
Camping Equipment List, How to Camp?

Camping is serious business. Due to the global illness we have been experiencing in recent years, the camp has become a lifestyle rather than a youth enthusiasm.. For those of you who have never camped or camped but still think there might be something to learn in this article, you will find brief introductions and a full list of all the gear you need at a camp.. We prepared the camping equipment list together with Kamptrek guide and founder Erol Geygel.. Let the summer begin then.

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Camping is Serious Business

Camping is serious business, I started this post. indeed it is. When you say “let’s go camping” on a whim, if you don’t have the necessary equipment with you, camping can turn into a torture.. What kind of camp are you going to do, we need to know first. We can gather them all under the heading of camping, from caravans to mountain climbers to pitching tents by the sea.

Camping is also a journey, and traveling is a certain comfort even if it’s camping. should be. This may vary from person to person of course.. It would be an unnecessary burden to carry the whole house just because we are going camping.. Well then, I seem to hear you say what should we take?. I have briefly listed the materials I have taken below with short explanations.. Where to camp? How is the camp set up? What should we pay attention to when camping? My teacher Erol Geygel explained these issues very well with his humorous language.. I couldn’t help but add something in between

Camp Materials List:

  •  Tent: Tent is the first material to be written. What to consider when buying a tent let’s take a look at this. First you need to determine your purpose and how many people you will use.. After determining your purpose, it is up to you what kind of tent you will buy.. You can find hundreds of varieties and hundreds of different prices.. Camping equipment is very expensive in our country.. For this reason, I recommend that you do not turn to very expensive products first.. Because you’ve never been camping and you don’t know if you’ll love it. However, stay away from the cheapest one-floor tents, which we call festival tents.. Maybe you will love camping but hate it because of the wrong equipment. Get something average at first. If you love, you can make your way to the tents in all four seasons.. If you ask what should we pay attention to when pitching a tent, a water-proof tent should be among your choices.. Most tents now don’t get water anyway..
  • Thin tarpaulin for laying under the tent. Don’t let your tent get dirty or wear out quickly.
  • Sleeping Bag: Sleeping bags are also endless. If you say that you will only go camping in the summer, you do not need to buy anything very expensive, but if you say that you will go camping in all seasons, you should choose a sleeping bag with negative degrees.
  • Pillow: You can use an inflatable pillow so that it does not take up space, or you can apply the practical idea of ​​my teacher Erol at the bottom of my article.
  • Mat, inflatable mat, inflatable mattress for those who love comfort. If there will be an inflatable bed, a pump to inflate it.
  • Thermofor: Hot water bag preferred by those who are very cold. You will read how it is used in the following parts of the article.
  • Head Lamp: Indispensable
  • Tent Lamp: Having a permanent lamp inside the tent in the dark saves you from constantly searching for your headlamp.
  • Table: It depends on how many people you are. I prefer foldable and small ones. The less space it takes, the better
  • Chair: You can choose one of these small chairs that came out recently. I still haven’t refurbished my old chairs as they are solid.
  • Umbrella: If you are in a sea camp, make sure to have a beach umbrella with you.
  • Hamock: A material for pleasure. whether or not. Since I am very happy with the hammock, I definitely carry it with me..
  • Camp Furnace: You can’t light fires everywhere. For this reason, you must have a camping stove with you
  • Camping stove is usually affected by the wind and half of the gas is wasted.. You should get the metal plates that surround the camp stoves produced for this.. I did not buy. I made it from a cardboard I found. Be practical.
  • Camping Torch: I don’t know the exact name of this tool. I think this is the easiest tool to start a fire.. You get a very strong fire with the apparatus attached to the end of a tube.. Think of it like a giant lighter, but one that never goes out.. That way you don’t need a man to light the fire. Great freedom
  • Lighter: Always have a lighter that is not blown out by the wind and is not affected by water.
  • Personal clothing: A must have is polar fleece. , raincoat, socks, spare shoes, slippers… This part is up to you
  • What are Camp Kitchen Supplies? (My supplies)

    You need to determine all camping equipment according to your personal needs, as well as food and beverage equipment.. I made a list of my own materials to set an example for you.

  • Plates and dishes: If you are traveling with a backpack, a plate, a spoon and a knife will suffice.. If you are going by car and you are crowded, get ready-made picnic sets.. very practical. I fit my extra knife, small grater, lighter, tablecloth, a small kitchen towel, a small cutting board, a tubular lemon squeezer, and even my two small skewers in those sets.
  • Pot and teapot. set
  • Wire for the grill: If I am going without a car, I put the single wire I bought in a bag in my backpack.. If I’m traveling by car, I take a regular wire mesh.
  • Tongs
  • Thermos bag: It’s for keeping the food I buy cold. If it’s not rechargeable, don’t expect miracles.
  • Salt, spices, tea are indispensable.
  • Auxiliary Materials in the Camp (Recommendations of my teacher Erol)

    My materials are enough for beginners to camp.. My teacher Erol turned the job into a professional. Come to the recommendations…

  • Large plastic boxes with top lids (50-60 cm wide) hold many camping supplies, especially kitchen supplies and food. Fill it in, you’ll be comfortable. There is a Metro in Koçtaş or something.. It’s best to make two separate boxes, a kitchen box and an entertainment box.
  • A good knife is always needed.
  • Make sure to buy nylon wrapping string and clothesline next. Paracord is very good, especially if you know knitting methods like bracelets or necklaces..
  • Aluminum foil is a panacea. Pan, oven, casserole, pot, ehlikef, cooking paper, food thermos, barbecue cleaner, pot, solar cooker, heat insulator, rust remover, scissor sharpener, funnel, wrapping paper, bottle/jar/pot/pan lid, fake fish, repair material, sun visor, bottled gas spoiler, dry match pack, loose battery tightener, reflector, it can happen. It is conductive, non-permeable, incombustible, and durable.
  • If you have a water bottle, thermos or any other material that you always carry with you, wrap it around it with strong gray colored tapes called Duct Tape.. It is useful for both insulation and when tape is needed, its location is clear.. Duct Tape has hundreds of uses just like aluminum foil.. It saves lives.
  • Always have a dry match. You can put it in a sealed gumball box.. Size 0 sandpaper lights the match, stick a small piece of it on the lid of the box from the inside.
  • Spare clothing and underwear. If you bring an extra soft T-shirt, you can put the clothes inside and use it as a pillow..
  • Newspaper paper works great.
  • A little bit of dishwashing liquid is required. You can put it in a small plastic bottle with a wide mouth, in which you can also put a sponge
  • Hat, buff, bandana
  • Not necessary, but if there is room, a small pick, shovel , ax. (to dig holes, carry fire, etc.)
  • A fishing tackle (We headed towards pleasure. Let’s see ;))
  • Ziplock bags help you pack a lot. For example, spices, liquid detergent and sponge, foods, chopped vegetables etc.. Get it a few days before the camp in different sizes.
  • Camp Food and Drink (Advice from my teacher Erol)

    In the food and beverage section, my teacher Erol knew no bounds and gave us very entertaining advice.. I’m just learning many things myself Of course, I couldn’t stand it and I boiled over again…

  •  Get your tableware and kitchen utensils ready (fork/spoon, glasses, small pan/slab, knife, cutting board, spatula or wooden spoon, skewer, etc.) ) Above I wrote one by one what I have in my own bag.
  • Table cloth and a few clean washcloths make you comfortable.
  • Teapot or at least find a teapot. If you’re going to put it on fire, something you sacrifice will be black..
  • Spice and salt are good. Gum boxes with lids make good spice racks. You can fill it in clear straws, takes up very little space. Don’t forget to burn one end of it.
  • Try different dishes that you can’t always make at home (gypsy chicken, fried eggs in whole onions, something on a plate, stew or stew in aluminum foil, kebab on paper, charred onions/garlic/potatoes, sausage/mushrooms/marshmallows etc.). If you eat unhealthy one day, nothing will happen.
  • Don’t forget to bring instant coffee and tea. There’s nothing like an instant tea made on embers when you wake up in the morning.
  • If you want a long stove for both tea/dinner and warming, use sawdust stove or Scottish stoveTry your (scotch stove or laplander stove)
  • If you find a can with a foam lid, fill it with ice and poke a hole in the top for glasses.. Here is a people of joy that will last you for a long time.
  • Don’t eat what you don’t know because it’s natural!!! oh. If you make it very similar to something you know and you absolutely want to eat, test it by touching the pulse area of ​​​​the wrist first, then the corners of the lips, and then the tip of your tongue.. Do not eat if uncomfortable. Take it home to mother-in-law.
  • If you have an orange, take out the orange by hollowing out the hemispherical inside. Put marshmallows in the remaining crust and throw it on the barbecue (you can use your creativity about what to put inside)
  • You can prepare cake dough at home and make small cakes for children in orange again
  • Doritos burns well, kindling If not, think about it.
  • Cotton balls impregnated with oil, gas, or wax (or make-up remover cottons) work great for lighting a fire, as well as a kindling.. If there is time in advance, prepare it and bag it.. Lasts for years. If you don’t have a blowtorch, these methods come into play.
  • Cut off the top of a large onion and hollow it out.. Crack 1 or 2 eggs into the cavity, add parsley, spices and some onions if you have it.. Put the piece you cut from the top as a lid and bury it halfway into the embers.. When the egg has bubbled and popped the lid off, take it out of the fire and never eat it right away.. Smell it, watch it, show it to everyone, take a photo of it, then eat it
  • If carrying eggs is a problem, break them into a plastic bottle beforehand and take them like that.. It will even happen, grate the cheddar, add salt and pepper to it.. I bought a plastic egg container from home textile stores.. It doesn’t break at all in it.
  • Make popcorn in aluminum foil
  • Put chocolate, marshmallows and fruit pieces in aluminum foil, close your mouth well and wait a little above the embers, the chocolate melts.. A super snack for kids and women. If you have it, you can stuff the ingredients into an ice cream cone before wrapping it in foil.
  • Make everything possible at home. Peel and chop vegetables, season meat, beat eggs (e.g. with cheddar and parsley), prepare sandwiches, etc.. There will be a lot of work to do in the camp anyway.
  • Prepare bread or cookie dough at home. Wrap it in a piece of twig (or sausage for example) and cook it on a direct fire.. Definitely try it.
  • Frozen 1.5 liter plastic bottle will get you through for 1 day. Frozen water in the pet is never drinkable, but it helps to keep the food you put with you cold.. Be sure to buy cold thermos bags in big markets.. Even buy a few and put them together, your meat and cheese will stay intact..
  • Place cheese and sausage between the bazlama and put it on the barbecue or on the metal sheet. If you say it’s a mite, try wrapping it in aluminum foil.
  • Punch the pointed side of the egg with a needle and put it in the embers.. Ready in 10-15 minutes.
  • Omelette in a bag. Put the omelet ingredients in the oven bag and throw it in boiling water and that’s it.. If there is no clean pan, this method is needed.
  • Hob-top toaster. don’t say what is this. You know, that metal material that was used a lot in the old days and used for two-sided toasting on the stove, that’s it.. It is very useful. From making barbecue and especially meatballs to making omelettes and toast without showing fire.. Long-handled ones are best.
  • Cut the bananas inside the peel and break the chocolate inside.. Put it on my fire. Cooked banana inside will create a chocolate cake effect.
  • Things to Consider While Camping

    If we have done the material part, now we have come to the part of fixed recommendations to all campers with experience.. How to Camp at least as much as camping gear? What to pay attention to in the camp? you should learn. Here in the article, I immediately give the floor to my teacher Erol.

  • If it’s not a place you know well, you should set up camp before the sun goes down.. Set up camp in a place you can’t see around.
  • In a single-layer tent, there is moisture inside, moreover, it provides less insulation. If you’re going to camp all the time, stay away from the festival tents.
  • If you’re going to bed early in the evening, set up the tent away from the square (where the fire and conversation are plentiful). don’t let it bother you.
  • Drive the tent stakes well, if someone hits them with slippers on their feet, they’re sure to split open. If the weather is very calm and you are not in an open area, don’t bother with piles or ropes, just put the materials in it.. And if you’re uncomfortable, it’s easy to move around.
  • While walking between tents, there are a lot of people who get caught in the ropes in the dark, especially if the head is good.
  • Level the bottom of the tent well. Never pitch a tent on a sloping ground. You’ll be slipping all night and sleep will be impossible.
  • Never leave the tent door open. Every time you leave it open, flies and insects will fill in.. Then you won’t be able to sleep all night.
  • If there is a possibility that there are many tents in the campsite, do not put your car in the tent area because I will take your car to the bottom of the tent.. Besides, you’ll be stuck there because you’ll be surrounded by tents.. It both spoils the view a lot, and someone has to set up a tent on a crooked place because of you.
  • Don’t stay in the car because I couldn’t get comfortable in the tent at night. You will freeze and you will never feel comfortable.. The hood of the car acts as a large radiator, cooling the interior very much.. If you get cold and start the car at night, make sure you complain about the tents.. Be you, set up a comfortable environment in your tent. If you are not sure, go to bed 10 minutes beforehand.
  • If you are going to leave the shoes outside the tent, put them in a bag and seal them. If you are going to put them inside the tent, take them in a bag, or you can lift the bottom of the tent a little and put it under it.. In double-deck tents, you can put it between two awnings.. Don’t wear it without shaking it!!! A spider bit my foot once.
  • The sleeping bag doesn’t open until I go to bed.
  • If you put the clothes on the side (by the bed or something) outside the tent, the moisture leaking from the sides at night will cut them off. wets. Keep it in a nylon bag or hang it where it doesn’t touch the tent.
  • Don’t keep food in the tent if possible. Animals may swarm over you at night.
  • If it’s cool in the morning and don’t wear cold clothes if you hate it, pack your clothes in a bag and a sleeping bag
  • Don’t put your tent in a ditch if there’s a chance of rain, get a little bump.
  • Things such as fires and stoves are not burned inside the tent. If it is Pro, it is different, but never burn anything that will ignite (liquid fuel) things when it falls over.. It can be chafing fuel if you are very careful.
  • If you are very cold and do not have a negative-grade sleeping bag, you can carry a thermophore, that is, a water bag with you. If you fill it with hot water and put it in the tent half an hour before going to bed, it will be warm. It is possible. If you don’t have a thermophor, you can do it with a plastic bottle.. Be careful, don’t burn your hand. sleeping with a bottle. If you open the lid, you’ll get burned and wet.
  • Frogs won’t keep you up at night if you pitch your tent too close to the water.
  • Look at the footprints on the ground and you’ll know if a herd will pass in the morning. Cows don’t stay on the migration route, believe me, they crush and eat everything. I’ve seen them eat the sauced chicken wings with their package.
  • The inflatable mattress starts to get cold at night because the air inside gets cold, especially if the weather or the ground is a bit cold . Better lay a mat, blanket and spare sleeping bag on you.
  • Don’t get into the sleeping bag with thick clothes. If you sweat at night, you start to freeze instead of warming up.
  • Plates, plug-in mats used for yoga are perfect for those who are very jolly and spend a lot of time in the tent.. Lay on the floor cuts both cold and humidity. And it will be soft.
  • You can’t sleep well if you don’t have a comfortable pillow.
  • Setting up a tent near the anthill
  • Carry your headlamp on your head or in your pocket. always put in the same place. Or you search like crazy.
  • Safety, Security in the Camp

  • Safety and precaution are the golden rule in the camp.
  • If you are going to dive into the forest or something, definitely notify someone before you go. Don’t trust your phone. It doesn’t shrink where it should.
  • Never, ever leave bags open. You never know what you’re going to take home.
  • Don’t leave food or trash out at night. Wild animals or dogs come and scatter. Even if you put it in the bag, they will tear. Hang it high.. If possible, put it in a car or hang it on a high branch..
  • If possible, set up your tent away from the cooking and eating area.
  • Never feed the animals around, they will be in trouble.
  • If possible, don’t go to the bathroom after everyone has gone to bed at night. At least someone knows you’re gone. It’s best to have a pet bottle in the tent.. :O
  • Need an insect repellent spray, remember (high DEET). There are many insect repellent recipes on the Internet that you can make at home.
  • Johnson Baby oil also repels flies.
  • Don’t leave your car windows and doors open
  • strong>, you’ll deal with insects along the way.

  • Keep a first aid kit available.
  • Prepare an escape route if there’s a chance of rain goes does not go. A cheap tarpaulin from the tenters will do the trick.
  • Don’t camp where the water trails, the rain that will fall on the top will become a flood, while no drops fall on your places..
  • Hygiene and Garbage Problem in the Camp

    If we learned about camping equipment and how and where to camp, now it’s time to It means that we have come to the rule of leaving nothing but our footprints wherever we go.

  • Take a soap and slice it thinly with a grater (or a fruit/vegetable peeler) and you’ll have disposable soaps. You can also make it into soap powder.. Wet wipes work.
  • Thick and big bags that you can take with you will help you take all your messes home. Don’t bother washing dishes on the mountain if you don’t need it.. You can also do the dishes with wet wipes.
  • Garbage is not buried.. Plastics will not be burned.
  • Anything you can take full can also be returned empty. Don’t be lazy and leave it there.
  • If you are not camping at a resort, if there is no toilet, that is, if you are in nature, dig a hole for the toilet and bury it. Do not do it near water.
  • Garbage bag, don’t forget toilet paper, towel paper, wet wipes!!!
  • I think we can succeed not to throw away our garbage and not to pollute the nature. We can teach our children. Future generations can grow up with this awareness. This beautiful paradise of our homeland deserves to be garbage free. We Turks urgently have to learn to behave in a way befitting ourselves and not to pollute our environment. As I see this environmental awareness in foreign countries I have visited, I see how rudely we treat our own country and I am devastated.. Don’t throw your trash anywhere but the trash.

    My Other Camp posts :

    • You can find my camp archive here.
    • Camp-caravan sites close to Istanbul
    • Camp-caravan areas in Istanbul


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