
Chora Museum (Μονή της Χώρας)

I came across the Kariye Museum by chance while I was studying a program used by tourists while visiting Istanbul. It was in the top 10 places to see in Istanbul. Although I had visited all the others many times, I had heard of the Chora museum for the first time. As I researched, I realized that Greek tourists who came to Istanbul for the first time visited this place, it was very important for them and it was actually quite popular, so we decided to go. The Chora Museum is located in a neighborhood in Edirnekapı that still preserves its structure. It was built in the 500s and later on, after the Turks took over Istanbul, it was turned into a mosque and all the mosaics inside were plastered. Fortunately, most of them have been saved and are now shining in their former glory. It would not be wrong to say that the Chora museum is smaller than Hagia Sophia but better preserved. It has very impressive mosaics. Each of them has a story to tell. If you hang out behind the tour guides, you can learn very interesting things or you can learn what you are curious about thanks to the audio guide you can rent at the entrance of the museum. While you’ve come this far, don’t forget to take a tour around the neighborhood, take pictures, and go up on the city walls and watch the view. 

I thought a lot. What should I write about those mosaics? But no matter how much you explain. Best not to go and see. Thus, you will not insult your ancestors by saying, “How did you live so far away from art, such a bigot?” No, it’s better not to go.
The real importance of today is the finalization of the visas. No Amsterdam passengers

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