
Calm Cities of Turkey (Cittaslow)


Cittaslow Cities of Turkey (Cittaslow). In these days when life in big cities is getting harder and harder, people are returning to their natural habitats due to reasons such as cost of living, congestion, endless hustle and bustle, air pollution, a complex traffic, and noise.. In this article, we will include questions such as the calm cities of Turkey (cittaslow), what is a cittaslow, how to get the title of cittaslow, what is the purpose of the cittoslow movement.


I don’t know if you’ve heard the word Cittaslow before. Derived from the Italian words “citta (city)” and English “slow (slow)” and means “Slow City”. With the combination of these two words, the cittaslow movement that emerged in Italy in 1999 begins.

Cittaslow, that is, Calm/Slow City.. Don’t be surprised if you come across a photo of a snail while walking around these cities.. This philosophy, which has adopted the snail as the symbol of slowness as its logo, actually tells us this: Live life at a pace that will be enjoyed, slow down and enjoy it.


Cities that want to earn the Cittaslow title must first act in accordance with the philosophy of this movement and get enough points from the application file submitted to the Cittaslow Foundation.. When this union was first established in 1999 under the leadership of Italian mayors, 53 criteria were considered to receive the Cittaslow title.. With the change made in 2013, some updates were made in the criteria and in order to receive the title of calm city, compliance is currently sought in exactly 72 criteria.. Of course, there is one detail that should not be forgotten.. The sine qua non for being a quiet city is that the population of the city is less than 50,000.

It is possible to gather the Cittaslow criteria under a number of main headings:

Environmental policies

Infrastructure policies

Policies on urban quality of life

Policies on agriculture, tourism and tradesmen and craftsmen

Plans for hospitality, awareness and education

Social harmony


To have the snail logo, the symbol of the Calm/Slow City title, it is necessary to meet at least 50% of nearly 72 criteria in 7 different categories.. The first stop for applications is the city that first won this title in that country.. The first city in Turkey is Seferihisar, Izmir.

Afterwards, an application is made to the International Cittaslow Association in Orvieto, Italy.. If the candidate city can present concrete steps and plans that will meet the required criteria, it is entitled to receive the snail logo.. The number of Cittaslow Cities in Turkey is increasing day by day.


With the effect of globalization, cities work fast, live fast and consume more than produce, have become self-sufficient living spaces. Cities have ceased to be places where people with their founding purpose live together in safety, and have turned into places designed for people to move and work faster.

This lifestyle leads to many diseases such as depression, heart diseases and cancer in modern people besides the cause; made cities unsustainable. Cities designed for people to consume more and go from one place to another faster, separated people from nature and each other and became the only alternative.. The fact that consumption-oriented life does not bring happiness and peace to people, and people’s search for a different lifestyle has revealed the Cittaslow movement in the urban dimension. After that, Turkey’s (Cittaslow) Slow Cities movement started.


A place where people who embrace nature and follow their steps to those of a snail live, Although the places to be tasted seem like a dream, there are cities that can get the title of Cittaslow.. Life in big cities is getting harder day by day. The number of people who want to live in quiet and peaceful cities is increasing day by day.. Calm Cities of Turkey (Cittaslow), Here are the quiet and peaceful cittaslow cities of Turkey…


Seferihisar, the first (Cittaslow) quiet city of our beautiful country, is an ideal city for those who want to spend a comfortable and peaceful holiday.. Seferihisar is a district that has the distinction of being Turkey’s first slow city.. If you look at its history, it dates back to 2000 BC.. Seferihisar is the first county in Turkey to win the Cittaslow title in 2009. With each passing day, this international network has encompassed our country, and fortunately, there are 18 Cittaslow cities in Turkey.


Ahlat is a town in the province of Bitlis with a population of 40,700 in the northwest of Lake Van.. Located 60 kilometers from the city center, Ahlat is also located to the northwest of Lake Van. Ahlat opens a historical page to its visitors with its tombs, mosques and stone bridges.. This ancient city, built on the shore of Lake Van, has a unique view of Mount Süphan covered with snow on one side and Mount Nemrut on the other.. The history of Ahlat, which is perhaps a unique town in Turkey in terms of its historical monuments, dates back to 4000 BC.. It dates back to 1500.


A paradise on earth with its architecture and nature, Akyaka. Akkaya, connected to the Ula district of Muğla province in the Aegean Region, is a cute holiday resort.. As you turn down the Sakar pass, which is 671 meters above sea level, through the pine forests, the colorful beauty of the Gökova plain on one side and the Gökova Bay, the unchangeable address of the blue voyage, on the other hand, will unfold before your eyes with all its splendor.. The lush pine forests surrounding you, the lace-like coves of the Gulf of Gökova as far as your eye can see.. When you leave the mountains behind and turn right, you will reach Akyaka, a real holiday paradise on the Gökova coast.



Egirdir with its lake that changes color every hour of the day. Egirdir Lake, one of Turkey’s largest lakes, offers a visual feast to its visitors with its dazzling view.. One of Turkey’s most important military barracks is located here.. A city famous for its Mountain Commando School and Training Center Command located on the slopes of Sivri Tepe.


Gökçeada, It is a district of Çanakkale and the largest island of Turkey. Gökçeada is the first and only inhabited island in the world, with the Cittaslow title it received in June 2011.. Gökçeada, the largest island located at the westernmost point of Turkey, has become an important tourism center in recent years with its nostalgic houses, natural life, organic products and alternative sports opportunities.


Gerze, famous for its rose gardens. It is a district of Sinop province with a population of approximately 25,000, located in the Black Sea region in the north of Turkey.. The happiest district of Turkey’s happiest province, where the deep blue sea, lacy coves and vast green create music you can’t get enough of listening to; Gerze. Received the Cittaslow title in 2017. Gerze owes this success to its nature, which it wholeheartedly protects, to its handicrafts, each of which is eye-catching, to its local dishes that will never leave your palate, and to the hospitality that warm people await you.


Göynük, one of the rare districts in Anatolia where the Turkish lifestyle continues. Göynük is within the borders of Bolu province, 98 km from the center.. It is a cute town with a height of 730 meters from the sea, established on an area of ​​​​1437 km2 at a distance.. The district is one of the important examples of Turkish life and settlement culture in Anatolia.. Göynük gains importance as a place that has preserved its architecture and naturalness and has maintained its traditions.. Göynük is also famous for hosting the tomb of Akşemseddin, the teacher of Fatih Sultan Mehmet.



The district, located 89 km northwest of Ankara, is adjacent to Beypazarı and Ayaş districts.. Its history goes back to 3,000-3,500 BC.. The examinations made in the caves in the valley of the Kirmir Stream flowing from the north of the district showed that the Hittite civilization existed in this region.. It is the first quiet city in the Central Anatolian Region of Turkey.


Cittaslow, Halfeti district of Şanlıurfa Included in the “Calm City” network by the International Coordination Committee in 2013. Halfeti is a small quiet town that has hosted many civilizations and has historical values.. Halfeti, also known as the “Land of Karagul”; It is one of the important tourism spots with its unique architectural structure, natural beauties and black roses.. Halfeti, located on the banks of the Euphrates, is a hidden paradise with almost 3000 years of history.. Eight months of the year in Halefeti, people sleep under thousands of stars on the roofs of stone houses.


Koyceğiz Muğla is a district. Köyceğiz is a quiet and peaceful town built on the edge of the lake, where it gets its name, surrounded by rich natural beauties and citrus groves.. Köyceğiz District is located at the junction of the Mediterranean and Aegean Regions, at the 60th point of Muğla-Fethiye Highway.. km., within its rich natural beauties, sweetgum forests and citrus groves, it is a quiet touristic town.


Mudurnu is one of the districts of Bolu, 52 km from the city center.. The district dominated by green is very rich in terms of old Turkish houses.. It has a structure reminiscent of Safranbolu with its Ottoman mansions. Mudurnu, with its nature and history, is one of the rare settlements that has not moved away from its essence.


Thursday District; It is a district of Ordu province.. It is a natural bay on the Ordu-Samsun Coastal State Highway at the foot of the Canik Mountains in the Central Black Sea Region.. It is a coastal town. It is bordered by the Black Sea in the North, Ordu in the East, Fatsa in the West, Ordu-Ulubey and Fatsa Districts in the South.


Undiscovered treasure Şavşat bearing the traces of Anatolian settlements. It is a district of Artvin province, at the eastern end of the Black Sea Region.. Şavşat district is rich in rivers.. There are many glacial lakes in the district.. These lakes are relatively small lakes. The largest of the lakes is Karagöl, which is located in the Karagöl mountains and gives its name to this mountain.


With its historical texture striking scalloped. It is a district in the southeast of Sakarya province, 65 km from the center, 200 km from Istanbul and 200 km from Ankara.. There are four seasons in a year in Taraklı District and its surroundings.. Generally, the winter season starts in November and continues until April-May.. Snow falls early and wakes up early. Summers are dry and nights are cold. In winter, there is little snow, but there is frost and frost.. Spring frosts often damage orchards. Forests form the natural vegetation.. The foothills of the mountains and forests are covered with heaths.


Uzundere Erzurum, which is considered to be among the richest biodiversity regions of the world. is a town of. Uzundere Turkey’s 11th. became the city of Cittaslow. Tortum waterfall, which is the highest waterfall in Turkey, has values ​​such as Tortum lake and stream, where water sports such as sailing, rafting and canoeing are performed, and Öşk Monastery..


A geography very close to Istanbul but able to protect itself Visa. East of Kırklareli, 140 km from Istanbul. It is a district that stands out with its historical and natural beauties.. Vize district, 55 kilometers from the city center, is among the districts of Kırklareli that have a coast to the Black Sea. While the beaches and bays of the town, which has a coast to the Black Sea, are preferred in the summer months, it welcomes its visitors for other natural beauties, nature trips and nature sports all four seasons of the year.


Yalvaç, which has seen many civilizations throughout history and welcomed many travelers, is a district of Isparta province.. By visiting Yalvaç, which is perhaps the busiest geography of Anatolia, where all roads and passengers meet, you will have embarked on a rich and enjoyable journey from traditional lives that are about to be forgotten, to precious handicrafts, from historical ruins to the cultural interactions of these ruins to the present day.


Yenipazar is one of the districts of Aydın province. It is located 41 kilometers from the city center.. It is one of the smallest districts of Aydın in terms of surface area.. It was established in the Büyük Menderes basin.. The distance of the district to the sea is about 100 kilometers.. Standing out with its historical and natural heritage, the district has areas worth seeing.

Cittaslow Cities of Turkey (Cittaslow). As you can see, there are many cities in our country that have brought the slow city utopia to reality.. And their numbers are increasing day by day.. I hope this becomes a government policy and we return to a calmer and more natural life.. For more information about Cittaslow, CLICK

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