the Soviets, the 20-meter-long soldier monument, which was guaranteed not to be destroyed, was erected to represent the labor given in Vienna on behalf of the Red Army.. Russian soldier II in gold-plated helmet with Russian inscriptions. It makes you feel closely those days of Vienna, which was caught between two fires in World War II.. The Russian expressions written on the walls surrounding the monument have remained the same since those days.

Vienna Flea Market

You can go to the side streets behind the monument and visit the flea market. As we continue our search, we come across an elderly Austrian couple.. When they are sure that they know English, they say ok when they manage to express that the place we want to go is the flea market and it is a different place than the Christmas market.. After getting directions with very pleasant, smiling and cheerful looks, they ask where we are from while offering our thanks.

That’s the moment we wish we hadn’t said.. Our couple, whose facial expressions change with the answer of “From Turkey”, demoralizes us in a short time.. The man must have understood the negativity in us, so he quickly recovered and changed the subject by saying that I had done business in Konya when I was young.. After perceiving the performance of the Turks in Europe on the general Turkish perception, we arrive at Vienna Fleamarket according to the recipe we just received.

Featpazarı Full A Garbage Dump. In the section where the vegetable, fish and butcher section is built and the flea market section is temporary, there is a festive view to the houses.

Toy cabbage dolls, giant duck figurines, inlaid wooden coffee tables, trays, cassettes, marble motifs, dvd and cd’ All kinds of unrelated tools and old items such as leather bags, paintings, guitars, blankets, shoes and boots, clothes, liquor bottles, cameras, frozen animals, plastic flowers are waiting for the buyer.

Top A large number of immigrants who do not look good and who make a living from antiques are trying to save the day.. Our friend Yeşim and her husband, who came with us from Ankara, show the wooden tray they bought for 1 Euro and they will use in the interior decoration of their house, and they say how cheap is it?. Smiling all together, we show the original Elvis CD that we just bought for 3 Euros, and go to the vegetable market, which is my mother’s field of interest.

Turks Make Doner Döner >

We are harassed by the vendors as we pass by the butchers who sell Turkish Doner kebabs and are run by Turks, when we say that the toying system in Turkey has not come here because of God.. Turks take their own systems wherever they go.. Along the corridor we walk, everyone from olives to cheese is shouting for a taste.. As in other European countries, Turks make doner kebabs widely here.

After tasting a strange nut with sauce (Wasabi nüsse), we decide to buy it.. We are walking towards the park where Mozart’s statue is located, trying to warm up by taking our mulled wines from the booth where another Christmas market is set up. considered the center point of the arts. Thousands of tourists come to the country every year just to follow art events.. While the streets and architecture wink at us with the reflections of art and artist; interesting cigarette vending machine located on a sidewalk attracts our attention. Since my sister works in a cigarette company in Turkey, she immediately starts to examine the cigarette vending machine and takes a photo.. The cigarette vending machine is attached as high as possible so that children under a certain length cannot reach it, but it is not possible to control an age restriction here.

Mozart Monument

Art with Mozart statue When we come to the area where the park and excellent architectural buildings are located, we begin to examine the surrounding sculptures.. The cold is still in effect and we are dressed in layers like snowmen, so our visibility is considerably reduced.. Even though my mother often says, “It’s cool here, I can live here”, I absolutely cannot tolerate such a cold.

From the hotel to Nazi Germany’s World War II. Since we had to move quickly to go to Seegrotte, Europe’s largest underground lake, which it also used as the first jet factory in World War II, we take a break from the streets of Vienna and turn quickly…

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